ExperiMental & Rebel Organic. Mercilessly!

Lovely scene, organics and precious creatures doing their jobAplausos|nullxnull, I had problems with peat pellets and landraces, they don’t enjoy that heavy soil so I switched to this:

Much friendly for the lillies, once more developed you plug them in soil and no problemo … beer3|nullxnull

That video should be adult content! :see_no_evil:


Hello and welcome mate! :man_farmer:

I love reading that!
If you are willing to get your hands dirty, you can count on all my help, because only by doing, you can come to understand.
Also, promoting self-sufficiency in crops is the most subversive task I know of at the moment and it fits perfectly with my clandestine marijuana crops.

If you want, you can take a look at a chapter-by-chapter grow journal where I talked about the basics of organic farming that I do and shared techniques and formulas. If what you see there fits you, count on me to delve deeper into the knowledge.


Yes, I have used pellets and I have plenty of them here, but I got a bit obsessed with them when I noticed that they had prevented the development of the anchoring roots, making them knot up. Now I move the seedlings to the final pot as soon as possible, to work on the expansion of the roots from there.

I am obsessed with root development, I want a very large mouth in my plants, I give them soluble food without mercy.


When you have lower expectations it’s more easy to achieve them … labrat


I’m sorry, I can’t betray myself. :heart_eyes:


Eu non sou fadista, sou realista … exclaim|nullxnull

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Don’t let reality confuse you… :rofl:

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