FieldEffect's Attempt to Grow Indoors

I think this is the case. I don’t want to back off the ferts enough to let them actually finish, because I have small plants mid-flower in the same tray.

It is a mystery to me. I have some intuitive “hunch” about it but not readily articulable. Thanks for your input. Giger is pretty :slightly_smiling_face:

Can you clarify what you mean by “sedentar” in this context?

Anyway, I haven’t chopped anything yet things are still marching along. I’ll feel as empty as @Fuel without a loaded tent. Once the Solo cups finish up I’ll launch another project in earnest.

Cheers guys.


I dislike these transitive moments, you’re happy and unhappy to cull them. Maybe we invented the stoner’s post partum ^^

A given lab’ don’t have much footprint in a single round, at a line perspective. But it’s temporary.
It’s also true with an outdoor space, actually i’ve experienced early this phenomenon first in outdoor and with a landrace.

The more you inbred a line with success (not moving to next gen until an improvement), the more the line start to link these bumps in grade you’re obtaining, with the parameters of the crop. It’s vicious and i fear the wiki i’ve to write on it ^^

Anyway that’s weeks you gave me the envy to make a little NFT in a corner. I never really made a true hydro strain, i mean dedicated. And i hate the word “never” ^^


MLI? Ortega? :thinking:


Yes. Both in fact. I’m wondering if Iaunch all 30 beans at once, 12-12 from seed in 3" cubes, ruthlessly cull and repeat for a generation or two of seeds. Simplified of course. Or perhaps I wait for my indoor cultivation skills to further develop. It sounds insane to type that. Maybe each pack one by one and select what I like. It’d be planned out of course, to some degree, not blind shooting in the dark

The other project on my radar is a Chocolope pheno hunt.


seems like a lot! you’re so ambitious. just my two pennies…maybe grow just one of 'em and get to know it a bit? the MLI is very intriguing, although the Ortega would be cool with Baudelaire around to (hopefully) peek in. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Evidently MLI and Ortega are the same - I hadn’t realized it either but sure enough. Different versions. I have the FDM and Mr. Nice Ortegas so I have all the more reputable options available.

@Fuel hates empty tent syndrome but I’m looking forward to an empty flower chamber for a week for cleaning up and revising my setup.

I need to change my intake filter, rerun some cabling and swap my carbon filter enclosure - I made a very nice version but it’s going to take a few hours to properly install. I’ve been waiting until I can do that without making the house reek like blueberry weed. Out of sight and smell, the other half lets me do whatever I want. Don’t want to weed-bomb the whole house if I turn off the exhaust right now :rofl:

Tent is looking good. Was going to scope trichs this morning but daughter had other ideas. Things are definitely ripening up :sunglasses:

Have a great day and weekend!


I will make a depression for this ^^

Each 6 months i stop the lab entirely and disinfect everything from the floor to the roof of the space, tools and pots included. It’s an habit i kept from large scales that i don’t regret. It permit also to check the whole setup, to clean inside the RVKs, check ducts … and tuning of course ^^ There is always something to mod lol

In the paste i ever removed the tents during this maintenance to wash beside entirely (you can’t believe what you can find there after 6 months ^^), but since i superimposed it’s a maintenance i no longer have.


Yeah I’m the sort of person that enjoys maintenance (and FAR prefers maintenance to disasters/repairs).

It’ll be nice to tweak the setup after a run and finding the things that didn’t work so well.

Ironically someone liked my seed image from a few months ago. What timing :sunglasses:

They’ve been in the seed fridge. I had vacuum packed the stupid cardboard Sensi pack. Looking forward to getting into those.


Sensi sux so much with their RH sponge … it cost nothing to thermo-wrap it.

4 different new packaging between start of 2023 and now (directly from sensi), and all are these sponge-maracas not fixing the most important ^^


Made me almost spit out my coffee :rofl:

It seems based on your thread packaging is the least of the concerns. Tough to understand why they do that. I’d expect them to do the pill-pack blister thing like Greenhouse


The soma version is not bad too. I’ve to source some amezia, i’ll show at one point.

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Your Tent looks Magical @FieldEffect.

Congrats on beating your way through the Bush to find your own Style!

And it Rocks


Dawn of the final day for N4…

Chop pics.

She smells amazing, chonky AF, happy she’s also outside right now. Been smoking that Runtz x Sour Bubble that came down a month ago. It’s nice. But I want THIS plant in particular :rofl: The rest are getting along but I’m guessing they’ll all get the axe next weekend.

Cheers, hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


All is well in the tent pretty flowers.


Celebrations are in order; It… They all look great :eyes:.
Curing hurts, but the hard part is over.
Nice Work @FieldEffect

And your pictures are flawless!


I’m waiting for the podium now ^^

  • the most terpy of all
  • the neurologic fucker of the pack
  • the producer’s choice lol

Well done Bro. I love your perpetual mode :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Those Trich Shots looks amazing!



Hollow stems; what are they about?


Oblong hollow stems…


I meant in general, what are they about. I’ve heard some people speculate, but nothing more than that.
Also, I assumed the oblong shape was from all his pinching and bending.

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