Fantasy Island parking garage (Parking for Fantasy Island family members only please)

Where’s the line start?! That looks awesome! Hats off to your buddy!


I will put you first on the list for this one. :star_struck:
It may be a couple of months here, but you are first on the list.
If you see anything else you may like, we can put them in all the same box to save shipping.
I should have several more up and coming very soon.
I was expecting some new cuts to come in but that has not happened as of yet.

If anyone has anything to offer up to the family please feel free to do so here or on the island.


I would like those as well @shag .
Clearing my cloner… I have clones of Monkey Slapz and Lavender. Must pay shipping. If you want it in a clone box that’s extra.


Ok, @Bobgrows you are on the list for this now too.
You are close, I can probably hand drop one to ya after the new year, but I fear it will be too cold for shipping.

Those boxes are pretty dam cool and they are reusable, they can be reused 100’s of times.

If anyone needs one or more of these clone shippers contact @Bobgrows to get yours today.


That would be cool. After the New Year we can meet up and exchange. :v::green_heart:

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This is such a cool idea totally in the spirit of this website.


Thanks, I hope others feel the same.
Come on over to the island thread and join the family.
If you like to be a bit silly, please join in on the island fun.
No real rules just grab a spot of land, start growing and help out the family any way you are able to.

We all have our talents. :star_struck:



Ice Cream Cake is in the house! :partying_face:
This one has been given it’s test run in a 4x4 tent.
The pics don’t quite do her justice but will give ya a pretty decent idea of what she finishes like.

Ice Cream Cake
Roughly at 7 weeks.
I feel my next run will be even better, this run I had some deficiencies that never fully corrected.

Same cut, I think this one got more light, not a pointed top, more of a dome top, kinda chunky too.

Group shot for scale.
The yellow plant is not as yellow in real life…LOL
BTW…that is Karma’s Sowa…Tony Green cut.
I messed that one up pretty bad, the other plants were being tested too, they were just not fed the right way. :upside_down_face:
I fed them all the same thing was the real issue, the ICC liked what I gave them, the others not so much.


Great job on those beauties


Thanks, when the weather breaks I have a plan to float one across the “D” river in a raft where it is very narrow. :shushing_face:
Watch for details come spring time if you have the interest.



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Those look phenomenal shaggy! Very well done :smiley::+1:

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Thank you very much, there is room for improvement.
Truth is she is really easy to grow, even a caveman can do it.


Say what haha


Sorry @Kavman
Geico said it was cool to say that. :star_struck:
I will watch my tongue…LOL

The kavman house right now @Kavman :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


So how can I participate I am interested in try to grow from something other than a seed. Try to expand my horizons.

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I am sorry to inform you, this is for Fantasy Island Family members only.
For reference this is the island’s motto:


Sorry I did not mean to intrude was just looking around as I am new to OG. I am a big Scooby-Doo fan and it kind of reminded me of some of those movies if you have ever seen them. That is great you have this island thing going on. Maybe I can join in the future, if you were to consider me.

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Is there room in the garage for a 60’ Hummer?

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Well that depends…how does she smoke, probably kind of oily…LOL

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