Fighting and Projection

Agreed 100% but then that dangerous “C” word comes out and everybody loses their shit.

Very interesting point. Didn’t think of it like that.


Doug D. is correct that your time on Earth is too valueable to waste on such a person.

Maybe entertaining to push their buttons, but the other person will not change their minds.


There’s something to learn from everyone. Even such people.


Foreigner, caregiver to the best plant there is.

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To me… this is a by-product of the media we have today.
They seem to want us divided.

It does not help that things like medicine have become a political tool, that has caused a lot of division among the people most recently.

United we stand divided we fall.
Make no mistake we are being purposely divided. :us:


:laughing: lol (1) :rofl: ROFLMAO :upside_down_face: rofl :crazy_face:

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I sincerely think he has a deep knowledge, just have to find the way to share it in a proper way … beer3|nullxnull

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I don’t really want to turn this into a version of “the daily worker.” But yes.

He was typing a little bit ago…. Then disappeared…

Agreed but I’m not inclined to take advice from rude people I don’t care how much knowledge they have. They lack the knowledge to avoid rudeness anyway.

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If you can shield yourself from the attack and focus on what the other is saying, you can learn a bunch about someone’s trouble by his choice of insults… and then can help or guide etc… I like to offer a proverb :wink: since I can’t be entirely sure that my assessment is 100% so a proverb is vague enough to hit close enough to the mark.


“You can drive the lamb to the liquor store but you can’t train him to drive you there.” There, a perfectly made up proverb :joy:


I just re-read your op. There is the possibilty, that this person is ‘a little off’, I know that is simpistic, but way left or right, and my eye is slightly closed:)

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Not simplistic I wouldn’t say. Maybe not off but trapped in a solipsism somewhere.

Fast learner, I see :slightly_smiling_face:

Now just add who it’s from and bingo.

For exemple that one is from king Bastien, legendary drunken king turned farmer :wink:

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He grew that regal wheat that’s much prized by his court.

Ok guys good talk.

Let’s call this thread a day so it won’t get binned.

I’m going to take a nap because of all the excitement.

I leave it in your capable hands.


Wise words…it’s the ‘they’… that’s killing me/us, who are they that conspire against us. Ahh…the musings, i think Plato asked the same question.

Could it be the same people that started the entire importation of herion into this country? Flew it over and distributed it, ooof-- it’s a deep rabbit hole. Research is key, to understanding what happened, and what is happening. Watching the news won’t get you very far, the news is purely entertainment.

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I’m good with that. See ya soon.

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