FieldEffect's Attempt to Grow Indoors

brother they are not just surviving !! you are doing fine! I think Your learning curve is good. one ir two more runs and you’ll have everything perfeced :wink:


LOL they’ve taken a ride.

Here’s the veg side of the tent. The empty starter plugs just got freshly-cracked beans. Goal is going outside 5/10ish.

And flower. At least one will be coming down Saturday. We’re going out of town for a few days so spent some time getting everything situated and added some nutes to the flower res to bring EC where I want it. We’ll leave tomorrow I’ll just water the seedlings and top off the veg reservoir.



Hey man, loving the vibes from your grow setup!


Hey field it can be done in 2ft x 2ft here is the proof😉
This is a 2ft x2ft area today in my cab this round i have smaller plants (strain)


Those 907 x NL1 plants look awesome and the smell descriptions sounds divine. Excited to hear how they smoke.

The choices of what to run for my 1 grow per year—outside—are always super tough. This one is on my short list…

Your outdoor thread is looking good too, have some catching up to do (and my own beds to prep…). Gotta love spring.

Have a great weekend :beers:


Hey there @tamimes! I know it is possible, I’ve been looking at your pictures for the last 6 months :rofl:

Beautiful work :+1::+1:

@Klyphman I’d be happy to send a few snips of whichever strikes your fancy.

I got food poisoning yesterday I feel like a trainwreck. Sitting outside waiting on a graduation ceremony.


Got home and pretty much recovered from the food poisoning. Can’t check on the flower girls yet (lights out), but veg side looks OK.

I’m thinking I’ll actually just put my mom plants outside (N4, S1). The Romulan is ridiculous. I know I “promised” the other half smaller plants than last year, may as well go out with 3 giant indicas :rofl:


Anyway tomorrow morning I can’t wait to get them all out. May be chop time for S2 and N4…


Glad you’re feeling better. Graduation ceremonies are hard enough to sit through :sun_with_face::watch::hot_face::sleeping::stopwatch::eyes:……………:mortar_board:


mb give the seed moms to your apprentices? would appease the boss, and give you a reason to visit. reasonably-sized plants from clone are certainly the move, esp if you’re gonna ride with those small pots…

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I’ve thought about this. To be clear, she won’t actually be upset with me unless the backyard is completely full of weed. She’ll definately give me some joking commentary. We’ll see.

Finally, today I feel normal again but slept in until 6 which is wholy unusual. I’m actually looking foward to going out and mowing/weed wacking/etc. Plants will go in-ground next weekend. I’ll update that in it’s thread later today.

Here’s the veg situation, Romulans overgrowing their habitat.

Seed starts for outside. I’ll send out sex tests next weekend for the 9 regular beans on the right there, and start them raising towards the light. May actually just put them on my veggie starting shelf since they are going outside same time. Veggies are under 400-500umol, these are 120umol. I’ll just do that when I finish posting this.

Here’s what the flower chamber looks like.

907 Blue Genes x NL #1: N3 (tall) is smelling more pure berry, N4 has a rubbery/chem undertone developing. On it’s own, wouldn’t be to my liking but I find the combo with fruit tantalizing. Hard to decide N3/N4 which is my favorite this morning. I’ve got both healthy moms :sunglasses:

907 Blue Genes x Shiskeberry #3: Interesting flower structure on these. More “sativa” and heavily foxtailing. I’m kinda finding the same phenomenon as the NL crosses, the plants with less initial berry scent are now developing more, and the plants that haven’t smelled like berry as much are really maturing into it.

S1 smelling a bit more like weed and a bit less like fruit pie.

S2 wildly different expression dark and sweet fragrance.

S3 smelling like fruit pie and foxtailing like crazy up top. The upper bud is at ~1500-1700umol right under the light, that may be contributing to the behaviour

Cheers everyone!


Trimmed up R3 she’d been in the dryer for 12 days. I could have left it another week but its dry and I am trying to use this precious free time to get ahead somewhere.

Before trimming:

Post trim:

I need to get my skills up with the macro shots I did a shit job but I tried. It’s probably the best bag appeal weed I’ve ever grown. Stinks like a drag strip. It’ll get a smoke test tonight :sunglasses:

12.5 grams. Not a bad take.

Happy cinco de mayo!


He’s got the indoor gardener patch now.
Well done.


So your smaller plants gave you 6 gram the first time
That is a very good score in my books finding its sweet spot before 12/12 you can do 10 grams easy​:tada::tada:


On those blocks 13 gr average will be a minimum wit some good strains

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LOL I have a patch, my shed reaks like drying weed, my office has a slight “hmmmm” noise and my wallet got a brief black eye :rofl:

Tamimes you have me scratching my head over here. Not sure if it’s the Panalawi smoke from earlier or what.

This plant was 12.5g. I think of the Runtz x Sour Bubbles I probably got about 7-9g each from the smaller two we’ll find out in a week or so. Maybe that’s what you were saying. The smaller plants about 6g, generally expect an average about 13. I feel a little slow :rofl:

All of those plants are dainty compared to the chonk factories that are S1, S3 and N4.

I think on the 4" blocks about 13 gr would be a reasonable lower limit. If I produce cola sticks like you do I can pretty easily imagine getting about 50% more - maybe up to 18g. We’ll find out within a month what the other plants throw down. I wouldn’t be surprised if N4, S1 and S3 are all 15+.

Thanks for all your help, both of you guys. @Nitt and @tamimes you guys have nudged me past some difficulties to this point


Can almost smell them here from the prictures! Now the best moment begins: “sampling” :wink: :

It’s all running smoothy it seems, indeed looks like the challenge will be to keep them low enough in this year OD :laughing: Looking forward the gigantic buds.


:yum: i got mixed up i thought 12gr for the 2 plants that you had harvest so 12 for one pppfffffff that is :tada::tada::tada::tada::tada:


I can’t wait for the grand sampling.

I’ve been thinking about this more, almost fearfully. N4 will be dense and probably susceptible to bud rot. If N3 (much less dense/thick) is decent smoke she’d probably be a better run outside. It’s hard to pick. I guess that means I got lucky.

I thought by the time I had posted my response that I had figured out what you were saying. :rofl:

Today filled up the flower res, I need to change that this week. I slacked off because of the trip. It’ll have to wait until Friday/Saturday.

Yesterday night was ridiculously windy had to run out and get the seedlings inside, brace the pumpkin vine. Looking forward to spring transitioning into full-blown summer. Can’t wait to get the plants out and in their homes for the season.

Cheers guys. Have a great day!


I bet!

True, I’d fear a bit what N4 can become outside. Feels like you can’t really know with such mutations. Could end big, or just about the same than indoor, with some budrot. :slight_smile: I think I’d start with one of each in smaller pots at first, upotting as necessary, before choosing the one to go in the big final pots. But that’s more work.


Pics from this morning. Couple plants look like they are coming down this weekend. Cleaned up the mom plants.

Cheers everyone :slightly_smiling_face: