EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

So Sorry about your grandma. May she rest in peace. ((Hugs))

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I’m cool with it @Meesh it was no longer the woman I knew. She lasted a good 4 years but the deterioration wasn’t nice to watch. She’s in a better place now. Thank you for your concern though. It’s appreciated a lot.


Alzheimer’s got my Gramps in 2007. I feel ya.


It’s rampant in my family but I should be ok as I started medicating myself 28 ish years ago. Bad timing for a joke but believe it or not the woman had the same sick sense of humour I’ve got :roll_eyes::v:


That’ll be the best smoke probably :point_up:, Lol.
I just found a few of your BD x CK seeds - they weren’t stored properly but im sure they’ll germ. ?!
If I can crack a couple I’ll tag you when i have something to show you ,ok mate.

Condolences for your grandma - wishing you better days ahead bro …



May she rest in peace :pray: and sorry for your loss. Hope her sense of humour is the only thing you will have in common, no reason to be a gate to other unwanted circumstances, don’t think about it …


Sorry to hear that man, my mum had altzhiemers for 12 years before she passed. It’s a living death, and I was happy for her when she passed, as she was pretty much a vegetable.

I lost my mum 9 years before she died, a lot of studies show sugar and insulin resistance is the main cause of dementia, as well as lack of movement and exercise. There are several identifiers that show early symptoms and can be reversed with a low carb diet, fasting, and lions mane mushrooms are shown to be extremely benificial.

We are having a quiet one as well, all the in laws family, who normally come, have now got omnicrom, so we gave our 22lb turkey to the brother in law so they can all have it there lol, as the wife is the only one who eats it apart from the dog, but even the dog will throw up if she gets too much. So she and the dog have a chicken now.

@George @Meesh
Happy Christmas to you both, I hope you have a wonderful time.


Seeds arrived today, thank you very much bud :+1:

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Nice one bro. Hopefully I’ve sent you enough that you can pass some around. :+1:

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Yeah there is plenty there, cheers.

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Trichome shots of the sugar cane.
Most are cloudy with a bit amber happening. 1 more week maybe :thinking:


Getting ready. The grow looks great.


Cheers @Hemp. Probably the frostiest plant I’ve ever grown. I recommend people give In House Genetics strains a try. In my opinion for bag appeal alone it’s worth the extra cash they sell for :+1:


Nice sugar.


Small tent
Had to cull the Barney’s Farm gorilla zkittlez. She wasn’t budding properly and I’m not willing to wait any longer. Think the BTTF#2 was shading her too much and it stopped her performing. I now have a bit extra space I can bend and fold the BTTF#2 into as she’s starting to foxtail being so close to the light :v:


I had a few that didn’t make the cut. Looks great. I’m still up a few weeks on my flip. Dreams are funn!!! @Esrgood4u in jealous now. Not coming back lol. Just love Man. That sounded serious. Lol


Yeah the Back to the future #2 has more or less totally filled the 2x2. There is also a feminised seeds Gelato and a slurricane in there somewhere :rofl:


Morning over here.


Small tent
BTTF#2 starting to fade early :thinking:

Feminised seeds Gelato

Anesia seeds slurricane

Full view of the small tent.

Big tent
The Banana kush. Frosty AF but shes thrown balls. Just riding her out now. Not seen any visible seeds but I’m sure I’ll find some while trimming her when she’s done👎

My BDxCK has been the most stable out of all my plants and looking like she will yield the most.


The BTTF#2 is starting to give off a strong smell. Only way to describe is worn wet socks that are starting to dry out after laying on the floor for a week. :face_vomiting:
Not the nicest of smells and it’s quite strong.