Fighting Buddha gets Cobb’d & 2023 deBauchery

Awesome! What is that old Coca Cola fridge used for? Just curious as it’s caught my eye a couple times now.

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Buddy has a few relics kicking around his work areas instead of tables… have to put the Pails, ghetto blaster n beers somewhere…
He’s Belgium, and super organized @TopShelfTrees1

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Awesome! My buddy is a Coca Cola fiend! Literally! His house is almost 100% Coca Cola in and out minus furniture, even his fridge is an old coke machine converted, he has a custom coke pool table, surf boards a snowboard, a bike…. Who knew Coke branded everything. He even has 12 bottles from the cocaine was In Coke days he paid a small fortune for. I was gonna send him out picking lol


Flea Markets, I’m always finding something Coke-related


Another coke guy huh? Nice! Man you gotta see Jeff’s place, it’s surreal walking up to his place, you can’t miss it that’s for sure

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Well its not always good news…

BOG LSD was ripped out of the ground last week and blown 40 yards into a ditch… then when replanted, was pulled again the next day by another big wind storm…

Might be the first trajedy of the season…
Back in the ground… we’ll see how she goes. Nice and easy



Given lots of love she may have a shot. Good luck pal. Sorry to see that

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What? A wind storm literally blew the plant out of the ground?

I mean…I’ve seen limbs break off but I can’t wrap my head around the entire plant blowing out. Twice. It’s not even the wind tunnel location.

That dirt looks beatiful. Hopefully the roots get their hustle on and anchor her better. She looks pretty good for what she’s been through. Good luck buddy. :pray: :crossed_fingers:

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Re-planted in Worm Castings, Root boost, B-Vital and Promix and a shovel full of Sand… for drainage.

The story on the wind goes something like this. The 100km winds, paused and suddenly changed direction. It took trees out with 30’ root-balls right across the North (lake) end of the City, golf courses and such had their Evergreen trees simply Pushed over without tap-roots to hold them down…


You should put some of your training day cable zip-tie bamboo systems in place to anchor her.

Was that the only plant that got seriously injured? We get pretty wild winds out here too, but there aren’t many trees to rip out of the ground. Nuts. This summer has been bizarre weather all over it seems.

Best wishes, LSD. Feel better soon, seems like Missin gave you the plant equivilent of chicken soup.

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There was only 1 other plant injured. Lost a couple of branches… thats a norm.

I totally agree, the plants that had LST training in-place, all weathered the storms beautifully. Even if its only 6 main branches, its going to be a staple of Prevention going forward

Soup for Soul @FieldEffect

Here below is a single image just showing the Morning winds yesterday

40c humidex warning and these Hot Winds… go figure. Check out the Breeze on the Panama Reds below

And of course, we got the soil amended in this Wind lol just b4 the rain. Kind of a Comedy, still just rolling with the punches

Less than 3 weeks till flip!!


Wild. Thanks for reminding me I need to go tie up the Panalawi. It’s been so vigorous I haven’t put as much effort into tieing it to the cage.

I suffered some big limb damage last year to my Dragon’s Hashplant due to the wind and my lack of staking. Hopefully I can avoid that sort of issue this year.

40C huh? Nuts. That’s the temperature down here.

3 weeks is flower start? Seems long to me, most of my stuff seems bred up north, and is already flowering down here. You’ve got the reverse situation. I’ll be keeping an eye :grinning:


“Quick-check” on the Carts is always fun
THAI #1 is throwing some buds together. “With our natural outdoor flip, still a couple of weeks away… and the buds are taking shape (see below) when do you declare “in-Flower”?

Not extending or retracting any strings. She is just cruising along. Bat Poo included in latest amendment which featured 50/50 veg / bloom nutes… and the last Root Boost.

US 22 is exploding with a solid structure underneath her

Pole Dancer is freaking out nicely below

Blue God putting some effort into it

Fighting - Bilbo just blends right-in, but she needed the Nutes… special Tea coming on Monday !

Blueberry Diesel

Panama Reds took a Beating in the winds again Two days ago…
There are 4 plants in this pic almost blown over and out… crazy winds

And the panama red, that I gifted to an old friend, is absolutely thriving, as it climbs her house

Durban Poison is looking for Nutes as well. Soils been amended since, and rained-on. Did you say Tea on Monday?


I visited 3 remote plants yesterday: Haffa Haze, US22 #2 and Wreckage Master x Bastard Kush.
Cleaned the plants of Foliage and trimmed btm third. The Soil was Amended, fed a Worm Casting Tea, and then Top-Dressed with Castings and Promix and Sand.

before and after below. haffa haze left us22 mid and WMBK on the right

Haffa Haze

US 22



Hey did that UFS make it out alive ?


Oh Yeah, this is a couple of weeks ago.
Still, the poor little bald lass was rushed a bit in the beginning ie germinating and hardening at the same time lol

I’m taking 10 gallons of Worm Tea with a P there tomorrow @TopShelfTrees1, for Her and her room-mates


Yes she was started much later, still have hope though, maybe she’ll blow us away :man_shrugging:t2: doubtful but stranger things have happened right? Got my :crossed_fingers:t3:


Looking great overall.

How’s LSD faring? Hopefully some improvement, but the outlook didn’t seem great.

I’m curious how the Panama is recovering from being sideways. Your friend’s is living the dream there :grinning:

Have a good day!

I’d love to know this as well.

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I’m taking 10 gallons of tea today out to the OG row, and the Panama are one of the main concerns.

LSD did Not make it, which is a real shame, that plant was a beauty. Its going to happen again !

In the wind tunnel, I have put a teepee kind of support in place, and this style of obstructive support, could really help the Panama

Morning @FieldEffect, hope you have a Cool day :sunglasses:

Haffa Haze below [g13 x panama malawi]


The Tub-grow is pushing ahead at full-speed. Two weeks ago the Thai was the Largest plant. Right now both the Pole Dancer and US22 have Jumped way past the Thai in Size.

The THAI (below) is loading the Bud-sites and preparing some spears

US 22 (below)

Pole Dancer