EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

No chance, its through an agency, so they turn up with fucking clipboards and take pictures :laughing: :joy:
Iā€™m thinking about hanging a 6ft picture of my in speedos on the living room wall, so they get that their next pics :smile:

Iā€™d highly recommend switching to LEDs, saves money on lighting bills, and keeps temps more manageable too. With the right light youā€™ll get a more even coverage as well.
Plus thereā€™s a load of decent LED lights available nowadays at good prices.

I make my own though, sonim not sure exactly whatā€™s considered the best brand right now. Thereā€™ll be plenty recommendations on LED threads on here.


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Well done at making your own.
I can just about wire a plug- and thatā€™s as far as it goes- even that isnā€™t necessary these days as most stuff comes with an integral plug.

Re the Agency - thatā€™s a real pain.
Lol re 6 foot pic :rofl:


Your leccy bill came down?

Who are you with?..Iā€™m with EDF, but on a key meter.

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Weā€™re with Ovo energy. Whoever the fuck that is.


Ovo means egg. The POWER egg.



Score eh?? :wink:


Very impressed, service, price, quality :ok_hand:


What was your cut on those above seeds. :rofl:


Nice stash. :100:

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Non but I really should approach them to be a company rep :rofl:


Iā€™m craving eggs all of a sudden. :egg:


So many small companies for electric & gas- EDF are French- they increased their prices by 4% for French households { French are good at protesting and generally kicking off if companies take the piss} but they increased prices for UK people by about 50%.


You guys are getting fucked.


We really areā€¦ I just donā€™t know why the British as a Nation donā€™t protest more -The Miners did a good job of protesting back in the day- but were ridden down by mounted police.


Thatā€™s the problem with privatisation, should bring it all back into public ownership, energy, water, education, transport, the lot.

A lot the country are still too brain dead to care unfortunately. Comes down to poor education, being able to think critically, and think for yourself.



That pretty much sums up the USA.


I tried to think for myself once but it was really
confusing and I didnā€™t care for it.


I think you are rightā€¦When there was a surge in heroin/methadone use in the early 1990ā€™s in many of the areas where there was once flourishing Industry, it was probably ideal for the governments as it kept people ā€˜Sedatedā€™ and not wanting to get up in arms about stuff.

{That was the opinion of a ā€˜specialistā€™ drugs worker I knew at any rate. Maybe she had a point}

The current ā€˜Oilā€™ protestors blocking roads so people canā€™t get to hospital appointments &c are just pissing off ordinary people.

The French are definitely leaders in ā€˜Revolutionā€™ They seem very organised and French government listen to them!

Increasing pension age? the French get out and protest.

Here, people just grumble {Just like what Iā€™m doing now}

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I ordered a pack of Biscotti fem, a packet of blue cheese and a packet of P. Stardawg.

I was charged only like Ā£12 plus Ā£3.99 postage and then when they arrived, i only had ONE seed from each strain i paid for.

I had ONLY bought x1 of each strain.
I mustā€™ve missed the quantity ā€˜buttonā€™. Lol. !

Anyway I received the x3 single seeds and I got two FastBudsā€™ Strawberry/Banana Auto seeds as Freebies. So it was worth it.
5 fem seeds for Ā£15 , so it was a good score. . :+1:.

I then went back to the DSS website yesterday and bought two x4 packs ,and they have ran out of FastBuds freebies, so I chose 3 free random seeds AND i get the Tastebuds freebies too. Yay.!
This order cost roughly Ā£35 ish.

I think itā€™s an excellent value seedbank. :+1:.

@Esrgood4u ,do you know if the Orange Mooncake is auto or photo .?

I got the other Mac Muffin et al from you, a couple of days ago. Cheers bro . :facepunch:.

Have you anything else still outdoors growingā€¦
Howā€™s the GLo ( @ReikoX ā€™s auto seeds.) doing .?

Iā€™ll let you know what I get when I receive the next order. :ok_hand:.!

Happy growing peepsā€™ ā€¦

Gaz. :facepunch: