Fibro myalgia

heres happiness !


Hey thanks you very much you have land in the seeds promised land ! lol Both of your generous cards have made it truly appreciate you thank you ! You wont have to wait long about the BlueberryQuest !!! the next run i do will be all blue anything i have that has blue in its name im throwing in the tent ! So I will keep you in the loop on that @buckaroobonsai !


goodmorning OGers I need some help identifing something i think its a fungus but is it safe or do i need to do


Those kinda look like thrips to me, walking up and down the stem?

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They look like Aphids.


I could be thrip paranoid :grin:


I am thinking aphids as well.


i was told that they were more male plant and i looked all over my other plants these 2 were the only ones infested and they turned out to be male plants so i wrapped poly 6around them and stangled the bastards then it was off with there heads with a
sawzall ! so Im down to 8 oringinal plants of 35 the reason i say 35 was i had replaced 5 plants at the very begining that showed right away to be male ? So for the ones keeping score 27 male plants out of 35 seeds is theee something going on in the beans these days the plants seem to be spouting more males plants than ever is it a genetics thing or is it me being paranoid. Thank you all for your input I truly appreciate you taking the time to stop and take a look !!! @luxton , @chronix @Ganjapeee


here’s some happy pictures of some really i have found easy strains to grow
and to be honest some of the most beautiful plants i have saw since growing Coral Kush now that was a really beautiful plant ! Anyways this weeks photo update these are all from June 9 first is Double Thunder from @JohnnyPotseed

and here is her sister both the smell everytime you move this plant she fills the room with some of the most beautiful aromas !

Here is another nice nugget wielding warrior The Purple Freak the buds are so heavey there taking a bow . !
Purple Freak was given to me by @THCeed And now we have a really nice looker and again @JohnnyPotseed you can find this one this is Hell Fire :fire:

this is one of my favorites :heart_eyes: Im just counting the days ! this is Double Kush GMO Rootbeer

the last one of this weeks photo update 1 more Hell Fire what can i say i love the profile of this plant but this one is a little different from her sisters she loves looking up to the lord with her arms in the air !!!

2 to 3 weeks it depends on whos counting left on this grow and then we get to see ! What Im calling The Butterdon sister ! @Budderton this is his SVG BX3 f3 that He kindly had one of his loyal followers send me ! I apologize for not remembering the gifters name ! Heres a quick peek


Thanks for the update friend

27/35, that’s insane. I can only comfortably grow 10-12 at a time, that’d almost be 3 full grows of males… I’d lose my mind, lol.

The rest of your plants look awesome!!

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I would definitely be having a word with your bean provider. :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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27 of 35 being male is pretty crazy!

Double Kush GMO Rootbeer :metal::sunglasses:

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end of summer !! it gone to the dogs now !!! my Rosie at 11 years old still enjoying Life !


hahaha that guy has beans on the brain !!! for Xmas Im going to buy him some of your seeds from the Top Shelf nudge nudge wink wink eh !!! I have had so many kind remarks. Like for instance this one was my favorite " what kind of idiot only wants to grow males can someone help this guy ! :boy: To be quit honest my friend helped me out at the begining knowing how busy I was so I just really appreciated all the hard work he put in for me to even have a grow how was he to know what was going to happen ! That were growing and fishing are the same animal if you like fishing you should like growing you never know what going to jump in the boat ! And people say oh you should have cloned them them but we work full time own small businesses we dont have that time or luxury so we deal with what we got and roll with the punches and thanks to great people to be here on OG @RainToday gave me the little push to do the auto that are now rockin my grow !


Did you see my pictures of that Double Kush/GMO/Rootbeer

1 week to Harvest !!!


Yeah… you’re a lucky dog :metal: :sunglasses:

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Hey @Budderton i have to give you this update . I was reading about you and some of the things your nerd out on well structure is were i get my nerd on these svg bx3 are real beauty’s

she’s geating really nice and full ! These are filling out in a different manner producing what i think looks to be giving more budding ! But I guess that why there different plants hahahah I still think you have a great product in the Trycle got my finger crossed im heading to that same nieborghood cheers !


hey my friend i dont have many so i cant do much but dm me you address and i can send you a couple beans ! If i just sat on them it just wouldnt be OG !!!



You’re getting a sativa leaning Blue Dream x (Blue Dream x Rootbeer) slung back at you, my friend.

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