Favorite TV channels to watch while high/stoned/baked?

comedy central - generally on most of the day. good background noise for computer work and grow room maitnence
cable broadcast news - good if i want to see something trippy
mtv - garbage to laugh at with friends
cspan - keep up with current events at a high level
cbs - intriguing tv for a hipster stoner hacker

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I pretty much watch PBS or Netflix/Hulu shit
I like educational when stoned


I’m not fancy I just have over the air TV and watch the local news weather in the am and then flip to GRIT TV or PBS. Otherwise it’s the stereo on and rocking KSHE or my downloads


Why hello fellow real rock radio neighbor :grin: come check out our Missouri medical page


The oldest classic rock station in the US! I grew up on it…

I haven’t paid for television for a handful of years. I have an antenna for local news, but all my watching is done on streaming services: Netflix, Hulu, Prime, Disney+, HBO, Starz. I wouldn’t have so many but my gf and I each had a few that didn’t overlap.

I like cooking shows if I want something on in the background, but I mostly play music when my eyes won’t be on the screen.

Youtube has some quality content too. Any other fans of Primitive Technology? When I’m high I totally get sucked in watching this guy build stuff in the wilderness using his hands and simple tools he created. Be sure to turn on Closed Captioning…

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They got streaming and an app for anyone with the misfortune of not having the greatest rock station in the world

And they support legalization long live sweetmeat


If you like streaming, check out the roku device, there’s like 1000 channels and there’s stuff like news channels from all across the USA and globe and foreign channels, just gotta download the channel app to the roku and it’ll stream, it’s so simple my grandma could do it, Theres a remote and all major streaming services are supported and there’s also channels for kung fu and anime, mine works with the surround system I setup, i I can watch Netflix when I want to in 5.1 on my 55 inch 4K tv I got from wish.com. You can even rent movies and all the media I play on my roku is 4K because I bought the 4K edition. Hard part is installing it, it usually goes behind the tv and you need hdmi and usb on your tv (or power it with the dc charger included) but for about 60$ a month you can get Netflix, hbo, Disney, Hulu, and a few extra channels, plus millions of free channels

Watching Nasa tv now


We pretty much watch documentaries and movies. We just use Netflix, Hulu and Kodi.

Antenna TV & Kodi…haven’t paid any cable or satellite service since I moved to a small town…the only thing I pay is Internet $38 a month…with Kodi you can watch Netflix, Hulu, Prime, HBO, Showtime etc. and all the cable channels for free, just need internet…btw, you can also watch current movies that’s out in theaters in the privacy of your home…

Nat Geo, history, all that (semi) educational stuff