👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

Holy crap. I love the colours in the Bubba Kush cut you have @Pigeonman. Beautiful! Sometimes nice plants just catches your eye. And that cut did it for me. Super Jealous. :wink:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Everything looks great.


@Pigeonman your HHCRSF at day 19. She’s a hardy lady. Bad photo makes her look yellow but she’s looking great irl. Have a good one.


Glad beans landed! I really can’t wait and see what you do with the mephisto genetics.


Dammm that mom sure is taking her time :timer_clock:

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A GIFT FROM @MonasticDank !!

:crossed_fingers: I get at least 1x to root! :smiley:


Awesome man happy to see they arrived in decent shape. Good luck getting those girls to root!


They both look like they should root. The port plant needs heat and moisture bet she perks right up nice score!


Beautiful garden brotha. :sunglasses:

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Hi mister Pigeon, the 2 BOH I have going, one is starting to go purple on the leaves, is that a normal trait, are nights are dropping to low teens atm which may be the cause.


Yes! I swear one of the cuts mephisto used to make that was purple.


Ok thats good, cant see any deficiences anywhere so I was just curious, cheers man :+1:

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Here’s the pudding! Didn’t get a chance until i just got home to triple check @Shadey !



FREAKING LONG DAYS THIS WEEK!! But I still pushed and got the Bubba Kush: MBC x2 and the Buddhas Cane S1 chopped last night and in the drying tent! :sweat_smile:

Buddhas Cane S1:

In the tray:

Bubba Kush: MBC Plant 1:

In the tray:

That mega branch on the far right is hopefully seeded with Blue Moon Rocks pollen from @DougDawson !

Bubba Kush: MBC Plant 2:

In the tray:

All the fall colours for the compost heap.

The main floor (where the drying tent is) smells FANTASTIC! :rofl: :+1:

Have a great Friday everyone!


Your work is truly Inspirational Senor Pigeonman! :+1: :+1:

Love the setup, Love the techniques, Love the variety, Love the Pics…

And I specially Love the humor and humility!

Many Thanks for the show,
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Thank you @GrouchyOldMan ! Additionally because I freaking love my new Fogmaster Jr and wouldn’t have finalized on making that purchase until I saw your positive use feedback about it on the H0Cl thread! :blush:

This week has been so busy that I never got the chance to take a pic of the Mephisto Genetics seed run in the upstairs 2x2 as they finished up!

In synopsis: the plants were cut down last week and hung in the 2x2 with all the fans on and light off for the week to dry out. I’ve got a full day at work tomorrow co-running a garage sale so I ended up breaking apart the plants tonight.

Hubbabubbasmelloscope S1: Plant 1:

Hubbabubbasmelloscope S1: Plant 2:

Blood Orange Haze S2(x Hubbabubbasmelloscope S1):

I took each plant individually and broke-up the buds in a massive mixing bowl. The sound gives me a good clue of how well each plant did producing seeds as if it sounds like it’s raining I’ve got lots of goodies to sort. 2 outa 3 plants rained well but the other still did produce some nice seeds from what I can see through the fluff.

Each mass of hand rubbed to crumble flower with seeds are in their own yogourt container with a desiccant pack and the plants tag to keep things in order.

Hubbabubbasmelloscope S1: Plant 1: (3L Air-Pot)

  • Dense plant, lots of bud-sites, lots of branching. Great height:branch ratio.
  • Rained HARD! Lots of pinging in the metal bowl.
  • The bulk of the seeds I saw in the mass when doing a fast gravity-sort check were mature.
  • Results: :star::star::star::star::star:

Hubbabubbasmelloscope S1: Plant 2: (1L Air-pot)

  • Good buds but this plant seemed to have delayed flowering so the pollen didn’t catch in comparison to the other 2 plants that were matching flowering periods. Got leggy in the 1L air-pot.
  • Rained okay! Some pinging in the metal bowl.
  • Hard to tell what was in the crumble as there is much more flower than seed. Seeds seen were mature.
  • Results: :star::star::star:

Blood Orange Haze S2(x Hubbabubbasmelloscope S1): (1L Air-pot)

  • Dense plant, lots of bud-sites, decent branching. Got as tall as the HBSS #1 but not as branched due to constricted root mass.
  • Rained HARD! Lots of pinging in the metal bowl for the amount of flower sorted.
  • The bulk of the seeds I saw in the mass when doing a fast gravity-sort check were mature.
  • Results: :star::star::star::star::star:
  • Will be run first.. :ok_hand:

The crumble needs to dry out a few days more for a second hand-rubbing which will knock out all the remaining seeds and generally makes the duds show themselves. Each mass with then end up in the Cyclone-Seed-Sorter and then duds removed. My hope is Sunday night or Monday but this also depends on if the crumble is dried out enough. :crossed_fingers:

The house STINKS because I will always say from experience that Mephisto Genentics has Terps for Days!


Cheers folks and have a great night!


Bringing in the :star_of_david: GOLD!

Mixing Nutes:

Week 2 Flower:

:grin: :v:


You like those little air pots @Pigeonman ? I’ve got some 3.6 gallon that I’m just getting used to. I might need to adjust the amount of perlite I use. I knew to watch out for drying out quick. Last one I dumped I liked the even root distribution. I have some going now I vegged about a month longer.
Snagged mine at the thrift store. 6 new ones for $5.


Plants are looking excellent that’s quite the mixing station you’ve got there . We’re you a mixologist in your past life?
Reminds me of a behind the bar with all those jugs.