Fast curing method šŸ¤”

the fastest way Iā€™ve ā€œcuredā€ weed would have to be cobbing. Iā€™ve only done it a little, and only on remoistened weed not fresh weed, but you can get drastic changes in a buds flavor and smokability overnight.

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No no no some people should write about actual experiences . I wonder if author ever grew a plant . Skimmed threw it just so many silly points .

If u want to preserve terps slow and low is the only way to go!!!

If you want to try something different try freezer cure . Its not recommended using the family maytag . As everything in it will taste like crop.

Canā€™t find original forum but they discuss it here Finish drying my bud in the freezer in my kitchen?!? | International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums

Basically put buds in cardboard box and put box in a frost free freezer . Wait a month or 2 and smoke. Works well with doughy and sweet flavors . Gas and chem not so much


I agree with most here. I live in a very dry mountainous climate. Iā€™ve had many subpar cures in the past, and a few fluke good ones. The flower just seemed to have retained to much chlorophyll, resulting in a somewhat hay-like smell.
Though think I finally found my sweet spot for a good cure. After removing very few fan leaves, I hung the whole plant in my cellar storage which is currently holding about 60Ā°F and 60%RH. Depending on the size of the plant, it would remain untouched for 10-16 days before trimming and going to jars. I found that the buds in the jars retained their dank odor more and actually became more dense as the weeks passed.
This will probably be my new technique. Though Iā€™m still experimenting with it.

60/60 is the perfect conditions to dry in . I aim at 14 days some are done at 12 days .


Thanks. I think this going to work well.
This last plant seemed more moist towards the center. So I cut off an trimmed exterior branches, and left the inside of the plant for a couple more days.
I have also done branches having in a cardboard box in the same room, under the same conditions, with very similar(possibly better) results. Only time in the jar will tell.

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