Fighting Buddha gets Cobb’d & 2023 deBauchery

Morning @FieldEffect!
Best wishes for a great weekend.
Enjoying the daily changes, its that time.

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Excuse the mirror behind the plants, makes it kind of confusing.

2 female Haffa Haze (G13 x Panama Malawi) and 2 subtly differing sizes for the ladies



I went out this morning thinning out the cover crop. That stuff is growing faster than the weed is, or at least it feels like it. Everything is moving perceptibly every day.

Seriously don’t know how you handle that many plants other than experience.

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Best part is that all parties are in agreement on the basics !
*Soil Amendments monthly
*Worm Casting Tea + + bi-weekly
*dryness (or real close) on moisture-meter b4 watering
*Gaia Green 4-4-4 and Bloom Fert are / will-be the staples
*Leaf-Tucking vs Yanking, it’s still early

Then I’m also not running round… chasing things


So you do the 4-4-4 monthly? Answers my question in my thread about amendment frequency.

Tea every two weeks is my plan, been plucking stuff I know won’t be going anywhere to keep my undercarriage clean.

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Its a giggle making these little changes @FieldEffect ! is it right? Is it wrong?

Intuition, and knowing theres lots of people to help Push it out of the Ditch right here on OG, make some calls so much easier.

Can 4-4-4 be dialed down, and used more regularly…? Thats what I’m trying to work out, if its pheasible or productive, vs a Monthly deposit

I’ve always liked the Food - Food - Water cycle for Veg

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Well, and getting answers on OG is kinda like a drug. I’m getting dependent on it. I still make my own calls, but I figure I may as well use it before I screw things up. I want to avoid getting off into the ditch :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Intuition, that’ll develop eventually.

I like the idea of more frequent, smaller feedings but I’m going to do the monthly top dress at recommended amounts for now and we’ll see how it goes, both for me, and watching your results. :+1:

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Before these head Off into other places, I’ve grabbed a few snap-shots. Smaller US22 looks awesome. Its had such a Full even canopy… then I noticed it is the only plant with 4-nodes !

Totally missed that one

Haffa Haze gets some scrutiny as well. Sisters from different Mr.z …?? LoL They both look healthy

ShiskaBerry looking compact and awesome

Finally putting a Face to Wreckage Master x Bastard Kush.

Next time round these stragglers will be in the ground

Cheers Gang
Ps, shade and cheap black stretchy velvet were used to take the pics this a.m., w/ phone… & I just confirmed I’m going out to the Cornfield this Aft for some starting portraits, as above, Ahead of the Rain… (fingers-crossed)
Fyi @THCeed @Foreigner


Sending you a Big Thanks @smokenhike for the Information. And yes I agree, there is a real difference in appetites / schedules between indoors and out.

I’m trying to slow down my Own urgency of “Needing to Feed”.

So Yes, I’m looking hard at making every Gap a good one. Not clobbering with PPM’s


Thai #1 is going strong. Being transplanted only this week, LST training Begins Next week. The vertical growth from side branches is impressive. Time to open this one up @SativaKid
Right now she’s enjoying a bit of rain

Nodes 3, 4 and 5
Below, is the Pole Dancer and US22

Thai #2 with Nodes 2, 3 and 4


I feel you on that… it’s hard to resist. I’m sending out for more tests because why not. So I’ll resist the urge for now.

Fantastic pictures as always and love your style of training. That Thai #1 is beautiful.

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She’s (Thai Ladies) gonna have that age-old advantage when it comes to her looks vs the rest of the Ladies.

She just a little older lol @FieldEffect

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3 warriors are headed to the Windiest place I know, here in the Peoples Republic of Ontario.

Its a damn wind-tunnel through certain regions of Chatham-Kent…
and these 3 OG’rs are going to Battle:
US22 #2, Wreckage Master Bastard Kush and Haffa Haze #2. They get dug-in this week

And the first real LST on Haffa Haze II
Ready for the outdoors

THAI #1 (below) was given a little LST today.
With a preventative wrap of Tape at the main Topping-Site. And she loved it

THAI #2 has adjusted and is changing. Tent pegs and LST later this week (below)

US22 got the same treatment on 4/6 limbs


Looking like those pretty ladies have a pretty serious bondage fetish :rofl:

Looking fantastic man!

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Thanks @FieldEffect it was just one of those moments… and the finished Fan kind of justifies it. 30 minutes well spent.

Its just training, if it lasts a Week, alls good

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I wonder why you top your Thai’s when they were going outdoors icon_e_confused|nullxnull, they’re looking great anyway, hope mines have stopped stretching :sweat_smile:, no males :roll_eyes:, thanks for sharing… beer3|nullxnull


Good Morning / Evening @George.
Last summer a few crops exceeded the Property owners comfort zones… which can be fun.

This year, having never Topped outdoor plants, they ALL got included. Already wish a few were “fuller”, I’m getting an Eye-full this Summer.

Great to hear from You, your plants look amazing !!!


24 hrs after the LST Session, she looks damn comfy

And some Fresh Rabbit Poo was discovered and added right to the Panama Reds…


Thai #1

Thai #2 had just been sprayed with the Sulphur mixture, for WPM Prevention. 1st of 2 sprays

Frankenstein is establishing himself as a Self Starter

Cali Orange Haze is bursting at the seams

US22 are shown below in both locations

The US22 below has 4 nodes in-place. Hope it explodes here in the wind-tunnel
Wreckage Master x Bastard Kush got a 12-15 gallon hole, just because

Haffa Haze II completes the Trio in the Wind Tunnel

Fighting Bilbo looks to be ready for 15 rounds

BOG LSD is thriving

BlueBerry Diesel picking-up speed

Mr B’s Durban Poison cross is making a full recovery; Hurray: after a few Foliar sprays and some steady conditions


Cali Orange Haze is doing just great