FieldEffect's Attempt to Grow Indoors

That’s on a plant where I didn’t do any training or pinching at all, it’s different than that. Fasciation


Well damn! Extra chromosomes at play. Very, very cool


I feel like I have some extra chromosomes sometimes too

Not just my plants :yum:


You’ve got extra something, that’s for sure. I duno how you manage all these things, these projects and hobbies, with a full time job and kids and all that.


Hey now- my sister had extra chromosomes.
She was something truly special, in a sea of boring normies.
Miss her something terrible :rainbow::dove: :sunglasses:

That N4 turned out to be a fuckin’ Baseball Bat :star_struck:
hope she delivers the dinger you are hoping for :boom::rocket:


@Nitt the secret is that I don’t have enough time for all that so the weed is kinda ridin’ in the back seat. It’s ebb and flow, sometimes I have some extra hours and energy to build shit, other times I can barely spend 5 minutes checking on them. Gotta say, when I don’t have time to spare (like the last week or so) I’m grateful I made a decent setup with all the advice I got here.

@Not-Notjosh Yeah it was a bad joke. Sorry to hear about your sister :confused:

We’ll see in a week and a half how N4 delivers :sunglasses:


I really want to either come up with or come across a nice idea or “design” for ebb and flow. That might just be deciding what to line the diy wood table I have with. I need something that will not have wrinkles, like the poly plastic I’m using now (which also isn’t durable enough). I see pond liner being just as difficult to get wrinkle free though.


Shower pan material at the home improvement stores may do it.


Oh yea. I had come across that suggestion before when looking into it. I remember now.
Like this

5’x8’ would do it too, I think. It’s 40mil thick. More expensive than I thought it would be. I wonder if the creases and wrinkles could be taken out somehow. I tried with the plastic poly I’m using now, I tried filling it with hot water onces loosely installed, but it did nothing.
Maybe 20mil pond liner could work. I think the plastic I’m using now is…5mil maybe.



@Nitt I had actually entertained thermoforming sheet plastic over a positive plug made of wood.

It looks like the shower pan stuff would be the ticket for applying over plywood. I wonder if you use spray adhesive or something like that and apply it almost like a decal. I’ve never used it. I’m not sure anything is going to be cheap anymore. Inflation is ridiculous.

Woke up too early this AM and tended the tent better than I have in a while. Trimmed up the mother plants and lowered the light. I’ve got N4/S1 cuts rooted that need some more “sun”

I’ve known I needed to do that for a couple weeks now, feels good to get it done. It’s not been a good week for me, so kinda cathartic to take care of those loose ends.

Took all the plants out of the flower chamber to assess, haven’t done that in a while, again - it’s not been a good week.

67F Solo Cup Challenge

NL#2 and Cinderella Pineapple getting close.

Did a little snipping up of fan leaves preparing for harvest all around.

91F 907 Blue Genes x NL #1:

These things are winners. I like all the expressions however weird and unique. I wish I had more of these seeds. The fucking top of N3 there on the right looks almost like a NL5 Haze but stinks of blueberry syrup and drag strip :rofl:

As I write that I wonder if there is an almost parental bias in my judgement there. I’ve got a few screws loose.

91F 907 Blue Genes x Shiskeberry:

My neglect has shown on these two in particular, S1 actually had a spot of bud rot on the tip of a cola. I took a picture of it but it didn’t seem to save. Anyway, surgically removed the top few inches of the affected cola to prevent spreading. I think it was stuck in the corner without airflow, these plants are pretty chonky. Also trimmed a bit off the S3 but nothing dramatic or panic-inducing. Preparing for harvest.

I just wanna say, I am really starting to get when folks get impatient with slow-flowerers. I want to chop those things down and move on. The NL crosses I could take down this weekend without any heartburn but the Shisks I’m inclined to leave another week or so.

Happy with the tent as I get ready to head to work. Looking forward to this weekend, going to go camping. Better belive there is going to be some serious smoke testing going down. Tomorrow I think I’ll try to get the rest of the Runtz x Sour Bubble trimmed up.

Cheers guys. Almost done with my week. Can’t wait to get a little break, I need it. 4-day weekend. I may just take next week off. I’m sizzled.


Interesting, I’ll have to look that up to get a visual of what you mean. I’ve wished I could heat plastic up and make slight recesses (cups) in it to make spots for the neoprene/rubber clone collars to sit in before. But it’s not really diy-able that I can see. Unless you have a 3d printer - then you could make something of course.

I actually lined one tray (diy wooden tray) with double sided tape along the length in a couple spots, to see if it would help - at least with installation. It kinda did, but didn’t hold very well. And it doesn’t help with wrinkles at all.

By the way, for my wanting to make a second level or “shelf” in my 2x4x5 tent, I was thinking this might work, if it came in 2ft wide.
Oh, even better:

I have a Cap Junky and man is it ever taking off slower than my other strain (from Humboldt Seed Org.). Not to mention the Cap Junky is still stretching a few days into week four. A couple tops are maybe three inches from the light.

Hope you get some “R&R”, man.


This is what I was wondering about, found it in a review on homedepot for their “Oatey” brand shower pan liner:

“Product came folded. This creates folds and bumps. Although it is thick,(40mil) it works best when it lies flat. Lay it out in the sun if possible or use a heat gun on low while membrane is laying out flat, turns into butter. Very easy to work with. Corners glue up with X-15 Oatey adhesive. Nice clean job. Also used MarkE positive weep hole protector and Kirb Perfect, very slick products.”

I didn’t wanna try the heat gun with the 5-6mil poly I’m using. But might try it if I get some of this or pond liner.


Lucky to have such a garden to save you during bad weeks. A good long week-end of smoking your brand new weed will probably help to heal whatever happened this week :slight_smile: Congrats for the grow anyway!


What makes you think you can’t? Decent hot air gun combined with the right plastic and a little patience gives you a lot of flexibility. If I wanted to make recesses I’d make a female die (hole saw + plywood), lay the plastic on it, heat until softened and gently push the plastic into the hole.

Yeah definitely hoping so. It’s nice just knowing I don’t have to work for 4 days :rofl:

The Runtz x Sour Bubble is mellow stuff enjoyed some last night and slept in a bit :smiley:


Made my day with these fat buds in Rockwool :slight_smile:

Enjoy your work


Thanks Calle :slightly_smiling_face:

The flowering chamber looking the same as last time almost a week ago.

Really starting to get frustrated. Such a good start, now nothing is going quite “well.” Now, I’m guessing most of my current issues are linked to my enthusiasm for these particular plants waning somewhat.

Anyway, so the flower chamber is 11 hours on, 13 hours off. Has been for several weeks now. EC is down to 1.0mS where it has been a while. Daytime temps ~80F, nightime ~70F. The solo cups are nearing completion, they are day 71 flower. The rest are day 96 of flower. Ridiculous.

Now, a bit of a breakdown. N2, the smaller little pillar doesn’t look too far. Looks about a week out, mix of clear/cloudy, small portion amber/sinescing (collapsing). Looks the same as last week too. N3, the tall bitch resembling a NL-Haze in the back right corner seems to be making no new progress and similar state. The Solo cups seem a bit better, they aren’t my own crosses. Cinderella Pineapple from Brother’s Grim and NL#2 from Hashpants getting there. Bahia Blackhead looks like she’s not quite ready to get on the home stretch.

I just checked for light leaks from the veg side by shutting down my PC monitor and all other lights in my office, waiting a few minutes for my eyes to adjust to pitch black and opening the tent with the flower side light off (veg is still going). There were two small cracks where I could see light when dark adapted. We’re talking less than starlight, barely perceptible. Anyway, maybe that explains something maybe not. It’s certainly not ideal. Some of my tapework on the veg exhaust (above my light on the flower side, extreme upper right corner of the image above) had lifted in the corners. Fixed now. I literally can’t see any light from the veg side leaking anywhere except the zippers of the veg-side door. Now, had it been worse I may have been convinced problem solved. But it was really minor, I seriously doubt that was the problem. Maybe it was. Please. I hope that was the problem. Maybe typing out my random stream of thoughts will somehow help :rofl:

In case it helps with diagnosis my light cycles are:
Flower: 8pm - 7am ON (11/13)
Veg: 6pm - noon ON (18/6)

I can easily talk myself into thinking we’re ready for flush, everything in the flower side I’m ready to get rid of, may as well cut the nutes out.

I’m wondering if tomorrow I flush the flower res and run say 0.5mS EC. Half what I am now. Maybe dim the flower light. Thoughts?

The problems aren’t limited to the flower half of my tent, unfortunately.

Romulan showing her balls. Had this been 2 months ago I would have been pissed. But it’s not, so, well, I’m not really upset at all. Just confused. I don’t know why I’m seeing any evidence of flower other than perhaps some preflowers. Not two full-grown, opened sacs. FWIW these are the only two I could find on the whole plant, or any of the plants.

Another issue, not really a problem but a point of confusion among my two remaining functional neurons is my S2 not wanting to reveg, or show any sign of dying either. Just in stasis. She’s been under veg lighting almost 3 weeks. I’ve never reveged anything before but hope she pulls through, the S2 flower is fantastic. Roll my eyes back in my head and hit the sack. Nice nose too.

In the above picture you can see an N4 clone to the left and a S1 clone to the right. Both were difficult to get rooted. Both are also showing flowers. Maybe these are acceptable amounts of preflowers, I have never really done this before so I have no clue.

Here’s a shitty photo from a frustrated amateur gardener :rofl:

I’d appreciate any thoughts/advice. If I don’t hear anything with guidance I’m probably going to flush everything tomorrow, refill my flower reservoir at about 0.5 EC, lower my flower light intensity a notch or two, and pray. I’ll try to get some trich images. I’ve just been inspecting with a 20x loupe for convenience. Maybe that’s the problem.

Cheers guys, off to work I go.


I never revegged something indoor before but what I’ve red is that the lights needs to be downregulated. My Outdoorplant was 4 weeks or longer in the shadow am then started to reveg.

My advice without any evidence :smiley:

I would spend here some shadow and for you a bit more patience.

Fingers crossed!


Have had reveg girls in stasis for 2 months before showing signs of life, seems to take a long time for some.


maybe chop 'em and move on? if they’re gonna go 100++ days (crazy!) there’s no chance of you keeping them anyway, right? and there’s no way you’re low on flower, so no need to agonize over ripeness or lack thereof?

it might even be worth doing just to ease your mind a bit


Patience it is then.

I guess my concern was more that something I was doing was making them take that long. Could very well be the 907 Blue Genes just never looks “done.” I’ve heard that from other folks. I didn’t think my mom was “done” but I sure like smoking her. I think my deep-seated hope at this point was that I had done something silly that caused this. In any case, interesting lessons learned from my first round of seed-making :cowboy_hat_face:

It was more wanting to see all the kiddos leave the house, so to speak. Definately fine on smoke. I’ve been giving away Runtz x Sour Bubble and small tastes of S2. Looks like S2 was the winner from the Shiskeberry crosses, and N4 the winner of the NL#1s. So it’s been rewarding overall. My grand, 6 square foot experiment. Volume 1 :rofl:

I’m going to refill the res tomorrow at 0.5 EC and dim the light a click. Shouldn’t hurt, especially the Solo cups in their home stretches. I’ll give them another week and see what happens. The anxiety was more in my frantic mood and assuming it must be some catastrophic mistake I made. Some time, as usual, improves the clarity of the outlook.

Thanks guys!