Exotic Genetix

Anyone still holding onto any old gear, I haven’t really had any of his new stuff but was thinking about some of his old crosses recently. The original lineup from like 2014-16 were some of my favorites. The old Starfighter stuff, chocolate covered strawberries, green ribbon bx, white knuckles, light saber, captain cook, kimbo, cnc etc. Those where all some great stuff and would love to run them if anyone has some reach out.


Same here.

I just got some a pack of the original release of Milk & Cookies. I haven’t seen those rarities you mentioned. They must be pricey.

Btw I’m doing an open pollination run with these.


I have his Blue Angels and Predator Pink that I plan to work with some of my other Starfigher crosses one of these days. I think these two crossed together would make some nice beans!


I’ve been looking for a pack of Tina for years! One of my favourite smokes . I absolutely love it but I feel everyone is hoarding the old stuff for some reason. I’d even kill for f2’s


That’s what’s up milk n cookies was nice too I will have to follow along on your project and maybe bug you for some seeds down the road when you make more :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I hope some of those packs are out there still and not to pricey that would be a bummer. I would be a little skeptical on buying them germ rates might not be the best on them.


Wow blue angels thats a oldie too never tried that but he did make something similar called blue steel which was the og blueberry crossed to the cube instead of straight up starfighter, and yeah predator pink is killer too that’s what was in lightsaber I believe. Sounds like a cool project brother can’t wait to see what you find you’ll have to make a thread when you do

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Never tried the Tina but heard great things I hope a pack finds its way to ya man :v:


Thank you :pray:t3: hopefully we can all find what we are looking for. There was a bunch of killer stuff in the beginning I’m surprised they haven’t brought back tbch

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… still got some starfighter f3 (LAD-line) :wink:
i guess an increase would be kinda smart.


Yeah I thought the same thing even tried to message him years ago, I know he kept some of those in his private stock so maybe one day he will re release them. It seems like he was making killer stuff was on top of a giant wave started making to much at once and maybe fell off idk just my opinion seems like he gets a good amount of hate now haven’t had anything of his in years but I know all those I listed where absolute fire


So true! I think he just went too far too fast, rode that wave too far. Making a zillion crosses at once always seems to bring down breeders no matter how much help they have. I guess it’s greed driven (I’d like to think I wouldn’t do it ) and lately I’ve heard horrible germ rates (had some myself) maybe if he revisits the old stuff he would get some glory back?

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My only Exotic pack was a freebie from JBC, it’s called Hoe Down, Dosi x Tina I believe.


I thought he had pretty much gone direct with all of his subscriptions and stuff. Dude has crazy passionate followers and they pay crazy money for the boxes he puts together, NFTs and seeds, and all of that nonsense. Pretty sure he has a membership club type of deal. His older packs go for crazy money.

Edit: Was really digging the word crazy in this post. Jeez.


DO ITT! you won’t lol :laughing: that’s amazing man that’s a oldie probably 2013ish I have some cube s1s I’ve thought about tapping into recently but man that starfighter f3 crazy


Yeah I heard that too hopefully some of those oldies people are hoarding actually pop.


That’d be kinda cool!

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The following text is from exotic Mike on another forum dated 2013. I thought the people reading along who might not know what lad stood for would find this interesting

"As everyone knows, i’ve been working with the Starfighter F1’s and F2’s for a little while now. The Originals yielded me 1 keeper Tahoe Alien pheno out of about 15 beans.

So in order to keep mamma alive, I had to do 1 of 2 things. Find the F2 that most represented the mother in as many aspects as possible, and secondly, slap that Starfighter F1 back with the most Tahoe Alien Representing Dude as possible.

i did keep a bigger, lemon alien dawg leaning mother and father of the F2. I did a seperate breed simultaneously with the TA F3 side of things with the same strains that were included with the F2 TA cross. The mother drips wet with straight nose tingling citris goodness. I am very happy with this side of the starfighters as well. The parents have turned out to be a really swell to say the least. I’m going to call this side of the F3 cross LAfighter. In other words, LAFighter will be the name of the F3 cross with Starfighter F3 LAD labeled as the genetics."


Starfighter is such a damn gem!


just checked and i even have alien’s LAD as f2 via t1 … fucking amazing (!)
(… and now i need to re-schedule my whole next year AGAIN !! *LOL * :laughing:)


I won an exotic genetix bobblehead