Farm boy problems... Rice/granary weevils

Soo I found a weevil on my counter today by my bag of potatoes. After a little hunting I found an apple that had a few weevils in it, so out go the potatoes and the apples. Problem solved… nope

1hr later they are all over the cabinet again. Wtf?!?! I dig through the pantry nada.

Start the hunt, fuckers are everywhere, on the celing, in the carpet… where did you come from??? About this time my wife perks up, “what about the deer corn”… WHAT DEER CORN?!

“I got a bag a while back to feed the deer it is in the wash room closet”. This just so happens to be the closet my room shares a wall with. I blaze through the house to the closet throw open the door and there they are. Easy 10-20 weevils on the outside of the bag. Snatch that dude up and run outside. Throw it in the can and OMFG there are 1000’s of these things. They are the bag of corn, not sure there is any corn left in the bag. Good god !!

So I throw down some DE in the closet and start spraying hotshot kitchen insect killer. It’s working…kinda.

I have never tried to rid myself of weevils as they were just in the hay house and the barn. Now they are in my house and a few feet from my grow.

Question #1. Will they attack my plants…?

Question 2. If the answer to #1 is yes… what should I do?

Kinda freaked out, I have never seen a bug in my garden, but also till today I had never seen a weevil in my house and I had 1000’s.

So are they not going after my garden?


Closely examine the foods these insects prefer to eat: whole grains, seeds, rice, nuts, dried beans, cereals, corn, and other such foods.
I’m no weevil expert but I would think your fine
Check your seed bank and already dried smoke if anything hahaha

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little m’f’er. :hammer:

i made some pancakes that were weevil’ly when i was about 13. heh.



Seed bank lives in the icebox, so we are good there. Tomorrow i clean the pantry.

Funny the wife says im freaking out, “Woman you did this… Dont even”


I have dealt with vine weevils. The larvae will eat fuck out of your roots. The adults your leaves and flowers. No good those bastards


I am 100% sure these are not vine weevils, i have rounded up a few 1000 for closer inspection. Nasty little buggers


a few thousand? you can make your own bug spray! you blend those fuckers (literally a blender) with water & spray the plants…the theory is you’re spreading bug disease and a repellant…

i mean… would you approach an area sprayed down with gore & body-part puree’? (if yes, please don’t reply hehe)


It was a 50# bag of corn that had been in a closet for a few months. When I opened the bag outside it was alive.

I don’t think I wanna smoke that pesticide either.


After you did that, did the weevils wobble and then fall down?:smirk:

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Well actually they all kinda froze, then wobbled and fell down. Lmao

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