ExperiMental & Rebel Organic. Mercilessly!

Fall/Winter gaming season is coming up

When you reach September… When the Autumn weather turns the leaves to flam… And these few precious days… I’ll spend with you


I’m starting the Fall/Winter 2025 games… let’s play!

This season I’m playing with three seed teams, and eight strains in total. I’m going to grow in old-school, airy 7- and 11-liter pots.

As I’m just a grower who smokes a lot of weed, I want to take these grows to the extreme to turn these tiny seeds into plants with thick buds… with love, but without mercy. Welcome! :man_farmer:

Landrace Team :orange_heart: :orange_heart: :orange_heart:

Thai: 100% Sativa • Panama Red: 100% Sativa • Afghani: 95% Indica
Wild plants to tame.

Bastard Team :smiling_imp: :crown:

Royal X & Queen Mother Purple
They play at home!

International Team :man_farmer: :man_farmer: :man_farmer:

Jew Gold 1974 by @Pigeonman (Ontario) • Runtz T by The High Chameleon (Barcelona) • Blueberry Super Silver Haze S1 by @ABushOfKush (Michigan)
Many thanks to all of you! :roll_eyes:


@MissinBissin Queen Mother Purple reborn again! :heart_eyes:


Thanks for those details @defharo, they just make it that much more Enticing !!

Queen Mother x Purple Shot !!

And you know how to Launch a Fall program… best wishes in taming the Classics….

And Jew Gold 1974 oh Yeah!!!


Mom was a Queen :joy:


Thank you! Grow and play! Welcome!





The green light flashes, the flags go up
Churning and burning, they yearn for the cup

He’s going the Distance, He’s going for speed! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Stoked to see these all them flourish!


Yeeeees! …Fuel burning fast on an empty tank… Reckless and wild, they pour through the turns… Let’s go!


The germinated seeds have fallen into the substrate.

First I had them for 30 minutes in spring water with a little hydrogen peroxide.
Then I put them between warm, moistened napkins with a mixture of spring water, ormus, gibberellins and Bio fruits. All the seeds germinated within 24 hours. Today, after 48 hours, I moved them into the substrate.

I made the substrate mix light, with various types of peat, coconut fibre and rice husks. I added a little homemade bocashi, biochar and river gravel. I moistened it with a sprayer two days ago so that the moisture would be evenly distributed. I placed the small pots on moistened river gravel.

The pots have a dome to conserve moisture. I usually keep it there until the seed shell falls off on its own.

Before putting the seeds in the substrate I added a little homemade auxins to the hole to promote the rooting of the anchor roots.


Good luck, brother!!!
Those black cups that come with a dome… Are they any good???
I saw them on Aliexpress and found them interesting!!!



These are good, the plastic of the pot is thick and they have good drainage at the bottom. This is the second season I’ve used them. The pots are small because I like to transplant to the final pot as soon as possible


And on the fourth day they came out of the darkness. :sun_with_face:

“Let there be light.” And there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. He called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening and there was morning, the first day… Genesis 1:3.5

Add color to the gray matter :sunglasses:

In crops, there are no flat roads

Well, I woke up Sunday mornin’… Then I washed my face and combed my hair… I’d smoked my mind the night before…


At night, electric light.

I have rescued an old 6400K CFL, just to get by and put in a night light. 22/02H
I am waiting for the last two seeds to germinate to tidy up and clean he grow tent.


Your posts are SO artfully done… And your results truly inspiring. Thank you for the time you put into sharing your passion for this herb with all of us!

The germination info you’re sharing is very timely for me. I’ve been fortunate in the past that all of the seeds I’ve attempted to germinate have opened, and – once planted – they’ve always sprouted and grown like gangbusters. But this time around, I’ve had a bunch of duds. I attribute it partially to the fact that some of the seeds were old, and some were the result of hermaphroditism. I started them in soil that may be too hot too.

But seeing the care that you take with your plants helps motivate me to provide a more accommodating environment for my seeds/seedlings.


Thanks for your comment, for me growing marijuana is a motivating hobby, which I try to have fun with.

Yes, I also have a lot of problems germinating seeds, for several seasons I have lost many, I used to germinate them directly in the substrate, but this season I have been forced to use wet napkins, even so, there have been 2 strains that I have not managed to germinate, I have already lost 4 seeds and the last 2 are now in the substrate. I have little hope.


Each madman with his own theme, simplifying the complex.

This growing season I will continue to try to improve the rooting of the plants.

I have looked at commercial rooting agents and also searched for advanced information on roots.

The logic I will follow will be to use auxins at the beginning to promote the development of the central roots, which anchor the plant to the soil.
Then the secondary and adventitious roots are mainly enhanced (see composition of commercial rooting agents) with Ca, P, Si and Mg and the help of KAZ Humate.

These components are in some of my formulas: Guanamate (Mg, P, K…), Hydro Bones (Ca, P, K) and Hydro SiK (Si, K). I will test these hydro preparations and other plants with Bio Ferments where I have also located the nutrients that compose them. I will refrain from applying soluble Nitrogen to the substrate and will only apply it foliarly with amino acids.

This season I also want to make precision applications with 3 hormones mainly: Auxins, Cytokinins and Gibberellins, since last season I used them a bit uncontrollably and some plants stretched more than they should have and the harvests, although good, have not left me satisfied.


How’s that? icon_e_surprised|nullxnull


Oh how I wish to be a wizard’s apprentice, damn to learn the ways of making wicked plant brews. Really awesome photos, the stickers on the inside of the cabinet door is clever.

Lol don’t mind me replying to an old post.

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:yum: Well, that’s it, I was very stressed and I stirred the substrate too much when I tried to germinate directly in it and the seed didn’t appear. So this season I used the school system of germinating in the middle of damp napkins.
Look, this has happened to me several times with the seeds, the other symptom is that they open, you can see the incipient root and it turns into mush, others simply don’t open at all.