👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

You need a sauna, a really unclean set of genitalia (that’s the :fish: part) and using only old and expired deep fryer oil as lubricant.


I have only 2 of those things.


Are you a barber by any chance, @Pigeonman ?

Not at all! May i ask why?

Because you defoliate like one!

Any specific reason you go all Edward Scissorhands on them?



I have no tolerance any more for powdery mildew.

Stage 1 is “the chop”.
Stage 2 is multiple spray downs of my “Fuck you PM!” mix.
& Stage 3 is “profit emotionally”.



So what’s your go to “fuck you PM” mix?


100ml 3% H202 + 1 heaping teaspoon of potassium bicarbonate dissolved in 900ml of tap water.

Makes for a very inhospitable environment for pm.


I made it up on the spot without any description in mind but this works -

Bam. That’s what it is.

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I decided to pull out the DSLR to start recording upstairs because I’m tired of dealing with my phone for shitty colour balance.

Here’s lil’miss Mendo in her true glory; proper greens, lush textures… the whole shebang.

She’s not just growing veg; but still getting a little taller as she grows!

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


This little sprout has double in size and was not uprighting “herself” so I added a bamboo stick to help “her” keep upright until “she” is strong enough to do so on her own. My assumption is that after the first up-potting is when it’ll be doing this on it’s own.

The Kosher Kush is also looking good, but I didn’t take photo’s last night as I was tired and needed to pollenate them for the 3rd time.

I almost feel silly going over and over with the brush and dust but considering I still haven’t the heart yet to look into my other 7 seed run plants as I’m sure they’ve failed in the “seed” part I don’t want to take any chances with all the work that had gone (and will be going) into these Kosher Kush seeds.

Thanks for checking in! All the best y’all!

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:



I think it’s working? Fuck I don’t know i’m still feeling discouraged due to my other “seed run” but I am to stubborn to NOT just push through this until the end.

Plants are looking good and are starting to sugar over… which is always a mind-fuck when I am dealing with PM. That and the 2 soakings of “Fuck You PM” mix sometimes leave residue spots due to the potassium bicarbonate so I end up gaslighting myself:

"Is it PM? or sugar? or dried pot.barc? or a mix?! Of which then!?"

Enough of my rambling; here are the ladies.

You can see the :star_of_david:'s sugar coming in.

When these green nuggets or stems get tapped, rubbed or bumped theres a sudden overpowering smell of lemons; which is both normal and a good sign… and makes the tedium of brushing dust on each of these flowers with a paintbrush much more enjoyable.

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:



Well. I finally took the time to pull down the other 7 plants from the drying line, crush them and hand sieve them. It’s gonna take 99% isopropyl to get that screen cleaned up but it was worth the 1.5hours it took to turn a bunch of crunchy nuggets into green dust to find ANY seeds that may actually have developed.

Plants Pollenated: PK = Pink Cookies, G = Gelato 33, KK = Kosher Kush, UK = UK Cheese
Pollen Used: BC = Black Candyland (thanks @Purple-N-Hairy ), PPP = Paonia Purple Paralyzer (thanks @DougDawson )

The seed #'s are PATHETIC, but there are at least enough (seemingly viable) seeds from a few of the crosses that may actually work out as an open pollination run… SO LONG as there are both males and females in the bag. When the time comes I may ask for a vote here on OG to see which of the many I should spend my time (and plant count) on.

The plants flower mass averaged between 22g-32g per plant, so each jar of dust will become a lb of butter, 2cups of MCT oil, or a topical with Coconut oil. At least all these are able to become gifts to those in need.

In my notes here are the things that may have resulted in failure:

  1. pollen not brought up to room temp overnight
  2. not enough pollen applied (doubtful but possible)
  3. heat to high (sept heat wave brought my temp up to 28-30c for WEEKS
  4. Water applied to early (or too much) after pollination(s) when returning all plants to the flowering tent.

I’m covering all these concerns with my current KK S1 to the point where I haven’t refrigerated or freezered any of the KK STS pollen I’ve made until I’m done pollentating the 2x KK’s at least 4-5 times with 5 day intervals in between each application.


I just want this to work! :laughing: / :worried:

Thanks for checking in, and for any/all moral support.

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


Still looks like a respectable number of seeds. Do you plan to dry them further or do you figure they are dry enough?


Is that all or just best looking ones. Some of those pale and tiny seeds still produce great plants. Not all but some. Great job they all sound like great crosses gonna be hard to decide.

Edit for clarity: the seeds in the bags look perfect.


Hey bud, looks like a success to me. One seed created many more seeds, great job.


When you say “water applied”, are you talking about a foliar spray? If so, how soon after you applied the pollen?

Also, how big were the buds when you applied the pollen? If you can post pics of them at that time, that would be most helpful.

But most importantly, don’t be too disappointed. You may not have gotten as many as you wanted, but it certainly wasn’t a failure!


Not that it (my opinion) matters but I’ve been following along and I think you’re another OG hero! :slightly_smiling_face:

Please, don’t stop doing what you’re doing…knowledge is power. :muscle:t3:


I was going to pull them out and toss em each into old “fancy cardboard” jewelry boxes complete with the cotton bed to let em go even further. They’ve been hanging for a few weeks now with fans runing on them constantly. The CRUNCH the buds made as I broke em apart was reminding me of finding old nugs under the desk at home back in high school. (shudders).

These are the ONLY SEEDS PRODUCED. Anything else got crushinated in my processing which mean’t it wasn’t worth keeping. As you put it so well, I’m hoping that the tiny or pale (or both!) seeds still germinate when I can do “plant orgies” (which is what I have decided to call open pollination runs) and hope to make these handfuls into sharable mounds!

Much appreciated “Double-D”!
:fist_right: :fist_left:

Correct, foliar spray of (only) water to prevent any cross contamination between the BC & PPP plants.

I pollinated the sets of 4x plants in 2 different tents twice at 5x days apart. I then waited another 48 hours before I sprayed them down with the water and then let them dry before I moved them all back together in the single 4x4.

The flowers were dusted at around 3.5weeks into flower (4.5 weeks if you INCLUDE my “transition week”, aka week 1 of 12/12 which I don’t include in my flower weeks as I continue to feed my veg nutes) so they were decently sized. It was the 1st time I used my FarRedLED and was blown away by how much earlier everything developed.

This doesn’t mean that they were the correct size to have been ready to pollenate. Here are a few pics for reference as requested. This how they looked the day they all came back together in the 4x4.

Thanks for the eyes on the flowers and the supportive words considering what I got vs what I had hoped to achieve.

Much gratitude @KanehB !

I am just another mere mortal with limited time on this rock hurtling though space but one that refuses to NOT be a tour-de-force for the powers of good while I’m stuck on here with the rest of us.

No one has been able to stop me when I get hyper-focused… even myself… which has been a problem from time to time… :laughing: / :thinking: / :sob:


When I dry seeds I don’t get fancy I just leave the top off the container for a week or so.


Oh this isn’t fancy. My grandmother was a hoarder… I kept some things as they would prove useful eventually. This is one of those times!

(Note: Dollarama + Xmas = TRIGGERED. It took me a few years to get all the fucking glitter from the xmas crap out of a section of the house. It was like there was a clown orgy down in the section of the basement she hid all this crap)