👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

El’ Guapo!

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Happy bday pal

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Happy birthday all day man!

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Outa likes, thanks @CanuckistanPete !


Update on the indoor fun!

Solocup challenge is coming into the last weeks with the Blood Orange Hubbabubbasmelloscope Haze plants:

@Rhino_buddy the Pink Lemonade #2 & Cap Junky are pulling through! Sadly out of 5 cuts only 1x Mendo Breath cut threw roots. :man_shrugging:

The other small tent upstairs is filled to the brim again with a combo of Frankenstein clones to gift (tall in the back), mothers to be (GMO, & Green Crack on the far left), Bubba Kush: MBC (in front of Frankies), and the sexed outdoor plants (Coastal Blueberry, Skishkaberry #3, Mighty Mite, Alaska Thunderfuck). Both of the 88G13hp were male so that’s gonna be another project for another day.

Of all the outdoor crops this year the only other thing I’ve pre-planted is the Catnip
:rofl: :cat: :broccoli:

All this stuff needs to get up-potted this weekend!

Heading downstairs the Nepali Watermelon Hashplant seed run is ape-shit with pollen and massive leaves as a bonus!

It’s a freakin’ jungle in here.

To avoid getting covered in pollen when watering the back plants, I’ve implemented ancient human technology:

Seriously though this shit works otherwise this would rain down on me every night:

:rofl: :+1:

The UK Cheese(s), Bubba Kush: MBC(s), Jew Gold 1974, Mendo Breath, & Cap Junky (Muto) are all doing well albeit root bound. :sweat_smile:

And in the kiddie pool all the Limed Orange, Sour Diesel: DT Cut, Frankenstein(s), First Class Funk(s), Blueberry: Archive Cut & G13 Haze plants are all doing their thing.

The Blueberry: Archive Cut is especially happy!

I took a video of the GG4 RIL but am to lazy to go though the hoops to post it here so i’ll take photos tonight to share. :sweat_smile:

I posted this on the hashporn thread but still wanna share this image of a temple ball I made with fresh-frozen Sunshine Daydream BX1 F2:


Have a great :camel: day everyone and thanks for checking in & please feel free to use those :heart: 's.


:v: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Man, your grow setup is next level!

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obligated is more like it, bud! Fantastic everything!


Took the family to VA Beach last summer. Go for a walk and find myself on an offspring concert. It was 1994 all over again. But I was the only one with weed





I know right. Times they are a changing. Sparked my bowl and a crowd gathered around me. I was like, guys guys it’s just one bowl. I’m not Jesus, I can’t satisfy the masses. That only works with fish and bread. Now watch the concert please.

It was a decent show. They sounded great. Crowd sucked. Weather was awesome and it was right on the beach


Glad they still got it. I hear them and I’m 15 again… hormonal and angry! :rofl:

Doesn’t surprise me sadly. I’ve not enjoyed the crowds at any show I’ve attended since Covid 2020.

This is a great memory to lock onto! Right on growmie!


Fuck yea!


@Tonygreen 's GG4 RIL are freaking stacked, sparkly as heck, and stank so sweet and good! :drooling_face:

:gem: 's here yo!

:grin: :+1:

The 2024 line-up is sexed and up potted!

All the tropical plants are outside as of this past weekend, which means more space to spread out the masses!

But I did keep the still rooting cuts in the propagation tent under softer lighting.

@Rhino_buddy the Pink Lemonade #2 has started pushing roots out the bottom of the solo! :heart:

Those “Sticks” at the front are Mendo Breath cuts that decided to show roots only this weekend. I figured why not see if they survive. :man_shrugging:


Have a great day folks!!!



Me at work…



I noticed you aren’t actually in the picture for the picture of you at work!:thinking::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I believe you have found the perfect job “being at work” getting paid while not actually being at work. You got some rockstar style jarma working for you Nate!:exploding_head::rofl::ok_hand::volcano::four_leaf_clover:


Check out the gold I just got from cleaning out the 40gal aquarium!!!

500ml of pure :fish: :poop: !!!

These 2x goldfish and 1x Plecos are doing me good! :blush:



@CanuckistanPete exactly!

While I did already purchase another liter of the alaskan fish shit which is what I’ve decided is going to be used to feed all my outdoors this year, i am very pleased that the indoor fish provided me such a good amount to stretch into my season :blush: