FieldEffect's Attempt to Grow Indoors

So refilled the res and dialed the light back to 75%

5.80pH and 860uS EC. 50mL Flores A/B. EC was a little higher than I wanted but still a decrease and fresh reservoir. Last fill was 87mL A/B, went a bit over half that amount. Note to future self: For 500uS EC try 35mL

Tent doesn’t look bad this morning. It’s amazing how much my mood tinges my outlook. I’ll give these a few days under these finishing conditions and see what happens. Maybe a week. We’ll see. I think NL #2 and Cinderella Pineapple are getting close.

Can’t wait to try Cinderella :cowboy_hat_face:

Thanks for cheering me up yesterday. The gardens have become my mental anchor, when other things in life are tough the garden perks me up (usually). When garden doesn’t seem too hot, and life is hard, the pessimism really gets fired up.


Count one month in average to get the first monoblade leaves from floral spots. Nothing strange for now.

update : go full throttle on ortega ^^


Haha seems like we are same headed in this case!

Just home from work I took the first mini test Bud of the amnesia :star_struck: hope it dries quick


What a morning clean-up you had the other day! Could not help Notice how big the Scrap Bag was lol

Nice Work @FieldEffect
Pulling off some great work !


It’s rare but I didn’t read anything about reveg. I just assumed I put it under veg light cycle, and within a few weeks I’d have evidence of new growth. Serves me right :rofl:

Seems nothing is amiss then with that. Good.

On the topic of Ortega, I need to do some reading and synthesize a strategy. What would you do, given 3 packs from different sources and a 2x2 flower space?

LOL I doubt we are the only two with this mentality.

Hope she’s a great smoke! It’ll be even better with a proper dry and cure surely

Keeping the outdoor garden well-composted. Appreciate it

Pics. It doesn’t seem all bad in the tent. Low nutes and dimmer light.





Bahia Blackhead smells a different kind of herbal funky than anything I’ve ever grown. I like it :slightly_smiling_face:


Cheers everyone. As always, appreciate all the support and advice. Have a wonderful day!


Same to you Bro!

Guess all OG‘s are same headed - haha

UEL‘s (F7 and F-Own) in the Back Nepali IBL


I give the bad example with my repro since over a year now, but you know the details so you will handle the contradiction ^^

It look like an important step in your journey, mix of educational checkpoint and feelings. I will prepare first a full throttle round to quickly work in decent conditions (thousands of seeds to kill because not enough good for you, instead the choice of Jah on a restricted panel.

Ortega being not specially a hard beast genetically, in being quite fast, i will just push a good round to have enough seeds to start something. I will choose the two more risky pack (age, source, whatever) and launch them side by side. It’s a failsafe to don’t be locked by the pairing first, if ever one of the line don’t give a decent male or female to pair.

Keep in mind that you will have a true predictable grip on the genetic only when you will have your own fresh seeds in hands. So the goal isn’t to enter in selection directly but to build the most unique pairing you can from these two packs. Each backup pures is the ideal, but it’s better to think about the worst cases first and to bullet proof your strategy before having even launched a single seed. “Plan a bloody hell, so you’re dancing when a little storm is coming.” GrandPa quote lol

I will personally play it hardcore in a 2x2. Hardened seedlings, 12/12 direct, full focus, stable regime without any booster (only the base) and continuous germination by batchs.

5x line A, 5x line b, 5x line c, in two batchs if a reunion is planned. So you can catch any opportunity popping on the fly.

You can’t optimize your mapping (launching the 30 and screening them at the same time) without full sacrifice, so better to optimize your chances to make interesting combos directly imho.

Just don’t do it the “'new millenium US style” and respect the heterosis. No more than a double heterosis each 2 gens or you will just smoke a muddy version of what it can give with time to breath between two genetic Armageddon.

Beside the half-taunt it’s a true trick from the core buddy. I’m actually teaching this in real time to my padawan on the Lifesaver, from the other perspective (the mess of a line never stabilized between two heterosis). So in a way fixing what i just thrown as prevention. The LS weed is nice, i like it, but it’s like smoking a vague idea of a weed. Something i’m hating personally.

If three IBLs are aimed, i will make a sequential repro instead by batch of 10. Also in one shot (no clones).
Still the same equation, at this point : you need a fuck ton of seeds, you don’t mind to waste them per thousands for the fun of it.

I know you’re not a label or a breeder, the closet … blabla ^^ But that’s literally the caricature you want to flirt with : throwing an handful of seeds in a bucket of soil directly from the fridge, a little topping, sprayer with 30% strength nutes to maintain the RH … and just picking what you need or want lol Seedlings in natural arrays last longer, giving you more time to dial the stock.


If you take a microscopic image of the trichomes on a bud, you can tell how far along it is in the maturity. The trichomes kind of slump over and then the resin starts oozing out. That’s when you know for sure it’s game over, because the trichomes are done. Regardless of “color”.


In the past I have spend so much time “scoping” and waiting for trichomes to turn, etc. only to have it not happen.
Sometimes it seems a plant won’t “ripen” either (it won’t enter senescence on it’s own, or at least not the way I’d have expected it to) and I don’t know what this is about. Probably poor feeding or something on my part, like having too much nitrogen built up in the plant, and too late into flower. I don’t know. Maybe, that isn’t even technically “required” in the way that most people seem to want (fading colors, etc.). I don’t know.


There’s the synopsis. The trichomes don’t all undergo the same growth phase at the same time, but when you see lots of cratered trichome caps and goo all over it’s done.

Like this under the scope. You can see goo all over and trichomes that are just a mess!


To be clear you just mean don’t make an outcross every generation but rather stabilize before crossing?

I’ve been rereading your wikis but it will take a while. And likely a couple weeks before I set out on the Ortega adventure.

I’ve been generally keeping tabs on your microscopy thread, and read the paper about this.

That seems to be the boat I’m in. Which is fine. I know that the 907 has a tendency towards this, at least in its outward appearance. The S2 finished just fine, and beautifully. I think it has to do with my nutes and lighting. I’ll post an update in the morning complete with some microscope images. And honestly, they are probably coming down anyway. Time to start fresh.

Love the cartoon!

Back in the AM, hopefully with some fresh content and more than likely a few trays of weed to dry.



You can’t really stabilize a line in a so short time and so close to the heterosis. It’s more like maturing a wine if you want.

If you drink it fresh it’s just vinegar because it’s a “vin de garde” supposed to be aged 5 years to reach it’s higher potential. It’s the same concept after each heterosis, but it’s stacking like the tension of an elastic.

Let say your make a first F1 to build the spine. To compensate the blur of the heterosis (the F1 aren’t IBLs x IBLs), you make F2s. Then in F2, when you truly can dissociate the underground genetic dynamic with a given hybrid form you’re seeking … you can go ahead with the third part.

Your work will be a lot more pronounced and singularized this way. In a perfect world, you push the third line in F2 while you make the F1 of the two first, so in fact your final F1 hybrid (to stabilize or not) will be a F2 x F2. Far more sexy in term of opportunities but also in term of potential complementary in your hybrid.

The lines being all quite close together, a background BX will operate you can be sure. If you don’t take the time to watch who disapear and who appear before jumping again … it’s hard to regulate a chemotype this way and give a lead.

In the wikis i give decisionnal help to be just my direct competitor ^^ This little portion is more what i can eventually write on the Mendelian aspect of breeding. That’s not a wiki i’m in hurry to write to be honest lol


Thanks for the input @Fuel it is greatly appreciated.

It’s a compound challenge in a small space.

Plants are doing decently well. Scoped some trichs, the little plants were the easiest I didn’t have much time this morning. Perhaps the next morning, although I’m pretty sure I’ll be cutting most of the tent down in the next 2 days.

Bahia needs some more time…

Cinderella Pineapple getting closer…

NL2 looking good

N2 (the cross, not the NL2)

S3 left, S1 center, N3 right, N2 peeking her head in the bottom edge

I took lots of pictures that look like shit so they aren’t getting posted today.

Here’s what the S2 looks like dried and cured. I’m really liking this - hopefully it revegs sucessfully.


That bahia looks really nice. Much more my type than the more leafy bud one. But they do pack some resin for sure. That S2 must have some punch. :slight_smile:

I imagine how frustrated to cut all that you must be :laughing: But looks very close.


Those are some Wild Shots of your Buds. You’ve done a great job on the trimmed black buds (S2)

Understand @FieldEffect that I am laughing my ass off at how great they look; big or SMALL

Thanks for letting the Bahia shine a little


Chopped some down today. S1, N2, N3

It all looks pretty amazing in the tray. Been basically flushing all week at lower light.

N3 was easy to harvest, 3 cuts to fit in my tray :rofl:

S1 made a pretty ridiculous yield and smells great :smiley:

I’ll probably chop S3 tomorrow morning. Then I’ll be just down to Solo cups and shortly a deep clean. Getting on to the next project :sunglasses:

Thanks guys. The S2 smoke has been treating me well


Woohooo, today is a great day, congrats and enjoy! Now comes the best part. :smiley:


Nice job on the chop!

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Looks good, but looks can be deceiving. Please provide samples for field testing. :grin:


Lots of samples coming through the dry machine these days. My friends and I enjoyed some of last season’s outdoor IBG, the N4 907xNL#1 and the Runtz x Sour Bubble this weekend at the lake. Really like the high on the N4, got some old-school funk to the taste and the most relaxed and mellow high without feeling stupid. If that makes sense. Uber-relaxation with a grin and seemingly clear head. I slept REALLY good. Definately down for a sesh sometime in the next few weeks.

More chops today.

S3 came down this AM. Really nice berry smell.

C99 also came down. Nice rootball on her. Super dense roots at the bottom, perhaps I need to modify my solo cup technique. Trying to avoid late harvest here, definately looking for an energetic/motivated effect. Basically 12 weeks from seed, 12/12 from tiny seedling.

NL#2 down as well. Less impressive rootball and yield. Think she coulda done with a week or two of veg. I’m seeing some sinescing trichs. Not going on color but heads folded over or missing. Basically 12 weeks from seed just like Cinderella Pineapple above.

Bahia still cookin. She’s the last one left. Probably another week or two. I can’t place the smell but something kinda exotic and almost spicy. Maybe peppery? @MissinBissin

Cheers guys!

Time to study up for the next project while Bahia does her thing. Have a great Sunday :slightly_smiling_face: