👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

I did another soaking of Safer’s End All for the vegging plants in the MedCab as I don’t want fuckery going into the winter months so I’m being over cautious. I haven’t seen anything since last spraydown but that’s how they get you hence the soaking.

The plants were still a little wet from their washing after spraying so these pics are with the camera flash.

Top row, left to right: Cap Junkie S1, Bubba Kush: MBC 1/2/3, Jew Gold 1974 "Mom"
Bottom row, left to right: UK Cheese 1/2, Bubba Kush: MBC 4, UK Cheese (Cups) 1-5

They are also filling in to the point of questioning if i even did defoliate them last week :rofl: .

Since getting my H0Cl generator on Thursday, I’ve already used it 6x and keep figuring out uses for this stuff so I’m rather upset with myself that I took this long to get it!

From spraying down the outdoor plants to cleaning inside the house, and now I’m adding the 400ppm H0Cl to the ΩPot 2.0’s reservoir at a rate of 1ml per Gallon as a home-made version of Floraflex’s Root Drip! :heart_eyes:

They are very happy and as of Sat Sept 16th they are now on DAY 1 OF 12/12!!

About 2 weeks left in here for the Buddhas Cane S1 and the 2x Bubba Kush: Matt Berger Cut plants. These plants went yellow on me a while back and haven’t changed but the leaves in the bud sites are nice and green.

I’m 100% “meh” about this and moving on. :man_shrugging:

Back Row, left to right: Buddhas Cane S1, Golden Tiger S1
Front Row: Bubba Kush: Matt Berger Cut (both)

The Golden Tiger is gonna need another 4-6 weeks after the other 3 are done and will be moved upstairs into the seed-run 2x2 as I need this 4x4 for the upcoming Bohdi’s Yogi F2 → F3 seed-reproduction run for the Spring 2024 co-op box! :joy:

Here’s some bud-porn for the BK:MBC “golf balls that are equally as hard”.

Have a great day folks!!! :v:


I’ve had some success with endall and a soaking in veg is probably a good move.

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Yeah Endall is now my go-too since other stuff that works is no longer accessible in :canada:, or not without paperwork I can’t get personally.

50ml of endall + 1000ml of tap water: Soak the plants throughout, let drip dry, HOSE the stuff off the leaves after drying with tap-water and a hand-pump sprayer, let that drip dry, then back into the tent for a few days before doing it all again…

I figure about 3 times should totally break the cycle and I’m gonna start flushing with 1ml of 400ppm H0Cl per 4L of filtered water to aid in root maintainence. If anything it’ll kill off anything that feeds fungus gnats so this generator will be additionally useful with my air-pots!!!



I just leave it on.

I can’t remember how many applications I did but the whiteflies decided not to live there anymore.

If the HOCL is what it’s cracked up to be it could be a game changer.


So far i’m saying it is. Thurs evening there were PM spots all over the Buddha’s Cane outside; I hosed it down with the generated H0Cl and the next day I searched and searched and searched and found… NOTHING.

Yesterday I defoliated this plant about 1/3 of the total leaf matter turning it from a green bush to a series of stacked branches. I did inspect the plant before spraying it down to pluck… and even though it was 2 days since being sprayed: STILL NOTHING!


Always awesome @Pigeonman !

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Just started something new! While this thread will get updates about this seed run too i’ll be mostly updating on this thread with the Yogi co-op run!




@CanuckistanPete I’M MAKING THIS A T-SHURT!!!



I knew you’d appreciate it!

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That pigeon looks like it’s going to shit a brick



They’re getting Florakleen to soak up what’s left in there :wink:

Up close:

Hubbabubbasmelloscope S1 (Larger plant):

Hubbabubbasmelloscope S1 (Smaller plant):

Blood Orange Haze S2:




Holy Carp these seeded autos got Kodak Yellow nice and fast in 4 days!



Up Close:

Hubbabubbasmelloscope (Small):

Hubbabubbasmelloscope (Big):

The BOH is frosting well though not eating itself as fast as the HBSS plants.

Blood Orange Haze S2 (rife with BOH x HBSS)


Downstairs the Jew Gold 1974 plants are now into week 1 of flower. I need to change the reservoir but have a busy Saturday so it’s gonna have to be Sunday first thing.

The 2x4 MedCab holds all the happy vegging plants growin’ out their new leaves.

Jew Gold 1974 Mom:

UK Cheese “Mini’s”:

(@Foreigner , look a freaking Yogurt cup! I hope your happy I used it.)

Finally the 4x4 is more autumn than autumn! :exploding_head:

Golden Tiger S1 (Top Cola):

Buddhas Cane S1:

Bubba Kush: Matt Berger Cut:

If you haven’t been following the Bohdi Seeds Yogi F2->F3 Co-op Seedrun you’ll know that 7x of 10x seeds are doing well, and that 3x more have been started. :ok_hand:

Have a great night folks!

:grin: :v:


How long till those top pictured plants are finished they sure went yellow quick . Maybe they were still hungry?


they are told to be 70-80 day plants and we are seeing them on day 75.


I doubt it. They’ve been heavy feeded a mix of flower and veg nutes to beef the seeds. The last week’s florakleen would have pushed it to eat itself faster but seriously never seed it this fast and TBH i actually rather love it! :wink:


What’s the microscope say?

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Your bubba Kush looks dangerous

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:microscope: = don’t matter to me; this is a seed run. It’s just dry sift or a soak sift after I let it dry to fuck, dust it all, cyclone-seed-separate and then pick out the duds. :ok_hand:


thank you @ShiskaberrySavior ! :blush:

The pic with the multiple nugs branch was pollinated with @DougDawson 's gift of BOGs Blue Moon Rocks pollen.

I hope to get something from them to work with because “BuBBa Blue Moon Rocks Kush: Matt Berger Cut Cocktail Hour” may be a long name but it easily acronyms to “BBMRKMBCCH”!



Well if you get a few extra keep me in mind please.
You could name it using every letter in the alphabet I’d still grow it. Lol

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