Fighting Buddha gets Cobb’d & 2023 deBauchery

Said Pole Dancer, is from the BMB via @Great_lakes_Genetics

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I’m laughing with you, bcuz I cannot believe it myself. Its also the first year of prioritizing Regular seeds and planting two of everything.
Its not on-record, but I also just had 2 of Uncle Fester’s Skunk #18 break ground !!!
I guess its still fair game till August…
Good Luck over the weekend @FieldEffect with your Projects

I’d grew some pole dancer a few months back from BMB great smoke .


Wonderful news I’m really looking forward to it. And a Black Lime Reserve Buk alumni as well; Mysterium.

Was impressed with a sample that was Limy… when I went looking the blrb line-up, got me.

Thanks for that @ShiskaberrySavior

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The Thai plant that was Topped with nodes 2, 3 and 4 appears to be developing with a Fuller canopy than the plant that has nodes 3, 4 and 5 intact.
No fancy backdrops, just the first obvious difference between this small difference in pruning.
(I’m surprised as well)
Plant 1; nodes 3, 4 and 5

Plant 2; nodes 2, 3 and 4


Been doing this for years and years. When I grow several of a strain I leave a couple untopped, then do the rest scattered among branches 2 nodes, 4 nodes, 6,8 etc, also try and fim one, pinch others etc. it’s a great way to get a feel for the unique characteristics of each phenotype as well as gauge the general health. Nice.


I’m not sure I understand is possible to get a better view of the undercarriage or straight top-down view?

Looking happy BTW

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I’ve never been happier, yanking Males from a Tent full of Regular seeds.

Today netted 4 new Gonad carrying strains, I am sad to see go; bog LSD x NorthernBerry, bog LSD, SSDD#3 and a Durban Poison cross.

Getting close to decision time


It’s always nice when the space gets tight pulling out a few males. Getting real nice back there it looks like. Almost game time !

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If its Not game-time Yet @TopShelfTrees1, then there can be Changes to the Line-up

Picture below is a Week-old

Panama Red got spread just a little wider for the next week.
CHEM 91 x Dark Hallow; both versions of this strain r Healthy


Had a wonderful package show-up from Spain, and it looks like the Parcel was really Beat-up ! 2 different plastic containers Crushed ! Seeds are fine after inspection


Awesome on the UFS! I’m stoked to see those ,Very stoked! And wow that’s lucky :four_leaf_clover: for sure, those little gems are meant to be planted.

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If it is any consulation… northern berry is nothing you can’t find in 100 other strains. i’ve had the flower and the cart of it.

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Fantastic stroke of Luck, receiving a pair of ea strains Fem seed, from an extensive list of a Pro’s “tester-list”. Including things like Black Widow x White Widow = Nefertiti !
A couple strains from this Dr Hypno… etc., Blown away by the options


Hey I totally appreciate your words, its a game of reality and I take none of it personally. If that makes any sense @CocoaCoir

Both the BOG LSD and BOG LSD x NB were first-time attempts and I still have an LSD in the game…

Glad to be going through the whole Sex / ID process this time around.

There are a lot of new flavours this year, lotsa fun still heading our way.

Thanks for the Heads-up Bro! I feel better already; next !

~ mb


Thai #1 and Thai #2 are now at the end of week 8 in Veg, both are Female and all is good. Here are a few images of their status and structures

#1 was topped between 5th and 6th nodes. And # 2 was topped between 4th and 5th. Number 2 appears to be showing a fuller canopy with a more even distribution of Bud sites.


Great structure going to be impressive in flower.

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Wizard of training :muscle:

I like that first one 3/4/5. I kinda appreciate the vacant spot in the middle because I wouldn’t be able to reach it outside anyway. See what you were saying about the 2/3/4 being a fuller canopy now. They sure are filling in this last week.

Thanks for the pics showing the underside. Hopefully I’m learning a thing or two :nerd_face:

Happy weekend up there!

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Up-potting a few of the confirmed Ladies and those holding moisture.
Water cycle featured Root Boosters, Cal, Mg & N and the tent is Greening.

Amongst all this transition, sit 3 Perfectly Identical, green, Haffa Haze from Mr. @Foreigner himself. That fact deserves a shout-out for this Triple-play!
Haffa Haze = G13 x Panama Malawi

Mysterium v1 #2 needs Boxer shorts, so, He’s done this season. Still 1 of each Mysterium / Pole Dancer !

Plants in the back corners are the Thai 1 & 2

Blue God steps from the closet and announces Her desires

ShiskaBerry has some extended Roots


Awesome man they look great! I’m psyched about the uniformity.