FacetiousEd's First Cut Rate 2x2 Tent Lighting Issue.

Hey OG, I’m finally back after introducing myself…So I recently started my first indoor grow in a 2×2 tent and some light I was gifted as well what I thought was a good addition (since it has white light) but when my timers off I still get a dimly lit light. I don’t believe it’s a timer issue because my second light isn’t having the same issue. Am I fucked here? Should I just use the light for veg or return it? What do I do here guys? I don’t really have the money to buy a new light for this space and I’m really trying to cut my medical costs. 60 an eighth is rough.

I remember @ReikoX telling me you guys like pics so here are my babies currently unhappy as hell. They are bouncing back after high temps and pH issues (I think).


Does it do the same thing when you unplug it from the wall if not, it’s a timer issue.

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Yeah it goes out when unplugged. I really don’t want to have to sink the money into a timer when I’m saving for a decent light… Oh well I guess I have no other choice? Lol. It just drivers me mad that it doesn’t have the same effect as the other light… Too bad they’re not autos, then it wouldn’t matter lol

I would say just let it go for veg. Once it hits flower that’s a different story tho . What’s the other light? Can I ask why you have 2 lights on one plant ?

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It’s actually two plants… But I’m using two because I don’t know anything about the blurple light. It was gifted to me by my cousin. I got the smaller one because I thought it would help with the overall spectrum for the grow.

Most likely the light wired incorrectly on the AC side of things. Cheap timers turn off the load, leaving the neutral active.

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Does the light not say anything on it ? At this point of the grow you can get by with just one light. you’ll have to upgrade in a little tho once they get closer to flower. Depending on how big you wanna go of course.
Is this your only tent ?

That would explain it. If you were in my shoes would you get a new timer, or wait it out and buy a new light come flower time

Also I wouldnt put 2 plants in the same pot. It’s possible of course but they may end up fighting for nutrients

I would take the other light out. Let it ride for a few weeks until you can get a new light then do that.

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I wouldnt trust a light like that. Go with the one and get a new one later like @Beerus said.

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That’s a bummer. Wasted money. But lesson learned I suppose. Guess I could always hang onto it for when I can expand and get a veg tent.