Fantasy Island parking garage (Parking for Fantasy Island family members only please)

such a great thread, ill have sum here when they get big enough, ill share cuts with 2-4 people, i wish i could do more, ill get a list when they are big enough and how many cuts i get off each, if the people who get them want to share further than that there is what it is about


@shag whatā€™s the best way to send a clone? I have one that just rooted in a solo or I can take a fresh. Itā€™s Bruce banner #3 itā€™s thatā€™s something youā€™d be willing to take in.


The best way is rooted in a rockwool cube inside a plastic shipper.
That tip thanks to @avr1

Next best that I have found is a very dry empty bottled water with a lid.
I have had issues with gatoraide ect, but I may not have washed it properly, that is why I suggest a water bottle, no contaminants.
I am told they can last 5-7 days that way without too much issue.

As far as taking anything in, I thank you kindly but I am almost completely shut down here right now.
I will fire back up come fall, but for now, I will have to pass.
Thank you very much for the kind offer.


@Neb knowā€™s how to also.
I havenā€™t seen him in a minute. Heā€™s a pretty cool dude. I thought about getting so Iā€™m in the mail. You canā€™t trust the mail.


Yea, good old/young @Neb :rofl:
He is a very cool dude! :sunglasses:

Where has that guy been?
I think he has a little family now if I remember correctly.
I wonder what he is up to right now? :thinking:


I think he started doing stuff on his own. I do like that young guy. He works pretty hard I do know that. Heā€™s got a very tough job.

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If you get ahold of him invite him to the party. :sunglasses:
He lives close enough he could drive there in a few hours.


Whatā€™s this I hear about a party :thinking:

Iā€™m moving into a new house on Monday and have just been really busy with life is all. Loaned all my equipment to a friend and taught him how to grow :wink: When I have a spot for it Iā€™ll setup my own grow again.


Congrats on the new place brother.


To tha eaaaassst side :+1:

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Hey @blendmedmedman how are ya?

Not to be rude, especially to someone offering up some free goods. :star_struck:
But I must inform you this thread is for Fantasy Island Family members only.

With that said, you have some pretty good street cred around here.
So I would like to ask youā€¦ā€œwould you like to become a family member?ā€
Check it out and tell me what you think.


You are good @hemp, as long as you are family you get an all acces pass to whatever we are able to offer.
But these offers are for family members onlyā€¦Please. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Dishwasher always on the bottles it will wash and sanitize them! :partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Iā€™m not sure 100% at this moment. I hurt my hip today. I have and always wanted to be part of the weed community. I have over the years. I didnā€™t know or fell safe about getting seeds . Always trading clones. Country roads and guns. Lol
I never liked that part of it. Grass is free.
I know I would have a blast. I hate to feel like Iā€™m just sitting there alone. I would love to let the world know who I am. I have fought for the right to grow homegrown. I have moved and voted for medical in 3 states. I feel cheated that my own doesnā€™t do anything but fatter theyā€™re asses. The cash market is a complete with crooks that line their pockets with cash and then tell how the weed markets have failed. I was hoping after these past few years it would change. It seems the more we get the more they take back. I havenā€™t given much to the OG community. I was a sponsor for a while. I still feel like I am. This will be my last year. Iā€™m worried I wonā€™t slip up. Sometimes itā€™s good to take a break.
Love you @shag one love I would not have a problem going with a member. I would dare or not bring anybody in, especially if I didnā€™t trust them. My trust does not come free. Iā€™ve had to look at each and everyone of you to figure that out and who to trust. I trust you.


yeah man sign me up, it sounds like a fun spot for sure


Probably too new to post here, and I certainly dont have an invite yet, but Iā€™ll go ahead.

I searched on here for Harry Palms/Bloom Seed Co and this came up and I saw Strawberry Guava was (hopefully still is) around.

Iā€™d gladly trade for that cutšŸ˜‹

Sorry, but she is now gone, I am currently shut down but hope to fire up in the fall.
I wish I coulda parked her somewhere before doing so. :pensive:
Sorry I can not help ya, you seem like a solid dude. :star_struck:


To the DE Luxe apartment in the sky!:rofl::rofl::rofl:
@shag that will be great you get up and running Iā€™m holding a few cuts Iā€™d love to add!


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