Experimental Simple Hydro Grow

Week 9

Plant is going strong. I did some heavy defoliation a few days back to make way for more bud sites, still amazes me how fast it bounces back. It has started drinking a lot more water and I think I may be refilling the reservoir every week or so now. At this point I don’t even check for pH anymore except for when I do a reservoir change.

This week is when I finally switch to flowering and putting in full strength nutes. Hoping for the best that this will flower without herming.


That plant is kicking ass, any updates?

It is with great grief that I have some bad news. In short, the plant died.

I went out on a business trip and the plan was that I was going to be away only for a couple of days. Unfortunately I came down with a fever and couldn’t travel again for a while. As this was a stealth grow, I had no one I could trust to watch over the plant while I was away

By the time I came back, the reservoir had run dry and the plant shriveled up. It was at the point of no return :sob:

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t super frustrated since everything was going so well for my first grow. But after a bout of depression I realized at least I learned a lot during this grow and I’m somewhat excited to try again.

For the next grow I’ll be doing a more robust bucket design and I’ll be adding timelapse videos so look forward to the next one!

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That sucks to hear, but can’t say I haven’t been there before. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for your next grow. :eyes:

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You didn’t mess up at all if you learned during the experience…and by the looks of your journal you did great and I’m sure learned along the way for your next run

You got this …now you have some experience…so you will ROCK the next one!


If anyone’s interested, I’ve started a new grow journal here.