👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

Oh Man this is ground zero Buddy. So glad to see a Menu of damn Humates @Pigeonman

Settling on 2L per plant, just a Number due to logistics… ?

My second Batch of Hum-K is on day 2 of shaking…

Congrats on all of the Alchemy


18L / 9 plants = 2L each, yup! Just logistics based on the amount made.
Each plant got 1gal water with 1/2 tbs of Fish Shit this morning, tomorrow it’ll be 2L of EWC.

I’m “testing” the Humic K+ on my tomatos this week then based on what I see start to apply it to the 9 plants next week. I know it’s tried and trve but I’m a stickler for testing before jumping in head first… especially if i’m applying this for the first time in what’s my summer based crop to make meds for 2025!!!



It all makes Perfect sense; and you have your methods… its a great way to introduce this new Menu!

And your plan has just reduced my overall Volumes as well. They can still get a gallon of Water… but this Humate + Castings will just be a smaller treat.

Love it @Pigeonman


Thanks for the process man! Ya some casinos have a $5.99 steak and eggs but it’s from 2-6 am only but those are all strip casinos. The strip is set up to separate you from your money everyway possible so it’s all $$$$$. They have gotten super stingy with the comps and really screwed up there player point system just fuckery everywhere. So I came across this movie last night Netflix maybe anyways read the review and check it out out. It’s a trip, one of a kind movie, funny and definitely weird bad but good at the same time. Being a film guy I’m sure you understand that irony.


Well it is summer so I don’t have much to update this thread with except for this tray of cuts working on their roots!

Additionally Celia has been extra sad with my absence this week and does this most of the day until I get home :sob:



Their love is soo pure :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :green_heart: such beautiful dog :100:
Once you get home I’m sure a ball of energy will come flying to you. It’s the little things brother :pray:t2:


New kids on the block!

Tony Green’s GG4 R.I.L. x Bohdi Seeds Nepali Watermelon Hashplant

:drooling_face: :+1:


That sounds like some ooey gooey fire right there man! Excited to see what those do


Fucking long time since an update but it’s still outdoors season so it’s not like I have a lot to share going on under the roof.

The 2x @SHSC-1 Coastal Blueberry cuts I took have thrown :fish: :bone: 's so they are in solo cups with the other cuts already rooted and showing top-action. As a bonus an Alaskan Thunderfuck & Limed-Orange cut also threw roots so they got their solocups as well.

I’ve been spraying the inside plants with safer’s end all every week as a just-in-case. I’m moving in and out all the time so there’s bound to be hitchhikers so I might as well be diligent.

Into the kiddie pool they go; and they’re all looking really nice.

It’s like noah’s ark in here with ideally 2x of each cut i have going right now and there’s a lot of cuts.

Here are the ones i’m still waiting for roots. The only 2 I’m nervous about are the Green Crack because I’ve had 2 of 4 fail so far and the plant is to far along into flower for me to trust taking more cuts again.

More action in the “Lab” today with @defharo 's education being applied with the generation of 2L more of:

This stuff is diggity-dank!

Today was my “rest-day” with home catch-up, tomorrow I’m back at the hospital with my sis and her husband. Shit’s bad, but life is life.

All the best everyone!



Everything’s going well and I’m spraying every week as a just in case. I did 3x more Green Crack cuts on Sat because the last 2 failed… again. :crossed_fingers: I get at least 1 of 3 to root.

And the bigger cuts that were always intended for a flower run are now up-potted to 1 gal and will be vegged a few weeks then flipped.

In here = 3x GMO (3 from the right) and 1x Pink Lemonade #2 (farthest left) from @Rhino_buddy



I did a massive defoliation of all the clones and then sprayed them down again with Safer’s End All. :+1:

These are the oldest of the bunch.

Second oldest batch.

And all runners up, some are doing better than others.

Under the dome are the 3x Green Crack cuts that I’m doubtful will come through. They look really rough.

The solo-cups have the remaining Nepali Watermelon Hashplant seeds that fell into my foot-bath. No signs above ground but again they got no regular treatments

All these lil’ plants are under 2x old school workhorses I got used well before my much better lights.

They’re old but damn perfect for vegging clones! :sweat_smile:

The next project is in here and after mulling on the final outcome of this grow I came up with a great idea: 4x plants with one goal: Moon Rocks

They look sparse because they got the same treatment as the solo-cup plants.

:scissors: :leaves:

My hope is that I can grow the 1x Pink Lemonade #2 to have rock hard flowers and then 1st tumble the 3x GMO 's before eventually pressing the tumbled flowers.

I can then coat the Lemonade #2 flowers in the GMO rosin and then powder coat them in GMO dry-sift.




Pink Lemonaid #2:

Upstairs in the 2x2 are the 3x Nepali Watermelon Hashplant F3’s.

:crossed_fingers: they are all female.

Thanks for popping in folks!

:dove: :man_farmer:


YEEEESSSSSSSSS!!! :metal::metal::metal::metal:


This is an amazing idea! :drooling_face:

Make sure to try that lemonade au natural before amping her up. She’s delicious all by herself. 🫶🏼


I have on of those lights I use for my sprouts and clones. They are great for that application. :peace_symbol:

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Well put!

The original plant is outside in flower, and this is gonna be my initial sample. I have 2-3 clones in the sea of solo-cups and waiting to see which one becomes the mother. :wink:

I’m glad you kept and still use your old tech. I’d NEVER flower under these again but 100% perfect for slow-burn vegging out!



I still have my homemade light I made from Turkey pans you get from the store. I put four of the biggest watt daylight cfl bulbs I could get in it . It works pretty good.:laughing: Now it has led bulbs in it.



Fuck yeah that’s some Slav shit right there @Greenfingers so you get the Slav seal of approval!


NEW KIDS IN THE YARD FROM A GROWMIE! Both are clones, both established.

Purple Kush (pre’99)
Grapefruit Juice (I got a sample of this from him earlier in the year and it’s the most grapefruit as fuck thing I’ve ever had!)

Will post pics later when i get home.



I’m intrigued! :melting_face:

Maybe you’ll have to try some envelope cuts my way, down the road. I love those citrus varieties. :tangerine: :lemon:( Lime :lemon:‍:green_square:)


Absolutely bud! I need to grow ot out a little then done and done.

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