Fantasy Island parking garage (Parking for Fantasy Island family members only please)

Cool lets make this happen.

Hey @PCC5rivers is that your current list of plants?
Dam fine list on any account. :exploding_head:

It is yours, just might need some grow time on that one.
I cloned the mothers to keep things small, I do not have a big area. :pensive:

I may have a rooted cut, I would have to walk down and see.
Maybe I willā€¦Monday night football has commercials.LOL
Back in a flashā€¦


So @PCC5rivers I do have 2 cuts, one for me and one for you.
It is currently in a 1 gallon, but it has small roots, I could put it into a cup and get it out to ya.

I would need to ask for shipping costs, please.
Send me a PM if you wanna talk about it.


That is awesome, Iā€™d be happy to cover shipping. Iā€™ll hit ya in the DM.

And yes, the list above is my current stable of moms. Happy to provide cuts.


Quite the garage/stable full indeed! :+1:


Ohhh shit! For some reason I thought @Bobgrows was a Canuck.

Scratch that @Bobgrows hopefully that bridge get assembled soon lol


Nope Iā€™m just across the river.
Take the ferry across. They donā€™t ever check too thoroughly. Lol
Iā€™m right outside of town. @Kushking902


@ifish I will send you some Bubba Kush seeds!:v::green_heart:


Just kidding here of courseā€¦
We could all take that float down the St.clair river together.
Then the Canadians could float back over to the CAN. :canada: side and we could float back to our side. :exploding_head:
Both sides of the river are so very close right there.

If weed were truly free, we could just send em a tube full of cuts floating across and be done. :yum:
I just wanna send someone a plant, why do they have to make it so hard??? :grimacing:

Video for reference only, we did not go this year like I had hoped to. :pensive:


Iā€™ve come up with these clone shippers. Which work quite well, I must say.

My method was I treated with JMS , waited 2 days. Dunked in a peroxide water solution. Such in mailer and mailed. Purposely sending in a long weekend to see if it survivedā€¦ and it did and is thrivingā€¦

These are the mailers and can be personalized.


Patent that fast Great idea


Very very nice, any plans for a multi-pack shipper?

How many days?
It took 5 days to get to the northwest of the country.


Mailed on a Thursday, he received on Tuesday. @shag

We can make the box to fit 2 clones. But I donā€™t think Iā€™d put more than 2 in it.


Are you still interested in the Bubblegum?
She has been in low light but I think I can cut a few now.
I may have some unlisted cuts available too.
If I am sending you something, might as well fill the boxā€¦LOL

You can hit me up here, or on the island or even in a PM if that is better. :star_struck:



@shag this is an amazing idea man. Truly brings back all the times I lost the last cut of a favorite strain and it was gone forever. This can hopefully always keep those winners alive somewhere on the island! So many delicious sounding strains available too. When I clear some space I might grab a couple and look for someone to take a couple of mine!

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To who ever got the Albany headband cutā€¦

This was the feedback I got from a guy who lives in PA. USA.

"Why didnā€™t u tell me that bubblegum cut was a outdoor monster I got almost 4 pounds off one an didnā€™t take much effort!"

Really Good tasting weed too!
And any others.

Still got em if anyone in the family needs one.


Would love to put it in my outdoor grow next year.

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The headband is going to be one of the first to get replaced with something new.
Not necessarily better, but you have to run em to know.
I should have it for a few more months still.
Even if I donā€™t have it, I hope it will be still able to be found somewhere.

I have sent the HB a few places and I want to send it to a few more.
This way it will find a home somewhere it is loved, like a good dog.

If itā€™s in a home where it is well loved and if itā€™s well loved it will be well cared for.

That is my vision of PARKED.
Like a foster home for clones.
It may move on one day but it will be cherished while it is there. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thatā€™s how I am with my Ice Pie. I got her as a mom ready to retire, took a cut, flowered the mom and have had her for, i donā€™t know how long going on 2 years? Sheā€™s in a4x4 monocrop and fem seed run.


Looks like she will have no problem filling out that tentā€¦ :grin:
The headband is a bit lanky for a 4x4 tent.
Probably why it does well out doors.

I will come back with the name ect.
I am pretty sure it is purple urkel x alaskan thunder fuck
But I just realized I have a cut of this too.
I can not guarantee it will come out just like this, my buddy is a very good grower.
I have yet to grow it out.
If you are interested, place your order and I will get one out to ya when I can.
Currently, the plant is 1 foot tall and in low light.
