FieldEffect's Attempt to Grow Indoors

looking good brotha, i bet the smell is amazing. :slight_smile:

have a great day :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: :slight_smile:


Looking forward to the drying, odd as that sounds.


OMG that is beautiful @FieldEffect


What a great setup! I’m wondering if you trim the roots to limit their height as there’s none showing growing from the blocks out into the tray? Is the height kept in check because of the smaller root mass? That’s always been my problem, they stretch and bolt past the light. Your results look amazing.


Thanks guys! @BigF I gave some of the dried Runtz x Sour Bubble to some friends to see what they think. It’s good. I’ll definately have to bring some but I’m more excited about some of the other ladies in the tent :cowboy_hat_face:

@Igor I’ve battled the lights with a few of the plants, and had to bend them sideways. It’s just the shorter plants that haven’t given me problems. The goal was to do a mini phenohunt, and I’d say, it was successful. I haven’t cut the roots but I move them around pretty frequently to avoid the roots getting too comfortable and tangling up. The plants seemed to adapt by just staying compact in terms of roots.

Today, surprise of all surprises…pictures of weed for my friends on the interwebs that enjoy looking at such things.

Here’s the solo cups:

Here’s the NL crosses (F78):

NL crosses more closeup. N3 is foxtailing pretty good.

The Shiskeberry #3 crosses (also day 78):

More foxtailing on these. Kinda surprised the magnitude of this and the duration of the flower time.

907 Blue Genes x Shiskeberry #3 (plant S2) got chopped today at 11 weeks. She smells amazing. A good reminder to not judge a book by its cover, I tossed the mom a month ago making room in the veg chamber. I regret that. Going to try to reveg her.

Here’s what the flower chamber looks like now:

I lowered the light interval to 11.5 hours to see if I can get these stubborn plants to finish up.

Got a full 5 gallon bucket of RO to flush and refill reservoirs tomorrow. Going to start taking seedlings and moms outside to acclimate today. Sunday all the stuff intended for outdoor is going out for good.

Cheers, thanks for following and chiming in. Appreciate you guys!


You probably know this already: cutting N and drying back harder (drier) both provide strong cues for them to finish up.


Very nice! Hope the reveg will work. I wonder if you shouldn’t lower the PPFD too. Could help to stop the new pistils/foxtailing, but might not e worth it with the younger solo cups in there.


NL2 :+1:

jeez that’s a long time. have you scoped N4’s trichs?

woooo a big day!


Gotcha. Starting to really understand having similar genes/timelines in a setup like this. I had the hope initially of keeping feed constant over time and plants at various stages of growth all together.

I mean, it’s “working” but the deficiencies of that approach are starting to get more apparent. I’ll cut the EC back another 10% on the reservoir exchange tomorrow.

Yet again my naive scheme shows it’s weaknesses. I had wondered the same thing about the intensity. I could move the light and move the foxes to the opposite edge to reduce the PAR on them and maybe even intensify it on the Solo cups. I’ll play with that tomorrow morning.

It’s a pain in the ass to get good trich shots. Outside it’s actually easier to snip a bud (I’d never notice a few missing ounces there) and set it on my desk, the small plants I don’t want to clip anything so I rig up a ridiculous setup on my desk. Tomorrow :sunglasses:


Before you all think I’m the laziest grower on OG, this is what my retarded setup for scoping trichs looks like. I need to figure out something better. Just haven’t yet.

As I see that picture in the post preview I think of how out-of-character that is compared to most of my setup. Everything else planned and carefully executed. This, well, it’s not. But it’s why I haven’t been posting trich shots every week.



I think I could actually chop pretty much everything in the tent right now and be OK with it. N4, you are correct @noknees, she looks ready today.

Due to Mother’s Day and the crazy multi-family brunches (different families/different days) and travel required, I can’t take her down this morning. I may just harvest them all (except solo cups) tomorrow morning. I need to let this soak between my two ears. Thoughts and advice, like always, welcome!

