Fast curing method šŸ¤”

Put it on the dashboard of your car for a couple hours

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I did a water cure once. It smoked smooth but it was like smoking nothing. No flavor.


Nahā€¦I rather play the waiting game :hourglass_flowing_sand:. Patience is a virtue when talking about curing bud.

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They call it fast cure but they are not curing the bud at all.


Fast cured is not for me neither .


Okay so itā€™s pretty much unanimous, fast curing is a ass move, but what about these humidi-packs? Do they eliminate the need to burp ya jars? I just purchased the Integra boost 62% packs anyone have any experience using these?

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im afraid to admit this publically, but i have been known to use a dehydrator set at the lowest setting (~105f) to speed dry by buds in two days. i still cure for 6 weeks but the quick dry helps me avoid having the house stink up while it dries and avoids mold. ive had huge issues with that in the past. i dont do it every time, but in a pinch it totally works.

i can already hear everyone cringe


Iā€™m not too keen on the humidity packs finding they degrade the smells and taste . I do approve the grove bags so far Iā€™ve had great results using those.


Iā€™ve used them to bring humidity back up but never down. But this only happens when Iā€™ve overdried which is very rare.

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Iā€™ve heard of ppl using dehydrator idk if they were satisfied with the results :man_shrugging:t6:

Never heard of Grove bagsā€¦but I bet they cost a couple of dollars!

Pretty reasonable Iā€™m told Iā€™ve only tried the free samples theyā€™ve sent out so far .


Shitā€¦they still giving free samples? Lol

I hate it when i find one of those boveda packs in my weed lol. In my mind they are just trying to keep the moisture content up so I have less weed for my money :joy:

58% packs are fine but 62% is typically more moisture than i like in my buds.


I prefer the Integra Boost to the Boveda packs, but prefer to dry the buds properly rather than use the humidity packs.

I just ordered a dozen of the ounce size to try out this next round. Iā€™ve heard good things.


ā€œā€¦the process, growers check in regularly to ā€œburpā€ the flowers. Introducing oxygen into the container can help the aerobic bacteria metabolize the sugars found in the budsā€¦ā€

This is the type of crap that makes every other industry laugh at cannabis.

If the person teaching you to cure weed doesnā€™t know what ā€œclimactericā€ means, theyā€™ve never grown weed (or tomatoes) on a level that allows for any teaching to happen

Grove bag seem to work well. Iā€™ve noticed a remarkable difference in the smells. Way better than jars. I do not add the bovedas in the grove bags.


I agree. during the summer I often canā€™t control the temperature of my drying room, so it can be up to 80 degrees sometimes.

As long as I donā€™t rush the curing process, I donā€™t notice any degradation of quality or loss of aroma in the finished product.

In my opinion every grow comes out a little bit different, even growing clones in controlled indoor conditions. so I do notice some subtle variation but nothing I would consider out of the ordinary.


I love outdoor personally but, I think one difference between weed that sees high temps while the plants are ripening vs when drying is that when the plant is flowering outdoor and some of their secondary metabolites / resin / terps / thiols / etc etc evaporate during the midday heat they are replenished by the plant overnight. This is one of the reasons folks like to harvest at, or right before, first light. These volatile secondary metabolites canā€™t be replenished once the bud is no longer alive / on the plant.

I also think an ideal outdoor growing environment doesnā€™t have too many 100+ degree days to be honest. A bit more humidity + cold nights makes for a nicer bud structure and terpier weed ime outdoor. Hence why somewhere like the western more coastal area of Mendo grows better weed than growing outdoor in the central valley or socal. Higher temps and lower humidity when flowering outdoor leads to denser bud structure which some people like but these high temp buds generally have less flavor, terps and worse burn-ability in a joint.

All of this said I actually think the main reason to try to keep temps low while drying is less about the volatile compounds and more about helping suppress mold growth. If you can dry slowly with a relatively high room humidity with relatively higher room temps (say 75 degrees instead of 60 or whatever) without getting mold then youā€™re probably going to have a tasty finished product despite the slightly higher temps :yum:


A good nice long cure is a must for meā€¦I didnā€™t even bother reading the article bromigosā€¦