👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

10% Rh so ya it’s dry but with the wind it feels like a hair dryer blowing on you constantly!


Oh I’m sure of that! Whew :hot_face:

I live in a swamp with 90+ temps. The humidity makes your sweat sweat, some days your hair starts to sweat.


Here’s 2 Jalisco @pigeonman about 10 days old I think maybe less. Hoping in about another week or 2 can get them outside as see what the desert sun can do for them. Come in females!

Sorry was wrong pics lol


This is what I got.


105 degrees hear today. breaking all the heat records today. :astonished: :sweat: :confounded: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I’m grateful it’s raining again and it should top-off my barrels (4 of them) so I’ll be good through the weekend in theory. lol.

The RH% is still in the high 80’s so it’s cancelling out the condensers ability to kool things down. Bathroom is still around 32 and will be so until the air in the hizzle actually gets cooled down and then :crossed_fingers: stays down.



In my city, been meaning to show you the Pigeonman downtown.


That’s freaking RAD @CADMAN !

Statues or interesting people being interesting?


oh man you should of got someone to hold the camera so we could see you in that pic too! :laughing:

coo photo!


I see what you did there!

:fist_right: :fist_left:


wait WTF! Going by your name I’m assuming you are in Maine 105° that’s nuts at least you are still getting rain occasionally right? I checked the weather guesses for the next 2 months in Vegas and 100°+ everyday and at night if we are really lucky it will drop below 80° before the sun comes back up. It was 91° at 8am today.


it was nuts. :hot_face: so glad it broke the heat lasted for 3 days. happens when high pressure systems stall out with no movement for days at a time. sucks up the heat and humidity from the south and traps it here and then the sun just roasts that hot humid air that is trapped and does not move. feels like the tropics hot and humid…

back in my navy days i did quite a bit of training in the neveda deserts. i will take dry heat over wet heat any day! we have had a lot of heavy rain the past week or so on and off.

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I’d have to agree with you 98% of the time on this one. I lived in New Orleans for 3 years and found out how bad it is to breath hot soup. 100°+ and 100%+ Rh is horrible and destroys you. Now 121° temp plus trapped heat from roads and buildings in the city(Phoenix) and a breeze and ots a wrap brother don’t shit work. If it ever got over 110° with Rh over 80% would be a death sentence just doesn’t happen in our neck of the world.

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OMG @420noob my coworker reminds me that you can process colour film at room temperature in your area!!!

FYI: you have to be at +105f for it to work!



Ya set up in the garage and you could run it 22 hours a day in a month 24/7 film processing :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::hot_face::fire::rofl:


My buddy lives in Laughlin, Nevada. The next 2 weeks there’s a couple days it’s forecast to only hit 106. Most days 110-113. I can’t imagine. He goes to the Casinos and just lurks where it’s cooler than his house. Lows are 85-90.


Let’s not forget the buffets in there!



ya those aren’t nearly as good as they used to be. Most aren’t cheap and the food isn’t worth the price most of the time. Ya this heat is no joke and add a Rh <10%

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@420noob that’s so sad. My fav part of Las Vegas was always the cheap as fuck buffets as I don’t gamble! :rofl:

Last time I was there it was $3.25 steak and eggs! Granted this was the late 90’s… :sweat_smile:

Here’s my EWC tea system:

Lid = viewing dome, straw stem to keep the tubing mid-way in the bucket, a small air pump with vibration dampening sponge, and a nut-milk bag to hold the EWC.

Here’s the straw/tubing supplying the O2 for agitation.

The nut-milk bag with the EWC (2x cups worth)

I pre-mix the black strap in a measuring cup and then add it to the filtered water in the 5 gal bucket.

Then I submerge the “tea bag” and lift it up and down a few times to make sure it’s stirred around in there and fully saturated.

Now with the lid on I walk away for the day; and before I pass out tonight I’ll lift the bag in and out a few times to further agitate the mass inside the bag.

By tomorrow morning this will all be ready to hit the plants outside each getting 2L of this goodness as I have 9 plants getting this extra feed.

Additionally I’m running with @MissinBissin making up all of @defharo magic potions with Humite K+ already made up and now I’m on Humite K+ BONES for flowering.

I added the :heavy_plus_sign: to the name if there is Azomite in there, the bones+ additionally includes 25g of bone meal flour.

It’s run for 24 hours so far but the heat application ended 10hrs into the production, now it’ll agitate for 72 hours and get bottled up end of Tuesday. :+1:

NEXT LAB RUN will be with diatomaceous earth to create a Silica booster!
