Experimental Simple Hydro Grow

Week 8

Look how tight those nodes are

I messed up during the beginning of this week. I was supposed to change out the water but I noticed my pre-made nutrient A/B concentrate were contaminated. Admittedly I mixed those ghetto style without any instruments so I ordered some stuff online to properly mix a new batch. In the meantime I thought it would be ok to just add more water, some left over solution and pH it.

Well, lo and behold, I ran into nutrient problems. Judging from the symptoms it was probably a combination of magnesium deficiency and nutrient burn. Decided to pH correct and wait a couple more days but the problem kept getting worse until finally I decided to just make the mix again and swap out the reservoir @1.6 EC. Since then it seems to have rectified all my previous issues and I’m happy to say the plant seems to be recovering.

Throughout the week I did some light defoliating, removing small leaves at the lower branches that I knew would never see the light of day. I’m starting to understand how the branches grow and which parts to cut.

What’s interesting to me is that I only started having problems once I started messing with the reservoir. In hindsight, adding that extra spare solution I had was probably the issue since it increased EC when I shouldn’t have. Lesson learned.

I’m debating whether to flip to flower now or not. Or should I wait another week?