Fighting Buddha gets Cobb’d & 2023 deBauchery

I’m really looking forward to the Pole Dancer, you can just tell it’s gonna be mean! Very nice


She is a Gem @TopShelfTrees1 and is bouncing along.


Let me bounce a Mold-Find off of of you TopShelfTrees1, and @George.

This year I applied the Sulphur pellet spray during Veg, to help ward off the White Powdery Mildew… and with 30+ plants involved, its a huge success.

HOWEVER, on Monday a single spot of WPM was found on US22, and while re-spraying the plants with the Sulphur solution Yesterday, I CAME UPON THIS PINK & WHITE MOLD patch on the Main hub of the Thai plant…

This Toonie-sized patch, washed-off easily with the Water/Sulphur sprayer.

Can You identify what this patch is/was? Thanks in advance Guys. (I’ve ruled out Bird Shit… because the canopy was pretty solid)


Could be sclerotinia (white mold), good catch … Arriba|nullxnull



Sclerotinia it is… I’m off looking at solutions ie: answers

Thank You once again @George, hugely appreciated


Sunshine DayDream f2 bx1 below and below left

Frankenstein / SSDD ying yang lol


Dr. CBD from Seedaman

THAI #1 is Reaching big time (below)

THAI #2 is Dug-in and building spears. (below)

Finally Fed Blue God under the cage rings. Perfect timing

Panama Reds below

BlueBerry Diesel got the taste of a saturated field several times in the past 10 days. And its showing.

Durban Poison got hit the hardest, as she is spinning buds.


Gorgeous! Impressive spread and the wind-warped Panamanians have bounced right back!

Amazing scale, variety and overall health considering the wild weather :+1::+1:

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I’ve never seen a Soggy field bring any plants down along this stretch. Touchy Durban… ?

But for the plant to shed Big Fans and turn the rest yellow while early budding, looks like a survival Move for both Durban and Fighting Bilbo. Message was passed along to pluck the yellow and damaged, and Bloom nutes at 50% happens tomorrow. Pics for sure @FieldEffect: good or bad :smiley:

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I wonder if they actually want some more nitrogen. I’d give them some fish fertilizer, but that’s just my gut reaction

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Worm Tea and Worm Castings in the Amendments were the recent N efforts…

I’ll approach a Boost @FieldEffect



Worm castings are great but I see a lot more “punch” from the liquid fish. Even the casting tea (at the ratios I run anyway) is pretty low in concentration comparatively.

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All plants on the OG row got their Soils amended today. bloom nutes it is for the soil amendments.

And Bloom Microbe Tea, Molasses Castings, Kelp and Silica was 5 gallons was fed to the three plants in flower; Fighting Bilbo, Durban Poison and Thai.

One of the plants is showing a really strange leaf discolouration.
Blue God from Joti has a Hard line between Green and Yellow. Upper buds and mid area of plant are affected.
Pics below


Looks like an Iron deficiency but too pronunciated icon_e_surprised|nullxnull, maybe your soil is alkaline? 11


All caught up! Looking great. Sounds like the weather is causing you some issues also :disappointed:
I’m battling septoria from all the rain washing out my nitrogen. Get it under control and it rains for days😭


Beat me to it George! Just studying the chart and see symptoms of Zn or Fe

Caveat Missin, I’m just trying to learn along the way so I can better identify stuff. I don’t actually KNOW


I had too much on the go today to really identify things.
Fish Hydrolysate is in the next available feedings.
Bang-on @FieldEffect there have been a few strange events this summer.

Onward with Learnings at every turn

And you can be sure @George that I’ll check the soil’s pH status. Thanks for that starting point.

It has been fed the same ratios as the 9 other plants on-site. Last meal had mineralized phosphate in it as.a P boost.

I have been adding basalt rock dust as per surface amending instr. 10-15ml / Gal every 3 weeks


Soil pH’s at OG row (and other locations) have all been between 7.0 and 6.0. Including the plants hit by too much water (fighting Bilbo / Durban Poison)

This Yellow Leaf-assault on the Blue God and ThunderFuck has not been pointed in an obvious direction of correction from the Soil pH results (btm scale on device) yes its only a ballpark. But it does indicate change acid/alkaline…

Blue God here below and an impacted Cola

@JohnnyPotseed your “TOPPED”Frankenstein has had one branch hit 8’ already the Vertical Bamboo posts, have Colas Affixed to them, in the upper middle region… for “support” and “positioning” of key branches, inside the Box

ps… 6-foot fence
Sunshine Daydream

US22 below

Pole Dancer

THAI#1 below

THAI #2 below

Fighting-Bilbo blends right-in

Cali Orange Haze

a Pen of Panama Red

Dr CBD please


So you say it’s not related? icon_e_confused|nullxnull


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Not unrelated. The pH as I read it @George was 7.1. And that is a little Hot…

Tomorrow’s tea is brewing, Fish Hydrolysate to be added as well. And pH is targeted at 6.2…

There is action planned G, but I did not See such a large Leaf discolouration stemming from a 7.1 soil… when the rest are just fine.

No excuse, it is the only indicator to work from right now. Thanks George

As a detail, the Thai #2 plant, with the 7+ soil pH… is Not impacted by the Yellowing of the bud sites of the other plants. Its appearance is normal and healthy.
pH plus and minus and my pH pen are all making the trip this aft as well ! With the teas.


Quick update from the Wind Tunnel below: Haffa Haze left, US 22 #2 middle and Wreckage Master Bastard Kush on the right

Thai #1 below

Pole Dancer

US 22 #1 below

A couple shots of the Camouflage-pheno showing how well its represented in the Fighting - Bilbo. It too has a few yellowing leaves, and I’m hoping the Fish Hydrolysate will punch that back to green. And its soil is has a perfect pH

Blue God (is suffering from this 50/50 green/yellow issue. It also has a mid-range, solid pH

Enough puzzling, I’m Off to drop the pH of the soil at Thai#2 and to balance the pH for the rest of the OG substrates. Just to be sure.


I hear different opinions about those soil pH testers, not all of them good icon_e_confused|nullxnull, this is an easy way to find out … beer3|nullxnull