👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

Lol. You mean just the way I grow outside? :rofl:

The Florida Ditch weed was 10ft and the Queen Mother Sativa was about 8-9 but took a while to walk around :sweat_smile:

Though you’re right with these Frankenstein’s @420noob , they are this big in 1 gallon pots and root bound… so… what the fuck is gonna happen when I give them the ground to grow and the sky as their limit!?!



Everyone including myself that have grown these end up with this awesome issue! Damn plants just grow so BIG!


Frankie lounging in the kiddy wading pool.
That’s Special
Save that photo for posterity… :wink::+1:



How I felt doing this last night:

2x of each strain started now on Zombie Jesus Weekend so I can sex em’ before May 25 :+1:

Shiskaberry #3 @SHSC-1 (Strawberry Hill Seed Co.)
Coastal Blueberry @SHSC-1 (Strawberry Hill Seed Co.)
Mighty Might (Tall) @Oldtimerunderground
Alaska Thunder Fuck @Enjoi802 (Last Green Valley Seeds)
88g13HP @Foreigner

This was at 8pm Thursday and I’m looking forward to seeing them rise over this weekend :grin:



A little over a day later and all the seeds popped lil’ tails in their cups and got potted into their speedcups with colourful labels.

On the other side of the tent are all the rooting cuts. :+1:

In the 2x2 sharing the same room, i’m very happy with these Blood Orange Hubbabubbasmelloscope Haze S1 Fems.

Though each has the fat leaf structure from the Blood Orange Haze as I have not seen any minute saw blades that makes the HBSS so pretty.

Additionally I lowered the light.

It’s now a whopping’…

…yes I’m pushing them but why the fuck not? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

17 plant no-rollers derby is going as well as expected. :sweat_smile:

The Limed Orange and the Blueberry: Archive Cut are coming back better than the Sour Diesel: DT Cut.

With joy it also seems that both the First Class Funk cuts are looking like they are getting a foothold… which is fantastic as the sts run was a total failure as I do not considered 3x seeds a successful seed-run. :rofl:

Downstairs the UK Cheese(s), Bubba Kush:MBC(s), & Mendo Breath are all making me smile. Next clear tent for flowering is getting this muto CapJunkie and the Jew Gold 1974 mom.

It’s been a long time holding her and realistically I’m overworked to keep around a cut I don’t run as a bulk outdoors run. (which is why UK Cheese is still around after 4 years).

Also as expected the Frankenstein plants dig the kiddie pool! :rofl:

Like literally they don’t give a flying fuck.

Y’all saw the Nepali Watermelon Hashplants are also seemingly happy and getting bigger with each day! They get fed each day so this was appreciated. :rofl:

It’s day 29 and they are done their vegging and are now in their flowering transition week!

I’ll be feeding them veg nutes and rising the PPFD over the course of the next 7 days and then their flowering nutes start.

Already entering Week 1 of flower are the Tony Green GG4 R.I.L.'s:

I can see how they want to fill in, so they’re most definitely getting shooting powder weeks 3-6. :ok_hand:

I should have planned this better with the flip weeks being so close but :man_shrugging: .

And if anyone is wondering about why I’m running a flower run next to a seed run is because I can’t imagine finding NWHP x GG4RIL seeds ever being a problem :sweat_smile:

In between a bunch of indoor garden puttering such as the seed up potting I made a traditional Russian Easter cheese dessert called Paskha to take over to my folks tomorrow afternoon.

All in all it’s farmers cheese, heavy cream, butter, egg yolks, candied peel, vanilla, etc… and will at the time of presentation look like this:

But as many slavic dishes it looks more like this in the preparation:

Cheese cloth lined terracotta pots filled with the cheese goo. The cloth is folded over and I have 1 sealed mason jar filled with water sitting in a yogourt container in each to press down the mass as it sits for 24 hours in the fridge. The liquid will wick through the un-glazed terracotta pot so it becomes a sweet buttercream cheese with fruit and nuts.


