👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

Oh wow that pretty as fuck @CapnCannabis !



Very Tough plant BTW.Gets pretty tall in a tent have to bend the main guy a bit and they all top off around the same height Nice nugget bud for skirt buds that go all the way up like a nice pair of legs for days even the larf looks nice not that there really is any this lady puts out nuggets everywhere.Cat pissy twords the end holy hell does she put out a stink this plant has more Funk than Rick james and i love Rick James thats hard to top


Great descriptions @CapnCannabis . :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::pray:t3:

Also, got a awesome package for our friendly neighborhood @Pigeonman ! Some jew gold! Along with some great accoutrements. Te aprecio amigo! 🫶🏼


Impressive grow, my friend!


Lucky Duck ive been eying up that Jew gold i love the gold puck those came in


@Rhino_buddy I made 2 moms out of that Pink Lemonade and they keep very well very very easy to grow in these Microkoted pots that plant SOGs very well Clones Amazingly successful almost reminds me of some of the Shorty 4 ft Dutch skunks back in the 90s that were bullet proof no matter what you fed them these ladies are like beautiful little Sherman Tanks .These were really good selections someone put some time into these i never asked where were

these from?Did you do them yourself?


I wish. I only have a few of my own selections as keepers. And the only couple I really share of them is a vintage blueberry x BBM and Kali mist x Alien cookies. Both have blown me away. The pink lemonade #2 I got from an OGer that’s got hook ups. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Had to ask Brother around this neck of the woods We got people you would never even imagine Pollen chucking and making some of the best Fire :fire: around ill put my counseling stick on it.Ive spent 500$ on beans in sealed breeders packs From Holland then i grow some Frankenstein i got from here on a Vet giveaway for Frees from the man himself and Guess whos still in my Garden lol but Frankie the queen herself


Yeah this cultivar is something else! Glad you kept her around. :smiley:

All this talk of the Pink Lemonade #2 makes me even more excited about it!


Lol, another @Rhino_buddy update! :rofl:


Green Crack:

Blueberry: Archive Cut:

No rootlets yet on the Pink Lemonade #2 and Cap Junky but they’re still in the running!

Thanks for stopping on by folks!

:v: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :+1:


They look great! That green crack is unmistakable. She needs a net. Mine is nearly done flowering and every branch is headed towards the ground. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’m betting those other 2 will make it. Pink lemonade is a bit slower to root for me, but the cap junky has been throwing rooting in days. You got this! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Pink Lemonaid #2 shot roots! It’s been up potted into a solo cup.


Yesssssss!!! Can’t wait for you to experience the pink lemonade! :sunglasses:


Isn’t it great win you can share the exact genetics with someone else so they can experience the same. Not almost the same but the same. Something seeds just don’t capture for those special cuts!:wink:. Killing it man.


I’m so stoked that they are making it to Canada!
But yes @420noob, I love that it will be the same, other than environmental conditions. Not quite as easy to send as seeds though. And I guess it takes awhile to prep one envelope, so says my wife. Lol. It’s fun as heck though.


Awesome success on those cuts, @Pigeonman and @Rhino_buddy . Looks like a solid tec. :metal:
Sorry to see about the Red Pop. We’ve been smoking on a cross of her that has been most effective and tasty.
All outta :green_heart: but always a pleasure watching the show unfold in here. Hope you and the Mrs. had a great High Holy-day.

And hell- Happy Passover seems appropriate here, no?
Stay up


Happy Passover to you as well @Coffin_Dodger !

It’s been a week.

Friday we had a great screening event at my work, but on my ride home I heard a thump + grinding metal sound so I pulled over right away and found my muffler dragging on the street. Rotted off from road salt. :man_facepalming:

All the bolts holding it in place were fused with rust, but luck had me with 2 variables: first the drive was so short the muffler was still cool to the touch, and second the only thing holding the thing in place was made of rubber so I could cut the part loose with my pocket knife. :dagger:

The rest of the 21km drive home sounded like a Honda Civic driven by a road racing teenager as I had no muffler, but I got home safe and if I was pulled over by a cop I could at least point at the muffler in the back of my car and shrug hard. :rofl:

My car was already scheduled for general maintenance the next day, so I puttered the car in and let them know of the bigger problem at hand. For the record my car has +350,000 km on it, and the exhaust we’re talking about is it’s 3rd set (Factory, 1st replacement, second replacement… yes they literally coat the roads with salt here months out of the year and I swear it’s done with auto repair profits in mind more than safety).

Car was in the shop since Sat, but they are closed Sundays and needed Monday to confirm parts availability and costs.

The assessment that arrived 7am yesterday was devastating.

All in all, just my exaust system alone which was not salvageable would have cost me $6,000 + taxes. Tacked on to this big problem were a list of smaller problems that will escalate into an unsafe vehicle… and those additional problems with parts and labour would have added and additional $4,000 we don’t have. :sob:

I’ve been driving this car since 2005 so it’s done very well within our abusive relationship… :sweat_smile:

…but it’s time has come so we started looking into what was available in our area at a budget we could afford and matched our needs…


2017 Nissan Micra S with only 62,000km on it including a roof rack, and complete set of winter tyres and rims for about $5000 more than the total cost of repairs for our old-man Yaris!

Kicker is that it arrived on the lot the same day my car broke, and we were the first test drivers as the car was only listed since Monday! They didn’t even get the chance to clean it yet as there was dog hair all in the back which made Mrs. P and I very happy as it emphasizes the previous owners were similar in lifestyle and practically modded the car for us lol.

We imagine that it was previously owned by a dynamic Lesbian couple with dog fur babies; roof rack for camping trips and the back seats always down with at minimum a pair of happy puppers looking about!

It has NO bells and whistles which we love. Too much computing in cars for me these days… I don’t want a massive lit-up panel controling everything… i want knobs that do 1 or maybe 2 things at most. Hell we even have manual windows again so my “grey poupon” joke works again!

Anyways… it’s been a very stressful week as a result of all this but at least I’m on a “mini-vacation week” as Friday will be my 43rd rotation around the massive chemical reaction fuelling the planet on top of trying to kill us all so weeks back I decided to book some time off for myself… which turned out to be a “when the shit goes down you better be ready” week.

:sob: :rofl: :man_shrugging:


That sounds like one hell of a stressful week! I hope you find some peace and everything falls into place !

till than


It’s always like loosing a family member when the ol beater takes a crap. Glad you were able to find new wheels so fast. I am a Infiniti master tech as my day job(Nissans luxury brand). I’m not familiar with the micra but I have access to all the service manuals and stuff. If you ever run into any problems and need an opinion give me a shout. I’d be happy to help


@m0sirys thanks! That Cypress Hill song has been our week’s theme song to be blunt.