Fantasy Island parking garage (Parking for Fantasy Island family members only please)

Diesel exhaust


As long as itā€™s sourā€¦


This one is the extremely rare and highly coveted sweet diesel.

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Thatā€™s because of all the molasses in the tank

Thatā€™s what diesel IS

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TIL what Diesel is.

I swam here from the OG mainland, but I better stowaway on the ferry back, before Fantasy Island security catches me here.


Lucy is pretty alert! Not sure if she is bribable


Too late youā€™re busted.


We have a @Yetigrows but no bear, we had a few that showed up Bareā€¦LOL
Grab a log and swim on over, we would love to have youā€¦in our zoo. :astonished:
Really the whole island is a Zoo, so no bars or anything. :rofl:
Well, we do have a trim jail, but I try and stay out of it when possible.


We have a lounge, kinda like a bar, but better.


This is great i donā€™t know how I didnā€™t realize we had a parking garage :sweat_smile:

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We do, but the idea has taken off slowly.
Some of the blame falls on me.
I sent some clones out that did not survive the trip, but it was 5-6 days in the box.
I grabbed some cool cuts from friends outside of OG but neglected my grow room due to a house guest living in the vacinity of the grow area.
So currently I have got nothing to offer.

I did pass out several different cuts to some family members but I do not know if they still have them.
All of them were passed with no obligation.
So the moral to the story isā€¦
The parking garage is currenly empty.
If anyone would like to make something available to the family that would be helpful at this point in time.


Hope to get an invite to that island of yours soon. Cooper Morgan and I

I patiently await that invitation


I cut all my mom back to stubs recently , in a month or so I can offer some if anyone is interested in what I have


All Rottweiler are highly motivated by food and treat train very well, so bribery is always on the plate or in the bowlšŸ«¢:flushed::thinking::joy::sunglasses:

But usually end up in their mouths cause we are all suckers for that sad look they give you with the 12ā€ drool hang down! :joy::joy::joy::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


I have plenty of clones,ā€¦ but I doubt they arrive there aliveā€¦
It will spend almost 15-30 days in transitā€¦

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Calling out to the Island fam, I donā€™t have a list so hey @Shag how about a shout out?

My Littles tent will be getting a trim which means, Iā€™ll have cuttings! Now, Iā€™m not loaded by any means so at 10.00 usd shipping Iā€™m going to need some assistance with the expense, BUT! Iā€™ll have cuts of Humboldtā€™s Lemongrass, Buddhaā€™s Cane, Ice Cream Cake, and there are more Iā€™m just not sure on how they finish, or if theyā€™re girls yet. Iā€™ve finished those 3 at least once and they are worth it, the unlisted are from other OG members just not necessarily Island residents. Iā€™m pretty sure cuts wonā€™t make it out of the US, so I apologize to my international family members. Although if youā€™re willing to cover the costs Iā€™ll try to send them. I have noticed that if it takes more than a few days to get to someone they(the cuts) will go through a partial reveg so donā€™t be surprised if theyā€™re a bit slow to take off.
Iā€™ll add the unfinished strains once I know what they areā€¦ again. I know Iā€™ve got a couple Grape Stomper crosses and Iā€™ve got Dr. Blazeā€™s ā€œMac 1ā€ (Iā€™m still trying to get my hands on Capulatorā€™s). Iā€™ve got Aussie Bastards if anyone is interested, one is even a triploid, but itā€™s a dude, I think. Iā€™m a small grower so I canā€™t take/ send hundreds of cuts but I can cover a few of us if were in need/ wanting.


I have Mac1, Caps Cut. I just sent out the clones I had. I will need to take more in a few weeks. But if youā€™re interested, you pay shipping when the time comes. @joheimgrohen


That would be most awesome! Youā€™re in the US right? And those clone shippers look legit! Just let me know when, Iā€™ll raid my mad money stash to get it.


I just wanna make sure Iā€™m signed up. I was trying to find information.