Have a great night folks and thanks for stopping on by!



Those mothers are in pristine condition brother hopefully one day mine can look like these.
:exploding_head: :star_struck: :call_me_hand:t2: :100: Those Frankies twins look like
The Sphinx Gate Statues… :fire:


Don’t feel bad about the sts run pal. My last breeding attempt with her resulted in a grand total of 4 seeds lol. Awesome efforts as usual my friend.


Just so happens here are those 4 a week into flower


Damn it’s quiet in here. :sweat:



i hear you we have 8-10 inches of snow coming later this week. it wont stay around long, but lets get on into spring weather already!

edit: dam man just checked forecast and they upped it to 12-16 of snow. :persevere:



This didn’t work out how I hoped.


Dang, I didn’t know Estonian folk metal (I think?) was what I needed right now, but it kinda is… thanks for the hot tip, these guys rule.


Glad you enjoyed @roosterhash , they are :estonia: folk metal and great live every time i’ve had the pleasure.

Another great one is Skyforger outa Latvia:

New track with a great video:

Classic Blackened Folk Metal:

My plants are doing well and yesterday was the first day I spent outside toiling away at the yard. My sisters clothes drier died in the winter so I helped her get rid of it and kept the drum for myself to use as a fire-pit. A neighbour was tossing out rusted tire-rims and wouldn’t you know that a drier drum + tire-rim + old Ikea portable BBQ lid = ALIEN ROBOT ROCKET BURNER!

Seriously, i’ve never seen such a pure burn in all my gardening burns… the Mrs took some photos and I’ll share later when she gives them to me. I’ve cleared out 2/3 of the backyard and all I have to show for it is a tidy growing space and a pile of wood ash for the compost heap. :rofl: :+1:


Latvian Pagan Metal…

…of course it’s from @Pigeonman:smile: :+1:

Good catch buddy! I like it!



The most recent cuts from @Rhino_buddy in cubes.

Pink Lemonaide #2: (holding on there)

Cap Junky: (So far so great it seems)

Sadly the Red Pop was found like this when checking on things this am.

In the back loom the 5x Mendo Breath cuts.

The other round of cuts that have already been rooted from :rhinoceros:


Green Crack:

I might as well also update on the first cut that made it over the boarder and rooted…

Blueberry: Archive Cut:

In the 2x2 my autos are happy regardless of the insect battle. Over feeding has been helping lol.

Blood Orange Hubbabubbasmelloscope Haze (F1 Auto Fem):

Thanks for stopping on by!

:v: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :+1:


It’s like I have my own @Pigeonman update. :grin::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Damn that red pop. It’s so sweet! Sickly. It’s about time to chop mine. It’ll be the first run of it for me.

Glad that pink lemonade is staying in there. I really like that cut. If you like sniffing the jar of pink lemonade powder like I do… :crazy_face:

Looking good man. Some do look real rough, but man they are proving to be such tenacious “weeds”. It’s amazing they can survive that long in the regular mail stream. :pray:t3:


@Rhino_buddy , the Pink Lemonaide #2 demands a life with me! It’s doing really well on the tiny top leaf tuft! :heart: So is the Cap Junky but the PL#2 is the one I’m more Xcited aboot. :+1:

Also… I think I just won at GG4 R.I.L. if you can win at a plant just doing it’s thing…

…and the :tiger: :drop_of_blood: causing my :exploding_head: :

Polyploid GG4 R.I.L. !!!

I think it’s safe to say I’m gonna snip these tips for smoke and then hope it takes to revegging. Meanwhile the others end up as hash because that was the point of this run… well hash or rosin but I’m thinking of hash right now.

I’m gonna go make a celebratory espresso now.



It’s a great one! Maybe @CapnCannabis will share some pics of the one he’s growing. He’s done way better than I ever will.


As of now Shes Rolling around quite nice and stacking well