EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

Only with eachother. He likes it when I’m being sensitive. He’s just like his mam


@ColeLennon the kelps done the trick again bro. They’ve greened up nicely and are growing fast now. I’ll likely flip next weekend if they seem big enough.

This one’s gonna be a beast.


Been a firm believer in kelp since last year. It’s a win win. :100:


Yeah they responded to it mega quickly. Ive only been foliar feeding them for 5 days. I’ll likely keep foliar feeding until I change the light schedule.
I’m gonna order a few extra bottles to put away as it’s cheap af for the results it gives.
Not having as much luck with the megacrop though. Keeps blocking the autopot lines. Only takes a couple of taps on the float to get it going again but I couldn’t leave it for more than 2 or 3 days without checking.
Hopefully one day megacrop makes a liquid formula for people that use drip/gravity systems.


Gh flora series for your drip or masterblend 4-18-38? :sweat_smile:


I use Ionic 1 part usually but love the growth I see when I use megacrop buddy hence my perseverance with it. The floats sticking is only a mild annoyance as all ive got to do is tap the top and it starts flowing again. Just means I can’t go away for more than a few days at a time if I wanted to. I should just call them “Pots” as they ain’t what I’d consider “Auto” at the minute :rofl:


Upped the power to 400w on the ballast and its showing 477w draw.





Those are looking good bro. Do you supplement the nutrients with kelp also? Besides foliar feed with it?

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Just been foliar feeding buddy. The kelp adds to the floats sticking. All the good things plants love cause issues for me :rofl:
I’ve just now noticed some of the top growth not liking the high ppfd (leafs browning) so I’ve raised the light. It’s my first run with the new stuff I bought so it’ll need dialing in as I go. I’ll get there.


Nice numbers.

How high above the canopy?

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18 inch. The ppfd looks to high so I’ve lifted it higher.

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The new lumii light looks good value for money and honestly the levels are off the charts it doesn’t give honest power levels. @250w it draws 386 at the wall. At 400w it draws 470w. It’s an excellent light and the ppfd is mega high but if I’m honest it’s not as good as it’s made out to be.


Yeah that some big phantom draw.

Looks like it puts off nice light anyway.

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At the minute I’ve got the extension cable 5m from the light to the ballast. I’ll try putting the ballast in the tent and running the extension direct and see if it makes a difference.


One toy I don’t have is a killawatt. I should probably get one.

You’re burning an extra Kw a day just on phantom it looks like.

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I’ll swap the extension round tomorrow. I’ve been trying to keep the heat in the tent to a minimum by keeping the ballast as far away as I can get it.

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Pretty sure that’s just the way those ballasts work. You would probably get a similar draw with an HID bulb.


I’ve no idea how it distributes the power. I just know it’s mega bright even at 250w set on the ballast. The light is brighter than any light I’ve used in the past but the description of its capabilities don’t match up. Don’t get me wrong. If anything it’s overpowered but it doesn’t hit the levels it advertises.

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This kinda makes sense. Led is more efficient hence the higher ppfd and lux??
I should have just stuck with the solstrips?? :rofl:

3 strawberry banana in 3l pots.

100w solstrips.