Fictional Downer Alert (Fair Warning)


If you know me you know that I’m a joker and a half a clown who takes very little seriously.

But let me be serious for a second.

I’m getting very tired of seeing my friends/people I know dying young from drinking.

I’m not trying to preach or tell anybody what to do and I’d be hostile to anyone telling me what to do, about anything.

But, I urge you to consider your drinking and the potential impact. Make whatever decision you feel is appropriate, but think about it.

If you wish to drink your face off that’s fine. If your grandfather drank like a fish until the age of 90 so be it. Total abstinence, couple drinks a week, whatever. The decision is yours and yours alone.

But do so with intention.

Be well, and take care, and happy 420.

Thanks for listening.


You forgot high maintenance. i kid.

Ture words though for sure. I’m very thankful for cannabis as it’s helped me cut back on the booze drastically otherwise I could see myself on that same path. It was even more obvious to me once I lost a bunch of weight and also started sleeping better since I wasn’t constantly dehydrated. Hope many take your message seriously before it becomes too late.

Cheers and happy 420.


It’s been years since I had a drink and sure am glad I don’t.


I am high maintenance. I have no choice but to accept it. Mrs Foreigner says so.

It stings in an acute way because human tragedy sad but also because I used to be that guy and it could very easily be me. Shit, it still might be. Who knows how much damage I’ve done to myself.

But I agree I am significantly healthier too since I quit.


Also, isn’t it interesting that you ended your post with “cheers?”

Not shitting on you, I do it too. It’s so ingrained in our culture it’s a hard habit to shake.


I love a glass of wine, or a good beer. But the wife and I have been drinking less and less this last year. And we feel a lot better.

Also, my kid is 15, and the wife and I have been telling him for a couple years now… when you hit 18, I’ll give you all the weed you want. But whatever you do… don’t ever start drinking. Please.
He said in his health class the teachers are telling them “if alcohol was only just discovered today… it would be outlawed faster than heroin because its so damaging”

But, it is part of our culture for thousands of years… for better or worse.

Moderation is key. But for some folks, there is no moderation with alcohol. It’s like it bypasses all the common-sense failsafes in our brains.

My heart goes out to anyone who struggles with it.


There’s a mark twain quote…hang on…


I like to say 10 is not enough so 1 is too many but it’s kind of a platitude.


I can’t fi d it and it might not be mark twain…

Something like:

I don’t have a drinking problem. The problem is that when I have a drink I turn into somebody else. And he’s thirsty too.

It’s been a scourge ever since we didn’t need it to keep drinking water clean enough, and I attribute the massive pressure to drink till your dead to profiting from a poison that sells itself. But I’m a sucker for a gin and tonic. Hippocriting myself…

Excellent psa.


Thank you for that. Mark Twain is awesome, even if this one isn’t his.


i pretty much switched from drinking to weed in my early 20’s. every now and then ill have a beer or a gin or rum… but fortunately i have never had the urge to binge on that. weed on the other hand…


Now I need to know what the quote I’m thinking of is…

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Just to add to the context I know 3 people who have died because of alcohol in the last 18 months or so. One at 28. One at 37. One at 55.

Acute toxicity.
Liver failure.
Internal hemorrhaging from weakened vessels.


i feel you, ive seen people die from indirect consequences (crashing or just not helping their help in general). I dont like to be around ppl who drink a lot - ill easily share a drink or two with you but once you start sounding like an asshole or in love with everything… im out.


Some people don’t drink because they can’t have just one they need the next one locked down. Otherwise nothing is fun. Happiness is blocked. And I don’t think it’s beyond the power of mushrooms to re assimilate yourself with nature.

Maintenance doses recommended


i discovered this not too long ago. ill second that.


Drinking is a super powerful cultural thing g, so one must break the culture.

That’s alot to ask of a drunk dude.

He might need some help.


It’s particularly insidious because it’s everywhere. Not to trivialize this struggle but if you’re a heroin addict and trying to kick the biggest step is to avoid places where heroin is being used. Impossible with alcohol. It’s a facet of every part of our lives.


Kicking heroine, you drop everyone you fucking know because everybody is a trigger

When you’re thirsty

No where to hide but the dive bar, where you get treated like a human.


Yes agreed. I didn’t just stop drinking I had to rearrange and jettison large parts of my life.

And nobody is going to judge you for having a gin and tonic. It’s ok, nobody here is saying don’t ever drink ever :+1: