Fighting Buddha gets Cobb’d & 2023 deBauchery

Long-term storage is one of the traditional goals. i’m Doubtful thc etc values will change, but there will be flavour and fragrance, possibly effect, whats a good word… evolution



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@Andrexl, we’ll both become curious bastards. how can that hurt

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I see,a man of culture Indeed

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After 36 hours of Sous-Vid at 40c, there was no-visible moisture or liquid at the ends of the Cobbs or along any seams.

Great News as that means the next step is right into a prolonged Low-Heat stage exposure.

For 1-2 weeks, this globe of Cobb, Towels and a Germination Mat @ ~ 80F, will be slowly brewing in the dark corners under my desk, wrapped in Another towel…
See you in a couple weeks


After 2 weeks, the prepared Cobb’s have had a Long Slow heat applied to them, in the form of a Germination Mat amongst a bundle of Towels.

I’m really happy to state that there was some activity in 3 of the 5 Cobbs.

The Roof95 had the biggest event happen. That involved visible patches along the Cobb, where you could see that the Parchment Paper had been wet or appeared darker than the surrounding area. And that the empty areas within the Vacuum pak, had a Discolouration to it, almost like a Nicotene stain was Inside the bag… this was my sign that this packge had indeed been impacted by the Sous-Vid and did produce some moisture from within the buds.

When I had opened the vacuum sealed Roof 95, there was no (zero) moisture present, the buds were Dry, so I weighed and resealed the Cobb for the long-haul.

Two other Strains, showed Damp and maleable areas at each End of the Cobb; CloudWalker and Panama Red were the affected strains. CloudWalker spent the evening open to the fresh air and successfully Dried the obvious dampness. Both strains were reweighed and Sealed as well.

FYI Each bundle that was opened, was weighed. Each Cobb has lost 5-6 grams in the last two weeks while vacuum sealed


Lets talk about the Canaries for a second. These little buds were the Signals of failure, should any Mold or Decay take place within the package. Kind of like the Flag of Defeat. None of the Canaries showed any Fuzz or mold which was great, but you could see that they did sweat to some degree, leaving a tiny Sheen on the film…
At this point they are no linger needed and have become very Flammable lol
These buds, which have become dry and brittle, seem more like a loose hashish now… the smell has been jacked-up two or three times more than it smelled previously.
I’m not sure which of the Canaries I crumbled, but it was a Super joint, and had a definite kick to it


I wonder if the terps are being “pushed” deeper into the plant material in the sous vide sealed like that?.. very cool man!

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Thanks for checking it out. I’m looking forward to hearing some of the ideas and questions as well, that will come from this. My first attempt at this technique @breadwinner. Wrapping them closer to the plants being taken off of the drying rack, would be the ideal Timing, the next time around. I carried this out 4-5 weeks after that timeline.

Super Happy to have-had a bit of a Reaction from the process that was applied. Gave me Something to chew-on, literally lol


There will be a couple people that can address that for us. Great question?

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I reckon heat changes the terps somewhat, and I can imagine trichomes melting with the solvent assist from warm terps. All locked in and redistributing the “juices” throughout the flower, like resting a brisket.

I think what’s going on is probably far more complicated, of course, especially in the lengthy aging step, but just a thought I had about the initial sweat.

Can you see full trichomes after cobbing, or just stalks/empty heads?


That is a Great question, again.
Lets let it sit a Week and I’ll open the Roof 95 for a 65mm Macro, follow-up. I know there are many pin-points of light that can be seen. I’ll have a good look at the Trichome status

here shortly


I’ve gotta say; you make it sound like a deliscous event! Bring it on @breadwinner

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Ayyy, I’m just describing what I see, in terms of what I know. This seems like the opposite of water curing and infinitely more complicated in regards to what’s actually happening. Like making kimchi or bread or cheese or salt cured fish… Seems like a whole universe soup happening in the little packages.



alright, its been a month since the Cobb’s were inspected, and the news is great.
The Roof 95 and to a lesser degree, the Fighting Buddha appeared to have been the only strain(s) that actually “sweated” during the Sous-Vid and 2-week slow-cook.

I just opened the Fighting Buddha (go figure, I posted a shot of the Nugs on What r u smoking 2day) and was amazed at the sight using my 65mm macro.

The Trichomes have all experienced a serious colour change. Physically the Cobb is damn firm, but can be snapped into chunks easily enough. She is wrapped back up. bring on 2023.

I have promised @ShiskaberrySavior a sample of Cobbed bud. First Canadian to say COBB THAT BUD, gets the other half of what gets sent…

Enjoy the pictures, I’m still trying to figure out what’s going on…

Fresh Bud with a 10 week cure


I’m cobbing some bud right now myself. Still at the early initial ferment stage! You gotta post a smoke report when you get around to it!


I will. Critically, I missed the best moisture zone ie right after its finished hanging, and am stoked there is / was a response at all
Great to hear your getting it Done.
Its a Great way to incorporate / accelerate, Larf…
ps, those are 2 pictures taken with day-light reflected back-in. No flash. Mother Nature

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okay COB THAT BUD ! :slight_smile:


Absolutely a first @royal. Please send me a note Bud.

And Thanks


thanks - I find cob generally makes good stuff, even better !

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