State of mind: The Psychology of Control

Many of us cannabis users are very open minded, but yet we are still blind. We do not see what is going on in the world. We dont see the brainwashing and mind control tactics they use on us every single day of our lives. Since we were kids we grew up in front of array of flashing red green and blue lights on the best brain washing device there is. The T.V. We are brought up to believe this is right, that we need to look a certain way, eat certain things, follow the rules, dont question authority. Well we need to wake up the world and change this. Right now call your cable company and cancel your TV subscription, spend more time with your family, read more books, question everything, believe nothing you are told and only half the stuff you see. We are in big trouble! But we have the power to do something about it!! start googling, study study study, learn about whats going on. A great place to start is the movie A State of Mind: The Psychology of Control. its on youtube so you can all watch and download it to share with everyone you can. show it to your family, friends, neighbors, share it with everyone, post it everywhere. we can fix this. We dont have to be under the control of the government!

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As a 50 yr old gen xer I would have to say that TV has a lot to do with who I am as an individual. Mind control to me is just another term for parenting, school, and social interaction, TV media books etc. I have grown into a very aware individual and can spot BAD learning information a mile away. I realized very early that citizens are all sheep, being controlled by anyone and anything with POWER over you. You can change the channel, or cancel your subscription as easily as you can ignore a bully or the President. I feel television is a great benefit to my life and finally after this interwebbby thing, now lets me talk back to the TV! Escapism? yes of course but isn’t any pastime or hobby the same in that respect. We are all under control in someway by the 1% but the TV and internet are essential communication tools in society. I believe they have helped me to realize how ignorant ‘society’ is. Do what you can to correct the worlds problems while concentrating on your family, and friends. Some of my best times in life was spent sitting watching MAN walk on the moon and Wonderful world of disney with my parents. TV internet school teachers are all just tools for us to grow and learn, and hence are for your use and you are in control, not the tools. I disdain and avoid all politicians, religions, wars and human usery, but shit I can still sing the tune from the Milton Bradley Trouble board game from 45 years ago and I’m not a Zombie. I am a sheep slave like all ‘contributing members of society’ but I recognize this as my interpretation of reality. The internet is “big brother” but that isn’t as bad as Orwells version, because big brother casts his scorn on everyone no matter their ranking, enough clicks and big brother helps citizens takes down governments. Control the tools. YOU have control of your mind and body. Fret not, there is a lot of us aware out here, despite how it may seem, life is getting better everyday. Keep up the fight lotus. I hope the occupy and anonymous movements get more focused as they are getting good at the mind control game but their leaders methodology is amateur and fractured at best, just like my writing skills…thanks for posting!!

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I feel exactly the same. I hope not everything is lost. I’ve just seen the movie Snowden and really recommend it to everyone. Sometimes when I realize that it is already 3 years since Snowden whistleblowed NSA’s scandal big brother program and nothing has changed, I come to conclusion that we are in deep trouble. People forget quickly and are not aware what we are losing and how fast in modern world.

Snowden is great movie to remind that we still need to fight for our freedom and privacy. If you care about internet freedom, please support Electronic Frontier Foundation. Btw EFF has been disclosing NSA’s spy program years before Snowden.

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I killed my TV about 8-9 years ago. I am free!


So did I. Best advice I can give to anyone feeling concerned about being manipulated is to do the same.


I totally agree with all of this, but I had other issues too.

Firstly, cable movie channels are worse than poor. Repeat the same 4 movies for 6 months. The ads were more interesting. Damn if I’ll pay for that.

Sports, go to the pub.

News: Internet; Radio

The other thing is that unless the acting is really first rate, I fail to keep interest.

Music scores being the best part of the whole mess.

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