👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

MDS Update:

Sad news, the 1st seed did not germinate. I had it in water for 24 hours and then paper towel for a further 7 days with nadda.

Great news, the 2nd seed popped showing a tail in 24hours sitting in water! This seed has now been lovingly planted into a 1cm layer of worm castings that top a speedcup filled with BX.

Game back on and hoping for a female!

:hugs: :metal:t4: :globe_with_meridians:


Mendo Breath S1:

I love this thing and it’s making me so very happy!

Each day it grows a little bigger for me…

…and each day I tell it how proud I am for it doing so well.

The positive reinforcement seems to be working.

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


I often yell obscenities at my plants but it’s ok because they don’t speak English.

Looking good.


I agree, and I’ll just leave this right here: "Hebrew Whisper"

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How about Mendocino-tov?


@Rickle_Piiiiick & @Foreigner , thanks those are great options!

Tough it’s gonna be really tough to change my mind from what’s currently locked: "Mitzvah"



This is the way…


Your Kosher Kush looks very nice :ok_hand: how’s she smelling ? Ps. Can’t wait to hit my Kosher Daddy with your Kosher Kush pollen :sneezing_face: :crazy_face:

Will also hit the Orginal Jew Gold 1947 with a male JG 1974 and Kosher Kush pollen as well…

Strengthening the JG and KD Genetics is gonna be fun :wink:

In the end I should end up with:

Jew Gold 1974 F2 ( Preservation )
Kosher Daddy BX1 (JG 1974 X GDP)
Kosher Daddy F2 ( Kosher Kush x Kosher Daddy)
Poison Daddy BX1 (Durban Poison x JG 1974)


Amazing @CADMAN !

The tiny leafs I left are starting to frost. In a few days they hit week 4 flower. I upped their nutes today cause why not? Also brushed them flowers a second time with magic dust!

It smelled great! Lemon pinesol you actually want in your face. :wink:

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Go Mendo, Go Mendo, GO! GO! GO!
(Yes the photos are blurry due to my child-like excitement.)

Also i’m chuffed with this second Mexican Death Sativa seed which is doing a great job with LIVING.

Here she* (*i hope) is on day 3 of life since tumbling in my sandbox and then spending 24 hours in a distilled water bath.

I also realized that I was very silly and needed to provide it a MORE APPROPRIATE SKULL; so out came the carved lava stone :skull: FROM Mexico and a severed arm for good measure.

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


Mexican Death Sativa is such a great name. Reminds me of the names my friends and I used to come up with for “The Dirty Dick-tionary” we wanted to write. The Trojan Handstand, Juarez Dumpster Punch, Scandinavian Fish Fry, etc.


“Estonian Cul de Sac”
“Sicilian Shit Smearer”
“Canadian “sorry” fuck”.

I like this game @Slick1 !


You can also expand on existing stuff.

The HottER Carl
The Cleveland Steamier

Adding places or nationalities works well but it can be a crutch

Pennsylvania Turnpike
Alabama Man Slam

There’s the Russian Air Raid- That’s when you hang from a moving ceiling fan spraying your payload around the room

Mississippi Mud Bath involves a bathtub and a few Elvis impersonators…


That cursed me for YEARS! Being a Karl it was epic anytime someone knew the reference and I was handling plastic sheeting…

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How often do you find yourself on the receiving end of plastic sheeting? :neutral_face:

I just imagined you and various buddies disposing of victims and the memorable part of that experience just being the Hot Carl reference when it came time to wrap the body in plastic, like the rest wasn’t even a memorable event to you :laughing:

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Fuck if I can remember… BUT NOW TO UPDATE!!!

:star_of_david: KOSHER KUSH :star_of_david: :

Today marks the start of week 4 of flowering and they are doing their thing despite the lack of foliage. They have also been pollenated twice so far at 5 day intervals apart… and will be pollenated another 2 times before I decide I should stop.

Little green clouds climbing their self grown ladder… TO GLORY!!!

And now for the close-up:

:skull: MEXICAN DEATH SATIVA :skull:

Day 4 since hitting water and it’s already twice as big as day 3. I’m sure that in the night it’ll toss it’s helmet like the champ that it is.

:wind_face: Mendo Breath S1 :wind_face:

Every day another is another show of love. Here she is today, which is day 25 since she hit water.

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


G’mornin’ all!

The weather here is dark, rainy and cold. I’m really happy to have all my indoor plants times like this.


Yep; still making me giddy when I see her. Today she got her up-potting to her new 5.5" speed-holed forever home. There were nice white roots all over with no signs of circling due to the speed-cup she was born into.

To aid her with vertical support I’ve added a Jade :chopsticks: as an upright. Additionally to aid her with emotional support I’ve added a Jade :turtle: to accompany her and the Preseli Bluestone :skull: .


“She” tossed her helmet as expected, and is ripping with these dapper new leaves starting to come in.

“She” feels special because of how my propagation tent is set up surrounding her with the other mothers… (Don’t tell “her” that this is just the easiest set-up for me to work :laughing: )

Thanks for checking in! Hope your plants are as happy as these two are!

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


I like how the Mexican Death Sativa looks like a snake ready to strike. Very fitting.


Looking good @Pigeonman !!! Remember me if any seeds from the MDS!!! My Mendo Breath S1 is growing strong, still the shortest but catching up to the Sour Bubble!

Mendo Breath top 2, Sour Bubble middle 4, Azad Kashmir bottom 4 of the 10 bigs…


What does this entail? Some kind of boiling oil sexual act?

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