Feminized seed male

It’s definitely food for though ,I don’t know how you could get a male in their if you’re using female pollen and plants,

Unless the female was a hermie


This is a good point. Never thought of hermies being used for femmed seeds. That’s crap

The chem 91 is known hermie anyway. I’ll just flower him and see what happens. Might just turn out to be a herm. I’ve got a bubblegum x chem 91 that looks almost identical. It is only showing female


There’s been a few people caught out selling hermie seeds, on Facebook groups

:face_vomiting: asshats!

From edd Rosenthal site
Feminized seeds produce only female plants, and when they germinate there will be few males among them if they are produced correctly. The threat of accidentally pollinating crops by misidentifying a male is minimized. A male-free crop is only one reason to use all-female seeds: another might be the preservation of a particular characteristic or plant type.

Ace seeds
Regular seeds can produce feminine plants as well as male plants. They are most indicated if you are interested in using male plants to produce seeds in your own breeding projects. If the growing conditions are adequate, the percentage of feminine plants is normally superior to the one of male plants. This is especially true for the most tropical sativa varieties, where the percentages of feminine plants usually go beyond 70-80%.

On the other hand, feminized seeds produce only feminine plants (the percentage being over 95-98%). They are most indicated for growing without seeds where the priority is to maximize the number of feminine plants since the very beginning, or to avoid any problem of undesired pollination from male plants.

Dutch passion

What are feminized seeds?


Feminized seeds produce >95% female cannabis plants. Many growers only use feminized seeds due to the convenience and simplicity.

Royal queen seeds

Then, the creation of feminized cannabis seeds in the 1990s revolutionised cannabis cultivation. Feminized cannabis seeds are genetically engineered to only become female plants, and they almost always (99.9%) do so. Eliminating the game of chance, this advancement made growing cannabis much easier, as well as more economical.

Paradise seeds

Feminized cannabis seeds provide an ALMOST 100% guarantee that your seed will grow into a female plant that will flower and produce buds (compared to the male which does not). We stock a range of organic cannabis seeds that offer great options for both beginner and professional growers.

There are plenty more when you start looking into it


I had 2 Male Plants that I thought & bought for $15 a seed for fem … from never again crooks


Yeah @VAkish those are from CSI Humboldt so it’s not like you’re running some shitty little company’s genetics. I’ve heard that it happens but only seen it once or twice on the forums or social media. And as you said Chem is known to do some freaky shit anyway; herms, variegation. I’d do exactly what you’re doing, separate it and keep an eye on it for any sign of pistils before you consider saving any of it pollen :v::seedling::green_heart:


It happens, definitely collect that pollen. Nice looking plants!

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I’d assume it’s pollen contamination. Happens to even the best breeders. A stray bit of pollen from a previous run being missed in the cleanup. A true male should never pop up in a fem hybrid.


Thanks everyone for their replies. I looked it over really good today and it looks like a 100% male. I just sent CSI a message. I figured he would know best. I’ll update if/when I hear from him

I had a Somango xxl from WSE that grew way taller than the rest after the flip with no pistils then week 5 it grew anthers low down.
I contacted them and they said it was male and sent me another pack of seeds, they were all fem.
It seems nothings garranteed in botany.


9/10 times fems are great you just got that unlucky one. Not even a breeder or qc issue. CSI is very reputable. Just crap luck bet it never happens to ya again or if it does not for years.


Nature finds a way :seedling:


These are fem seeds but 2/6 are looking male?? What did you guys think?

The breeder said they are neutral male parts?


Neutral as in nonviable?
They don’t look like they would produce pollen… but… :thinking:
I wouldn’t use them to produce seed.



Occasionally I’ll see one or two of these on lower branches. I pluck them and keep an eye put for more. Definitely don’t use it for seed as Gpaw advised.


Feminized seeds have a small chance of producing a rare male every now and then. It’s a known side effect of using chemicals to reverse a female plant in order to produce pollen from it. Consider this isn’t natures plan… we are forcing the plants to do what we want.


Yes. This is also what Caleb from CSI told me. He said that according to femenized hemp literature that it’s a 1 in 500 chance of XX male.


Exactly, that is spot on :ok_hand: