Finishing touches for this year's menu

Hawkeye and deep chunk ftw

Yeah it’s been used and abused, for sure.
I won’t be doing any hybrids per say.
Just crossing v1 to v2 and vice versa and keeping both straight.
I think monkey420 made 10 crosses with just his male.

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Darn and I was just about to say you can find some pure fire starting materials if you get a great male from the BKs. But also like @OleReynard that like doing what’s been done a million times. But I am 100 down for you recreating your version of the strain you love. I mean not for sale but preservation. Because who know maybe one day you may be the only person with the closest know relatives to really save a strain. For example the Original RKS someone still has to this day and is to paranoid go even breath that they still have it. Maybe due to want it to stay pure or still in fear period. All in all I say start with finding greatness in that BK. it’s a good investment

What’s to fear…?

In the us not all states are legal and on a federal level its not legal Is one side of the argument. And on the other side some believe United states government is creating GMO cannabis strains before they make it legal federally. We already know we are in be with gmo food. if that is so there is many would want to preserve their heirlooms secretly.

Also to add in a scare if they do create GMO strains they could release gmo pollen to kill off or interbreed with your genetics. it is supposed to render you plant sterile after an (x) amount of generations thus making you have to buy more of the strain they created. I back this claim up from people losing genetics due to a hempfield setting up or moving in close by.


All jokes aside, what kind of ideas you looking for?

I’ve been working to get a deeper understanding of the genetics I run than I have in the past.
Where did it come from?
What conditions has it acclimated to?
Who are the people who bred it?
What was their goal?
What purpose does it serve?
I need a project that I can go all in on. Partially as an excuse to get away from the hype strains, but also cuz as my kid gets older I see her less and less, and life’s getting a bit lackluster.

Yeah, keeping it pure is the way to go imo. Minimilist.

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Not really looking for ideas Diggy.

I have some really rare genetics that I’ve been working on the side.
First goal is presevation, then after that on the same run I’ll pull back the creme of the creme.
And run again if so worthy.
It’s tough finding what you don’t know what you’re looking for.
Trying to discover that AHA moment.
It keeps me busy