Have a wonderful day!


nice photos, your setup is probably nicer than a lot of guys.

harvest…guess it depends on your itinerary. n4 main is abt there. if you have the time/space/patience, maybe let the lowers get nice and ripe? think future you may appreciate it. at worst, it’d help inform you abt timing for the outdoor flowers.

in general though, surprised by the long flowering times. :thinking:


I’m not too shocked but it’s slightly concerning. I’ve heard others like @LD50 say that their 907 Blue Genes never really finished. Mine wasn’t as ripe as I would have wanted it but its effect was still right up my alley.

I can pretty easily let things go to November here if they are healthy. Last season I let things get out of control, especially on the 907. This year I bought a fogger, should allow better application of BT and preventative HOCl. And I’ll tent them if it rains. I’m alert to the hazards this time. Doesn’t mean I’ll pull it off, but my odds should be much better this year.

I’ll probably let them go a bit longer. I shortened the light cycle, lowered EC slightly, and shifted the light away from the tall buds that are foxtailing.

Thanks buddy :grin:


I use a usb microscope (“pluggable” brand) and connect it to my phone (android) with an otg adapter. I can use it right at the plants then. It can be a bit difficult to hold the scope steady though (and while holding the phone), but you can record video and just review it elsewhere (on phone or pc), and you could also just snap a lot of pics (knowing some will likely be blurry).
I do usually clip something off to view elsewhere though, while the scope is connected to a pc and bigger monitor.

I need some type of maneuverable arm to connect it to the table so I can manipulate it into place, focus it, and then not have to hold it stead to take pics/video.


You could try a gooseneck mic stand with a c clamp base and oversized mic spring clip. I got a cheapo so it isnt very flexible but im sure there is a nice one out there.
Clamp stand

This clip is great though
Mic clip


I like it!

yummy trichome shots.

Regarding harvest time, might be that they’ll act differently OD. Maybe their long flowering is due to some indoor condition (too much feeding in the end, too much light, whatever), and that with a true end of summer/autumn, they’ll ripen faster. That’s part of what will be interesting to see with your experiment.

Now enjoy the harvest, well done! :slight_smile:

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If it have to foxtail the fck, it will ^^ The AK you’re seeing will not show anything on a normal grow, because harvested much earlier at maturity peak. I mostly flower to death to see the complete cycle, if I say that the AK is foxtailing the fuck since its genesis … not much people will believe it ^^

The second pic is another female, this line have the tendency (also) to foxtail when hitted by pollen.

And the direct progeny under senescence (soon, cut at peak for this one) with a shiska … zero foxtail but you can see if you look closer that the floral structure is here and ready to make a double-flowering like a lot of pure sativas ^^ I’ve never really understood the mechanism under this sativa’s remanence that sometimes is popping, beside the cyto/auxin disorder it represent i mean. AK isn’t really a haze hybrid lol

It was the little off road on foxtailing, it’s much more latent (generally) in indoor that people are thinking. You just have to flirt more with the senescence to see it.


True that foxtailing is genetic. First pic looks almost like a reveg, pushing stem growth :smiley: Also true most of the time it’s not triggered cause the plant is choped earlier.

I’ve read that too much light and nutes made it easier for it to happen too. But that might just be because reducing the light and nutes prevent the plant from having enough energy to build some new flowers.


I personnally grow plants to death under 1kw/sqm (all X) since a while and … i think that your angle is a trap. Epigenetic in its expression i can give it to you, but it’s also a trait very easy to breed. Wich mean that the genetic grip of the dominance is far stronger that a reccurent environemental factor.

To follow my logic, it mean.that if it was really a strong epigenetic factor all my sedentar strains will foxtail as fuck because this trait is supposed to be favored under my environment. In practice, it decrease drastically each generation that i’m hitting ^^

But i’ve a more talkative idea to prevent you to consider this too fast :
sativa (4)
Pure africaan that was never bred indoor until, it dont mean that the floral was never worked either.

a dozen of gens later, parralel line bred only indoor in average under 2x600hPS / sqm ^^


Nice work @FieldEffect

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