FieldEffect's Attempt to Grow Indoors

Yeah indeed, must smell quite good too when you open the tent :slight_smile: Looking forward what they’ll do outdoor, specially that fasciated N4 and the romulan. With the choice you made for this year’s round, you’ll have quite some full spectrum choice for the year, that’s a good idea.

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I’m also very curious how they’ll do outside. Figured I’d be smoking them by now but the whole process has been full of learning “hurdles” for me to clear. I’m quite content with the selections of S1 and N4 just based on their outward character including smell. Hopefully they smoke decent I imagine I’ll have a ton of finished herb by this fall.

Very curious about the other characteristics we’ll only see outside - resilience, heat resistance, pest and mold susceptibility. There’s a lot I still haven’t seen yet. Pretty cool to be able to run them inside and out in direct succession.

Romulan is one of the fabled ones I’ve never tried, we’ll see. Convenient that both cuts rooted I’ll just put one out and keep one isolated inside.

I’d also like Chernobyl and MOB cuts. An exemplar Jack Herer would also make my day. Eventually I’ll have a better library as trade bait :sunglasses:

Was thinking my next tent run would be a Chocolope pheno hunt. That’d be good bait when I’m fishing for cuts


I do really like having a spectrum of effects.


As fuck. The worse is that i have a decent glass/aluminium greenhouse in the garden that i can’t use for security purpose, i’m in plain town ^^ Make a season for twos lol, upscale your outdoor pruning skills ^^

Two more germinations and it’s a possibility if you’re patient. And if you accept to grow a line literally dedicated to a cat ^^


@FieldEffect I grew Romulan outside last summer. I’m thoroughly enjoying it. Keep an eye on it during the latter part of the season. It’s the only plant I’ve grown outside that’s developed mold. I didn’t think it could happen where we live, but it did.


Greatful for my generally good climate and the few neighbors. They’re cool too with their yearly Christmas gift packages of herbs from the garden.

I’m patient. :wink:

@PineTarBastard thanks for the heads up. I’m going to pop beans for these in 3 of my 4 spots

MDS x Oaxaca @PineTarBastard
Fighting Bilbo @MissinBissin

And thinking hard about a nice hybrid for the evenings/afternoons. Maybe Sangria, maybe Temple Flo, Sweet Sierra, Cherry West BX


Ortega lines are very good for the evening ^^


Well, @Rhino_buddy I didn’t have good luck with that last run of cuts. :thinking: I must have done something wrong. The fresh cuts I took from my plants when those arrived seem to be doing OK. Perhaps it was my dilute hydrogen peroxide rinse? I’ve kept the same routine, but was definately more delicate with the mailed cuts when it came to patting them down. I should’ve taken pictures but they basically rotted away. I think I left too much moisture after rinse between leaves I was reluctant to pull open. BUT - the Romulan is doing great! So we won that one :sunglasses:

Oddly the fresh cuts I took from my mothers are doing well. They must have just been a bit more vigorous not having taken a week-long cross-country trip via mail.

Rest of veg looking OK.

Solo cups. The NL2 is starting to get a piney smell. Pineapple Cinderella not smelling much yet but getting a nice stretch going. I can’t identify the Bahia Black Head smell but she is a nice plant.

R3 I’ve been waiting to chop, and glad I am. N4 also giving more time than I had planned. We’re at 1.1mS EC in the flower side. I think the tip burn/taco effects are from earlier higher EC as well as the excessive light experiments. I believe we’re settled into a groove with 1.1mS/5.8pH/~1300-1700umol now.

Yes indeed. That’s a project though, not a toss a couple beans and see what happens thing (to me anyway). I’m not sure what I’ll do but probably similar to what I did here. Make some selections, look at the differences between the three lines I have in my fridge. Perhaps fuse them. Ortega will likely be outside next summer, maybe with a Jack :grinning:


Sorry they didn’t fare well. It’s been dry as heck here lately and I’ve been having to spray my clones often. Ive noticed that a couple rotted at the stem because they were too wet where it seated into the cubes. I’ve altered my methods.
Possible they got a bit too much heat stress too. It’s been too darn warm out. Want to try again? :star_struck:


Garden update. Fresh res fill this AM, 87mL Flores A + B, 1 gallon filtered/non-RO water, 7.5 gallons RO, 1mL GG Monosilicic, 10mL HOCl. pH 5.9, EC 1.4ms. Lowering EC to see what works best. I don’t want to be running excessively hot, looking for a more moderate overall level I can generally maintain to do this sort of pseudo “phenohunting.”

Haven’t chopped anything yet, dry cabinet is on standby.

Runtz x Sour Bubble:
These are all getting close to harvest. Smell is chemically/drag strip with a bit (undertone, just a pinch) of sweetness. Not really my sort of jam but I know most of my friends are looking for this sort of profile. They are all very similar in fragrance and structure, pronounced variation in color. We’re day 51-58 depending on individual plant.

R3 F58:

R4 F51:

R5 F51:

907 Blue Genes x NL #1:
Still my favorite. N4 still going with a squat, fat structure and fasciation. N3 adopting a much more sativa, fox-taily bud structure. N4 smells like her blueberry-pie scented mother.

907 Blue Genes x Shiskeberry #3:
These are all coming along. S1 still my favorite of the bunch, S3 starting to adopt a sweeter aroma.

Solo Cups:
NL#2 piney/mint scent, Bahia and Cinderella Pineapple still not emitting much odor.

Cheers and have a great weekend! My little one has been a bit under the weather so today may be a popcorn/movie day on the couch. Maybe a little special herbs for daddy :rofl:

Happy 420


Another note, daughter taking longer than usual to wake up so work continues in the closet.

Cleaned out and refilled veg flood/drain system. Been sticking to 9mL Canna Vega Aqua A+B per gallon, each gallon is about 2/3L of filtered/non-RO with a bit over 3L of RO. Puts it at ~1.4mS, 5.8pH.

I removed some mothers today. They’re the ones I didn’t care for already. My luck will be they will generate the tastiest smoke. But I’ve got to make room for some long-desired cuts to arrive and have a home. N2, S2, R4 and R5 are gone.

The next few weeks are going to be exciting :cowboy_hat_face:


Came across this thread a few days ago. Haven’t had the time to go through it yet… but damn, it looks awesome! Excited to give it a read.


small spaces demand good choices. long-desired cuts are just what doctor ordered. :+1: :+1:
hope they stick the landing! happy holiday dude :partying_face:


Me too :cowboy_hat_face:

Was just checking my N4/S1 cuts for roots, no dice yet. I’ve been trying to be a little less “intensive” with them, not foliar feeding everyday, just kinda letting them do their thing not opening the dome except once every 3-4 days. It’s 12 days today. I’ll foliar them next time I open it, they got a little nute juice with the water this AM.

The veg side is looking decent with some more room cleared up. Romulan getting cozy with the other moms downstairs.

R3 is coming down tomorrow morning.

Cheers guys. Another week begins, a week of work, week of flower, week of springtime preparations.


:hourglass: time is up for R3.

She’s pretty. Gassy sweet nose.

She’s in the cabinet now, we’ll check back in a week or two.

We’ve done it! Grown weed inside :rofl:


uhhii sure gone be a great smoke, great work !!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Congrats bud! You did the thing! :star_struck::trophy:


Nice colors on that one :+1: good work!

Poked through your drying cabinet thread over the weekend. Cool stuff…


Let me knowing you need help smoke testing!


Dude, those buds are looking fire! Mad skills, man!


Dude, that is sooo sexy…
Nicely done!

You could have a helluva Octopot grow in that 2x2 section @FieldEffect … Just sayin :vulcan_salute: