EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

What’s happening @Shadey?? Been a while buddy. Hope life’s on the up for you.

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Hi man, swings and roundabouts lol.

House reno is going well, just finishing the drywalling in what will be the spare bedroom, still got one more window to put in tomorrow, but have to remove some vynil siding first, thought I was going to get away with not having to do that but as usual as soon as I start removing something you find more problems lol.

Started working out at a gym 4 days a week, 10 weeks ago, really enjoying getting some muscles back on my bones, gained about 10lbs so far and doubled my strength, balance has improved as well. My muscle memory seems to be good so hoping I can pack on 50lbs within a year as well as lose the last 30 to 40 pounds of fat.

Kidneys are slowly improving, had a scan last Thursday for my brain to see if that’s keeping the status quo and staying begnine, should here about that by the end of the week.

I had a colonoscopy 3 weeks ago, found 3 polyps and a tumor in my colon, polyps were removed and no cancer there but the inch round tumor is cancerous, can’t get a break on my health at the moment. Had a couple of scans on my torso, still waiting for confirmation it’s not spread anywhere else, but I don’t think it has, I have no other symptoms as far as they can tell.

I am waiting to here from a surgeon now and go over what they would like to do, which is cut it out.

I am not sure I want my guts hacked up, so I am going to see whether they can tell me how aggressive it is, and if it’s not, try and get rid of it naturally through fasting. Now my kidneys are behaving better I can start some 48 hour fasts again, get my diet back on really strict keto and starve it out, with a combo of CBD oil, sweet wormwood, and fenbendazole, which is a cheap, anti parasitic drug with very minor side effects, that is showing a lot of promise as an anti tumor drug. This should hopefully start apoptosis and switch on the die now signal to my immune system to get rid of it.

If I get no shrinkage in tumor size within 4 or 5 months then go for the operation. Other than this latest hiccup, life is great and I am feeling really happy :smiley:


Buddy that post has me mega confused. I’m unsure if I should like it or not. Hey if your happy then so am I. You’ll beat this shit @Shadey.


Picked up a kg of Mac1 yesterday.

Hard buds with no give in them. Still sticky even though fully dried. Whoever trimmed it deserves a bonus as theyve done a great job. :+1:
Open the bag and the smell fills the house instantly.
I wanna try some but it’s Algerian grown :confused:


Big tent. About 6 or 7 weeks into flower.

Gonna strip some more leafs over this weekend then let them just go till they finish.


Yeah it’s a bit of a dichotomy, being happy and having cancer lol.

Mentally it’s just an inconvenience, as it’s going to slow my house reno down and keep me out of the gym if my attempt to eradicate it with more natural treatments isn’t as effective as I would like it to be and I have to get surgery. Luckily it was found early, so other treatments like chemo, which I wouldn’t use anyway, are unnecessary.

It’s just going to make me even more resolute in quitting things that are not good for my body, like refined carbs, sugar and alcohol completely instead of having occasionally.

The law of attraction works by feeling and believing you have something already, then when your vibration is right, it becomes the reality you desire. Sometimes when you wish for something the universe will create the environment nessacary to push you in that direction, 5 years ago I started the process of becoming as healthy as possible, but was not 100% committed, I would fall off the diet and start back on the carbs and junk foods especially around Christmas.

Now I am 100% focused lol.

I think the stress of having to deal with workers compensation for 7 years after my accident 8 years ago, and having very little money, and also dealing with all the pain from my neck injury has a lot to do with this problem I am now having to clear out of my system. Stress is a big immune suppressor and combined with a high refined carb diet which creates high levels of inflammation, was a very bad combination for my body.

Now that I have started to work out at the gym, I have added the last bit nessacary with diet to get my mitochondria functioning properly as they should, and reduce the inflammation thats messing things up, which will restore balance and health to my body.

Cheers for the positive thoughts man :+1:


Sorry for the late reply bro. You know I respect the hell out of you. You’ve always been around on OG from day one I signed up. I’m rooting for you. I know if anyone can turn things around in your favour it’s you. :v:


Pistils are turning brown and shrinking. I’ll get the microscope out next week I think.
Pictures while lights are off always look better than lights on. :v:

Lights on.


Had to Chop the 2 mimosa plants early as they both threw nannas. I was kind of expecting it happening growing bag seed.

Hopefully the remaining plants are not seeded.


We’re a bunch of sickos here :face_with_head_bandage:

Aiiyah …

My sympathies to you both- won’t bitch about my own but am in a struggle too.

Thank goodness for the weed.


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You ok?

Need to stop seeing this doctor for real


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Really worried about you @Esrgood4u


I think he is still around and knowing that we miss him … :roll_eyes:


Well :sweat_smile: fucker has me searching the death notices :newspaper: so I hope he’s just being a tease & has both hands busy with 2 women



Well I hope he’s ok and back soon. I miss his wit.



I think it was this fella’s.

I reached out via PM on June 28th right after this. I’ve gotten no response.


Well that sucks

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Why do you link to my post? icon_e_surprised|nullxnull

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Didn’t used to go there. :arrow_up: