FieldEffect's Attempt to Grow Indoors

No shit, i don’t failed this one lol 100% chemically pure and straight from the soul, i’m glad.


The lone Chocolope survivor and 9 Juicy Woo friends.

The likely ill-fated surgical attempt Choco in the isolation bubble remains an experiment


Tripple F for the win :star_struck:

Thanks @FieldEffect & @Fuel & @funkyfunk Funky

That was nice to see and read and it makes totally sense - I will try this BX thing in future :dizzy:


Hey field your plants did very well
Keep up the good work​:ok_hand::ok_hand::muscle:


Updates. Chocolope sole survivor is as weird as the gardener

I contacted Dave about ordering more seeds (Sensi Star, Kali Mist, and his TK NL5 Haze) and the Chocolope. He’s making more Chocolope beans due September, and offered a free pack to replace the one I didn’t have good luck with. Good guy, hope he pulls through his health stuff.

In other news, I’ve also ordered 2 packs of Destroyer and Caribe from Rafa.

I’m thinking about launching a few Leda Uno or Desfran in the place of the Chocolope for this run.

Juicy Woo with an extra set of leaves and a bizarre top leaf. It’s has 5 blades but the middle one is short, like two 3-blade leaves joined and one of the blades was deleted.

The whole gang getting along. I didn’t realize my office window was open so it was getting a bit hotter than I’d like while I was at work.

S1 is my new favorite of the lot of crosses I ran earlier. And it also yielded a bunch. After a week in a Grove bag, stinks of blueberry and fruit, and pretty paralyzing stone. Potent. More potent than S2, N4, N2, S3. Still yet to try N3. S3 smelled more like BB when I was trimming, I thought it was the winner. I almost replaced the plant outside with an S3.

Flavor herbal and fruity, strong sedative effect. Perfect. I wanted bedtime weed. I’m really excited about this again. N4 was pretty mellow and not the same level of potency.

Totally glad I left it alone. S1 is pretty :fire:

Cheers guys.


Fair. Keep you specimen in veg until. It look like shit but the shape isn’t really saying it’s not just the wounds of the difficult start. I often have a justified sympathy for this kind of phenos when they pass a lot of checkboxes. I’m living exactly the same with the JH, that i will maintain in cuts the time to get the right pollen.

I love how you’re starting to articulate your genpool, take care to don’t take too much work at a time. Remember each entry is a repro to make, first.

I think that the Juicy will become decussate quite fast, pay always more attention to the phyllotaxy over the leave’s shapes. More critical as DNA’s benchmark.

I can totally roll this in a fine tobacco leaf ^^ Is the grinder regularly cleaned or am I sur-analyzing the bud in the photo ? ^^


Yup! I’ll definately keep it around. If it’s female, I’ll flower a cut with the rest of them.

Should be interesting to watch.

Hey, good idea there! I’ve got to get the tobacco stash out. Blunts of Panama x Malawi today :sunglasses:

Grinder was cleaned about 5 grinds ago on Saturday after I loaded lots of dosing capsules with NL #2 - so it is cleaned regularly but not regularly enough to prevent contamination. Everything seems to have tons of trichs. First-world problem. :rofl:


That’s cool Dave made it to you. Had no doubt.

You’re entering some pretty nice beans, congrats! Happy the deal with Rafa is working.

A good hard hitting frosty tasty stuff to go to bed to sum up :laughing: Always a med to have at hands. Nice finding there.


Tobacco stash

Some things bought, some grown in the back yard :grinning:


I was hoping you were gonna say that. :partying_face:

NL stuffs like long cures. you’re likely months away from knowing the score :timer_clock:


I need to make this wiki asap ^^ I recognize the stickers, not found yet a better provider (higher grade).
You have two years of daily blunts there lol, i don’t knew that this vice was one of yours ^^


Good Afternoon @FieldEffect.

What a great report on your bedtime Buzz material… nice to have a Solid, no hesitation experience & opinion…

You Almost switched plants outdoors lol

I see your grinder top R, Bud on the left (nice) and between is a small round Object full of broken buds… is that a Pipe bowl ?

Just curious, and have a great day F.E.


I was wondering the same thing, but I didn’t want to sound like an idiot.

It’s the smallest grinder I’ve ever seen :slight_smile:


My Fingers would not have an easy time with it either @Coda
Maybe thats the Safety aspect for really strong Bud… you need a small grinder Dude with this Bud


I thought maybe he ground one calyx at a time :rofl:

You know I’m playing with you @FieldEffect


LOL :joy:

@noknees with characteristic lack of sensibility we’re off to the races. Figure I may as well pack up the tent all the way

@Coda @MissinBissin it’s a dosing capsule for the Venty. I really like using the capsules because they keep the vape super clean. And I can fill up several to take when I go out, like I will tonight BBQ-hopping. It makes vaping flower super discreet and fast.

@Fuel you already have a blunt wiki… pretty sure anyway :sunglasses:

Look what I got, with my fancy ruler just because I want to show it off :slightly_smiling_face:


LOL :rofl:

Hopefully, the commission didn’t give it to you personally.

Nice score :wink:


ahah so you got down on both the ruler and the foam. :laughing:

The last one got me interested too.

Gonna be packed in the tent!


twos days the JH are inside and i already love to get back to this old sh1t. they dont even stopped to stetch lol. so easy and fast maintenance as well.

