Firehead’s Autoflower projects

So I just went out and gave it a rub (I suck at this)…it smells like…weed. :grin:

It’s definitely sweet.


Well, my little poison rose cookie devil x alien v triangle plants had to come down a little early.

We’ve had tons of rain this summer and I was starting to lose buds to rot. I was trying to stay ahead of it, but last night it rained hard for hours, and we’ve got more rain for the next 3 days. :roll_eyes:

Some of the trichs were starting to amber, so it’s not super early… but I wanted to give them another 7-10 days

So, they got chopped and given a peroxide water dunk bath, and then a quick trim to help them dry quicker.

These are skunky plants! And the buds have a very a sour, funky, dank smell. Almost like mothballs


Same here…I cut down your MSLRUV and a couple other autos cause botrytis was setting in.

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Update on the PRCDxAvT autos I harvested recently.

I tried a new way of drying them. I don’t think it was a good way to go. The plants have been curing in the jars a few weeks, but still smell like failure (hay smell)

There is a little bit of fruity/kushy smell when you grind it. But I expected a lot more from these plants. I’m hoping it’s just because of bad drying/curing (but if someone else grows these out, let me know how yours are)

But, the good news is… it hits REAL hard, like Alien v Triangle does. Same type of heavy/stoney kush high.


It’s been about a year since I’ve done anything with autos…
but, yesterday I dropped 20 Spotted Lime auto seeds into the pool.

I’ve said it before. This is one auto that punches way above it’s weight class. I’ve grown it a few times, and almost every time it is amazing. I feel it is on-par, or better than most offerings by Mephisto.

Plan is to do a seed run with a BUNCH of plants, being more picky about male selections, and keep this variety going strong. :crossed_fingers:


Sounds like a killer strain!