Fighting and Projection

Out of likes. Or i would Like this. I will be back in a few hours to Like a ton of posts in this thread.


Yous all feel better now lol

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I’m gonna medicate and then go to the Dog Park.

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Where the heck is my master? icon_e_confused|nullxnull


To me it is not the politics that is the real problem, it is my opinion, the real issue is the above statement that makes the conversation very difficult when trying to discuss any topic at all.

While most of you know I do like a spirited debate but you can keep those kind of elementary school playground tactics.

Also folks today do not seem to be able to admit they made a mistake.
I make mistakes on the daily, I am often wrong about things, but we should be able to discuss the facts and enlighten ourselves with truth.
I feel this thread is really going well.
Thank you to the all mods for allowing freedom of speech. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Much love brother @shag


In my opinion, there is a good chance this other person is being confused by the media.
It can happen to the best of us.

One must realize there is was a so-called anti-propaganda law in place in the USA, if has been repealed.
I know there is someone out there that will take issue with my source so pick your own for the proper info on this topic.

It essentially means the media can legally make a sci-fi movie and tell you it is real. :thinking:


exactly seems to me that people cant use independant thought anymore and just blat like sheep no matter what “side” they are on


Gotta say I am pretty proud of OG today. This thread has lasted over 3 hours which I would have bet was not possible. Give yourselves a round of applause for keeping things grounded OGers.


@DougDawson I’ve only been participating in forums for about 3 years. Mostly just one place before OG. I followed several but intentionally avoided participating there. Example. New guy needs legit help. He gets helped but he also gets ridiculed cuz he’s not a "master grower? Fuck that. @shag and I got along well right off. Dont think I was too annoying. He’s helped me learn so much, not just tell me “do this”. Thanks always for taking the time. I can ALWAYS depend on my man @TopShelfTrees1 . He could not have been kinder. Take 420 stuff out and we’re still friends for life. I feel the same about him. Others too.
You Doug Dawson. We’ve communicated very little, but doesn’t matter. You sharing your recent loss. How you feel/felt. Not just "look at my plant. Lots of love here. That stuff. My daughters both have asked “did you ever imagine having computer friends you “chat” with? About everything. Well no, actually. I can tell you really care too dad. Not just something to do.” The younger one advised I keep you folks in my life. That’s pretty cool, you ask me. I agree with her.


Just a quick note: the other part implied in this incident is in a “short vacation” so despite he may be reading this thread he’s muted for good :speak_no_evil:, so I don’t think we’ve been fair with him, like him or not … :roll_eyes:


Well said @George

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I don’t wanna make this about politics… But is it too far fetched that Trump would have online puppet supporters of himself to try and increase his vote count

To the rest of the world, voting for Trump looks like voting for a stealing lying screaming blood orange. Just so you Americans know.

We get that you’re getting unfair choices though.

Each presidency the question is will you vote for this loser, or the other loser?

I’m sure uncleben is not surprised with the tiptoeing and whispering on this tread haha

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Only give your attention to people who say things you like, ignore the rest.
It’s pretty simple.

We are not here to create someone else’s reality, we’re here to create our own reality, make it one you enjoy by being grateful for all that you like and expressing that gratitude, gratitude attracts more to be grateful for. It works like a charm.

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I can say I have. I did not enter that part of this conversation. Personally I like the guy but that’s neither here nor their. I find him to be quite knowledgeable but it can be difficult for some in the way he puts things across. Many different personalities on OG.

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This is not about one guy. One particular example sure, but not just one guy.

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Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta … :grin:


:rofl: :rofl: :pray: :v: