Experimental Simple Hydro Grow

Week 7

EC@1.45 pH@5.6

Those of you with a keen eye may notice some burnt/yellowing leaves from the top view. I’m not too worried about it since that’s probably because I accidentally snapped some stems a couple weeks back and they seem to have healed back now.

During this week anxiety got the best of me and I did some heavy defoliating because it was just becoming a monster of a bush, so much that I had some difficulty doing some LST on it. I was expecting to have it recover in a couple of days but in just mere hours it covered the canopy again… amazing. In hindsight, I really should’ve taken some before and after pictures. Not entirely sure if I did the right thing by defoliating in the first place.

Besides that, its stems and branches are starting to grow thick and strong. pH seems to be rock stable as well. Wish I could check the roots but because the gardening twine is attached to the bucket itself I can’t lift the lid off so I’m just gonna take a leap of faith and pray that everything is going A-OK down there.

In other news, just got informed that my girlfriend’s family is coming to visit on Christmas which is a bummer. That means I have to finish the grow a lot sooner than I expected, so as much I’d like to veg so it can fill out the tent, I’d have to start flowering now. It is what it is :sob: