Fighting Buddha gets Cobb’d & 2023 deBauchery

Everything is gonna take right off now brother! It’s on! Where did your Thai beans come from? I keep meaning to ask? It’s the one landrace ish I can’t locate but really would love to throw down as I’ve had something in mind for years! Looks GREAT!


Damn! Happy camper those skyward leaves make me happy inside :heart:

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I know, the leaves on the CaliOrangeHaze are crazy @FieldEffect
I’m Jacked, that @Emeraldgreen is jacked about it too. She just looks Sharp.
I Finally got a peak at where one of the Bloody Monsters is Living, while I was spraying Sulphur on friends buds. Below, Bloody Monstress is in the back Right, brooding over the others @JohnnyPotseed. Then its a Purple Dawn Left and an Orient Express up front

Mysterium which had had a real boost lately, has turned out to be a Male… and we’ll have to try again later. Meantime, its Gonad central

Even the tomato-cage helped… rip

Panama Red bag-seed from 2022 has thrown a perfect 4/4 Ladies at my Friends common-bed. And they are fighting some real Winds and adapting amazingly. Real nice structure, already they look different than Mom did last year…
All 4 ladies look real healthy. Support will be made, but they are developing big stalks already


Dammit :man_facepalming:t2:

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I know, I wanted that Lime experience @TopShelfTrees1
All the Lime Bukkake pressure is on Pole Dancer Now

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Oh I forgot you had a pinch hitter! Sweet!


Tasted Lime once and bought 3 strains… from the Black Lime Bukkake Reserve collection. Black Market Breeders.

I love lime, it’s killer for pain too! I have a few things from them including black garlic which I REALLY want to grow! But I have the BLR from useful as well I’m dying to pop


I was able to slide a plant-in, right where the Mysterium was… Blue God from JOTI

and Uncle Fester #18, surprisingly has a spot along OG row; inground lol. A little tlc is needed now that she’s stabilized. Real tiny, but here Goes!


All of the plants on this ridge have prospered in the last week, we’re gonna let them go till the next soil amendment, and do a little defol then. But these are gonna be sweet. BOG LSD (below) is a rigid plant. Nothing but attitude.
They will all get opened up to some degree with LST, real soon.

BlueBerry Diesel @anonymous4289 !

@misterbee, the Durban Poison cross has erased a small rough spell and is Happily Vegging away. Big changes will be noticeable shortly; Defol / Soil Amendment coming soon

Fighting Buddha x Txerri Bilbo Haze below, is just exploding. Going to be a fun one

Thai #2 is having fun. LST planned this week

Thai #1 gets LST Re-Wired tomorrow. Its gone nuts in the last week

One of @THCeed’s US22 is pushing ahead!!

ps, pole dancer, in the rear lol


Yours have been put aside for a while now. I’ve Closed the door on the Thai & Red-Headed Hippie sharing. Hit my low #’s.
Might have to make some @TopShelfTrees1 … ( come on bag-seed )

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Looks awesome! Your doing a great job


20 gallon bins; LST session + (Inward facing leaf removal)
Before: the Thai plant had been trained b4, 2 weeks ago, there were a couple put on US22 a week ago bcuz of wind.

Pole Dancer below

US22 below

Thai #1

… and after
Pole Dancer


3 of the same Thai

Sorry Ladies, we’ll talk about this in a couple of weeks.


Awesome! Love this ! Gonna start getting real good real soon! Love the LST jobs too , killer :ok_hand:t3:

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I’ll have the RHH pollen for us once he’s ready to go. Depending what happens with the Thai if a worthy male is found I shall do the same , as well as maybe toss em together let them enjoy a little jizzfest! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Now we are talking because that strain is circling back to one of the Parents. Thai was the Female, Red GSC was the Male of Red-Headed H.

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Ba da boom :boom: sounds like fun!

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Out of likes btw. Had em for all of 15 mins today :joy:

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Thai #1, 24 hours after LST


She’s taking off now!

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