Fibro myalgia

Here we go Double Thunder Harvst !!! Frooosty !!!


Hello @RainToday thank you so much for your generous gift ! the grafics on this flip is awsome ! Love it !!! Like to share this with you all true artist !


Awesome! Glad you are happy :slight_smile: graphics isn’t from me, it’s the grower on the other side of the flip. :smiley:


Happy ! There nothing better in this world than free gear !!! lolhahahah
Thank you so much !!!


Saturday Morning Outdo9v

or Grow in Ontario !

for those woundering about the auto run well here the only 2 worthy of a mention but i got a call into a doctor !


just caught this thread and realize it was started some time ago but thought i’d reply anyways.
in 2016 I was growing the BC med community Black Tuna clone (tilray cut) and one of the reasons I took the clone and the project attached to it was that it was a known plant for treating fibromyalgia. I was rendering it to oil with everclear and passing it on to a friend who made topicals and edibles specifically for that ailment. I was still a renter at the time and my landlord’s wife had it really bad. She had it in her hands and other joints. I knew she had an open mind and kept a small stash of trim shake in her freezer for making teas. I made her cookies using the black tuna , whole plant, leaves and flowers , rendering it into dairy butter. The results were “life changing” as she put it. I baked her up 10 dozen so she could freeze them. Eventually she built a little greenhouse and i gave her the clone.
I notice there was a seed run recently with the black tuna. might be worth finding that strain if you suffer from fibromyalgia and get it into topical and edible form.


geeze better late then never i say . Thank you very much for your time and advice I will look into this right away in the meantime if anybody has some black tuna and would like to make a trade for something or i will buy them out right please let me know cheers !


ok here we go again kick in the nut with fem auto now whats the chance Eh ! Do I have shit luck or what !


Wow. Could it be you have very acidic or basic or otherwise extreme soil? I’ve seen extreme soil parameters convert a female plant to male, and fixing them switch it back. Your big plants look really healthy so it doesn’t seem likely, but this is really a ridiculous amount of males.

Best test I can think of would be to take these or the next males you get and replant them in potting soil. Pick off all the male flowers / cut back the plants and see if they switch to female flower production in the new soil.

This wouldn’t be with the goal of salvaging those particular plants for a full grow, just a few weeks to check on the outcome.

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I find when I’ve really messed something up in my system, I’ll see more males than normal. The females that come out in that situation are REALLY strong plants, could just be the stronger plants can live in “off” conditions…?

I’m curious… If you soak a cup or the soil in distilled water (which should have a pH of 7) for an hour or two (ish? :person_shrugging:) , and rechecked the pH. It obviously won’t be accurate but it’d give you an idea which direction off of neutral the soil is, if it is. A pool pH testing kit from Walmart would do even.

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haha i really appreciate how much of your thought process your. giving me ! Did you see my picture above now when the were sent to me they were marked as fem auto and as i told you i had doubled up in some of the holes that were big enuff to accommodate 2plants. and 2 males out of same hole now what the chances that what Im starting to think is stress on the plants and Im talking extreme stress. Over the weekend I dug up the roots of the bigger plants that completely flipped and i found that more than one had its roots wrapped around the main root several times that was enough to ckoke out the tap root .


Here they are its Harvest day !!! Double kush/ Gmo / Rootbeer &

Hellfire !!!

the cola picks pic 1 is the double kush gmo rootbeer
Cola 2 is Hellfire !!!


This is Hellfire plant 2 !!!


wow ! its time to harvest !!!


She’s a big girl, good luck with the trimming.

hahah i got 10 more like that picture later today you will really laugh then


the nugs are the size of a baby food jar !!


Those are so awesome! I really love enormous plants :star_struck:

If you find any random seeds in things you grew, I recommend you keep them and grow them. If the issue you are having with so many males is because they are stressed by something in your environment, those “children” are likely to be adapted and not have that problem.

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prosessed 6 with these 9 hanging around waiting there turn ! sure glad i finnished the rough framing and closed in this trailer in time gonna have to wait till next season to see the finnished trailer hahahaah !!!